The Rojava Report

News from the Revolution in Rojava and Wider Kurdistan

Manbij Military Council: We Are About To Enter Manbij



(ANHA/Özgür Gündem) The ‘Martyr Commander Faysal Ebu Leyla’ operation to liberate Manbij from ISIS control has entered its second phase, the Manbij Military Council (MMC) has announced in a written statement, as its forces prepare to enter the city center.

The first phase of the operation, directed at capturing the major roads into the area and encircling the city, is now complete. The MMC’s statement stressed the many successes of the operation thus far, and stressed that it was conducted with full respect for and compliance with international laws and norms. Preparations to liberate the city center were now underway, with great attention being paid to the safety and security of local civilian populations.

ISIS Gangs Using Civilians as Human Shields

The statement noted that the MMC had received verified reports that ISIS was taking hostages from among the remaining civilian population in an attempt to use them as human shields. The MMC noted that it making every effort to ensure the safety of these civilians, while also calling on those civilians remaining in the city to remain as far from the conflict zone as possible.

We Will Liberate Manbij

The statement also promised to carry on with the operation until the city was completely liberated from ISIS, reading “we promise to continue the Martyr Commander Faysal Ebu Leyla operation until we have completely freed Manbij.”


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