The Rojava Report

News from the Revolution in Rojava and Wider Kurdistan


The Rojava Report is a site whose goal it is to disseminate news and information in English on the ongoing revolution in Rojava, and developments in Kurdistan more generally. It was founded in August 2013. For those interested in the circumstances surrounding the beginning of the site please see our interview with ANF English.


15 comments on “About

  1. Jenny Cecilia
    October 5, 2013

    you got my attention:)

  2. Gökhan
    December 5, 2013

    Wake up Mankind!
    Rojava Revolution is not an utopia anymore, it has become a reality against capitalist modernism..

  3. Zagros Hiwa
    December 8, 2013

    I wish success for your efforts.

  4. Emer Pîremêrd
    June 7, 2014

    I wish success for your valuable efforts and idea with preparing such a news blog

  5. Helmut Schnug
    November 16, 2014

    Greetings from Germany. My Online-Magazine shows a lot of articles supporting Kurdish people. I demand freedom for Abdullah Öcalan! Our German Government prohibits by law to support the PKK, however I ask our leaders not to name the PKK terrorists or criminals anymore. Dire Kobani! I admire your democracy progress and hope it will succeed. Save Rojava! Please allow me to use some pics republished on my non-commercial page. Thx H.S.

  6. Matt Convey
    November 17, 2014

    Excellent article! Very inspiring! Shared on this FB page:

  7. Bruce M. Baudean
    February 16, 2015

    I’m a building professional who wants volunteer to help rebuild kobane and other areas destroyed by ISIS. Does anyone have a contact? Just a humanitarian with skills and passion, no religious affiliation.

    • Ajarn Don P
      December 11, 2015

      I recently saw a video about this. Turkey is preventing the import to Kobane of building materials. Like you, I had thought of going to help. Can we design homes using old concrete, sand and earth? Can we make wood from fibrous plants? Can we make nails out of military ordinance?

    • Richard Demoody
      February 18, 2016

      Yes I have contact information. What skills do you have? Private message me on Facebook USA.

  8. Barbara
    April 29, 2015

    This is my Lieblingsblog (my more than favorite, my beloved blog). I rely on your blog in reference to Rojava.
    The Project of a Democratic Syria by TEV DEM. It is an important paper, as far as I see; maybe you can reblog it.

  9. Jeff Jones
    May 3, 2015

    In the period of the Spanish revolution Bert Brecht was speaking with someone about the chances of the revolution. His partner in conversation said ” it is a pity the Spanish do not have a good leader” to which Bert replied “It is a pity they need a leader”. The point being that until the time arrives when we no longer need the services of leaders democracy will never be functional.
    Rojava is a model of functional democracy where leadership no longer plays such a leading role and therefore Rojava stands out as a real true democracy.

  10. Jonas Aleknavicius
    August 10, 2015

    Greetings from Lithuania.
    I wish success for Rojava!

  11. Jeanette
    October 3, 2015

    From the Netherlands( Europe): You totally earned the right to a country! God bless you and send my regards to the female fighters who are 100% amazing.

  12. Ajarn Don P
    December 11, 2015

    Could you describe and review Özgür Gündem in a new post? I would like to understand more and share in Thailand. Thank you.

  13. Konst & Politik
    January 11, 2016

    Good luck to the heroic revolution in Rojava – we support You with all our hearts. Death to Daesh!

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