The Rojava Report

News from the Revolution in Rojava and Wider Kurdistan

Monthly Archives: April, 2014

RAJİN-Rojava Founded At Meeting Of Women Journalists In Qamişlo

(ANF/Qamişlo) Members of the Communications Union of the Women Of Kurdistan (RAJİN) have met for the first time in Qamişlo in the Cizîre Canton of Rojava. The meeting was organized … Continue reading

April 30, 2014 · Leave a comment

Protests Against Rojava Border Trenches Spread Through North Kurdistan

Protests against the border walls around Rojava which are being built by KDP and AKP are spreading through North Kurdistan, according a new article compiled by DİHA and carried in … Continue reading

April 29, 2014 · 1 Comment

BDP MPs Officially Join HDP, Promise New Beginning

BDP MPs officially joined the HDP at a brief ceremony in Ankara yesterday, says an article in today’s Özgür Gündem. The ceremony was attended by HDP co-Presidents Sebahat Tuncel and … Continue reading

April 28, 2014 · Leave a comment

Kurdish Language Education Gains Ground In Rojava

(ANF) SEYİT EVRAN – EFRIN: One of efforts which both has emerged with the revolution and which itself can be characterized as a revolution within the revolution is the work … Continue reading

April 27, 2014 · Leave a comment

BDP To Become Democratic Regions Party (DBP)

According to an article in today’s Özgür Gündem, the BDP will change its name to the Democratic Regions Party (DBP) this summer as part of an attempt to a renew … Continue reading

April 26, 2014 · Leave a comment

YPG Announce Preparations For New Operations In Response To Attacks

(ANF/QAMIŞLO) The People’s Defense Units (YPG) have announced preperations for new operations against the Islamıc State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) following a series of attacks yesterday around the Cizîre … Continue reading

April 25, 2014 · Leave a comment

11 Dead In Bombing Attacks In Serêkaniyê

(ANF) Eleven people have been killed and a further eleven injured in twin suicide bombings in Serêkaniyê in the Cizîrê Canton of Rojava, according to the YPG Press Center. The … Continue reading

April 24, 2014 · 2 Comments

Armenian Genocide Remembered In Diyarbakir On 99th Anniversary

Civil-society organizations and local community leaders have gathered in Diyarbakir to remember the victims of the Armenian Genocide and to condemn the atrocities, according article in today’s Özgür Gündem. April … Continue reading

April 24, 2014 · Leave a comment

Mihemed: UN To Begin Work In Rojava

  (ANF/EFRIN) A new report compiled by Bahoz Deniz for ANF says that the UN will begin operations in Rojava. Deniz spoke with Sinem Mihemed, the co-President of the Rojava … Continue reading

April 23, 2014 · 1 Comment

Child Labor Rate On The Increase In Turkey

(ANF/ISTANBUL) According to a new report compiled by the Research Institute of the Confederation of Revolutionary Workers’ Unions (DİSK-AR), there are currently 8 million 397 thousand children in the workforce … Continue reading

April 22, 2014 · Leave a comment

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