The Rojava Report

News from the Revolution in Rojava and Wider Kurdistan

Right of Conscientious Objection Recognized In Rojava


In Rojava, where a many years-long struggle is being waged against ISIS, the government of the Cizre canton has recognized the right of conscientious objection – reports an article from IMC.

According to Welat News, a new decision passed by the Cizire Canton General Executive Assembly has recognized the right to conscientious objection.

Last year a Monthly Mandatory Military Service Law went into effect which conscripted people between the ages of 21-30 for short periods.

However the Cizire canton has removed this provision and recognized the right of people to  conscientious objection.


One comment on “Right of Conscientious Objection Recognized In Rojava

  1. Ajarn Don P
    April 21, 2016

    It may seem hard to defend, but providing the freedom to CO in the long run will make it a community worth defending. Thanks Cizere citizens.

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