The Rojava Report

News from the Revolution in Rojava and Wider Kurdistan

QSD: Claims by Certain Turkish and Arab Media Outlets Racist and Untrue


(DIHA/ANF) — As the Syrian Democratic Forces’ (QSD) operation to liberate the North of Raqqa from DAISH enter its 6th day, Commander Ebu Feyad decried as false claims appearing in certain Turkish and Arab media outlets close to the Turkish government and the Syrian National Coalition that the QSD was advancing on Raqqa out of its own interests and that suffered 300 casualties on the first day. Ebu Feyad went on to add that “the QSD does not approach people on an ethnic basis. These reports are entirely false, and part of a racist approach and attitude.”

Rather, Ebu Feyad claims, the QSD’s decision to undertake the operation derived from Raqqa’s important strategic position on one of the major road networks connecting the large cities in the West of Syria to Mosul and Baghdad. He underlined that it was launched with widespread support from the local population, many of whom live as refugees in QSD controlled zones.

So far, Ebu Feyad announces, the operations have been successful. QSD forces have pushed ISIS from the strategic villages of Qirtaca, Fatsa, Hedriyat Xelîl, Nemrûdiyê, Hîşê, Indibên, Mitemesric and taken a 5 km wide and 10 km deep swath of territory controlling two of the major routes into the north of the city. Many ISIS militants have been killed and wounded thus far in the fighting.

‘We Will Build A Democratic Syria’

Ebu Feyad stressed that the QSD represented all the ethnic and faith communities of Syria and that it would continue to strike at ISIS wherever it was found in the country. He said that the objective of the QSD was to build a democratic Syria for all.

‘We will go anywhere ISIS is’

Commander Rojda Felat, also with the QSD, said they were pushing forward with their operation in order to liberate all the peoples of the region from under DAISH oppression. She emphasized that “Speaking for women, we as the QSD forces will go anywhere that those gangs [DAESH]. Those gangs which are destroying society and an enemy of humanity. Ebu Evdilah, a commander with the Brigade of Men of North Raqqa, also said that they would advance against any region held by DAESH and would continue in their struggle.


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