21 Feb

Army Abducts A Palestinian And His Sister Near Bethlehem

Several Israeli military vehicles invaded, Tuesday, the al-Khader town, south of West Bank city of Bethlehem, searched homes and abducted a Palestinian and his sister, in addition to summing their sister, and two former political prisoners, for interrogation. The soldiers invaded, and violently searched several homes throughout the town, and […]

21 Feb

PCHR: “Military Courts Issue 7 Death Sentences in Gaza in One Day”

The Palestinian Center For Human Rights (PCHR) – Press Release: On Sunday, 20 February 2017, the Gaza Military Courts issued 7 death sentences against Palestinian civilians convicted of collaboration with Israel. Three of those sentences were new ones while two sentences were issued by the Military Appeal Court upholding previous […]

21 Feb

Israeli Navy Abducts Five Fishers From The Same Family In Gaza

Israeli navy ships attacked, on Tuesday morning, several Palestinian fishing boats, and opened fire on them, before abducting five fishers from the same family, and confiscated one of their boats. The navy attacked the fishing boats less than four nautical miles from the shore near Gaza city, chased them while […]

21 Feb

Including Three Siblings, Israeli Soldiers Abduct Five Palestinians In Jerusalem

Israeli soldiers invaded, on Tuesday at dawn, the town of al-‘Eesawiyya, in occupied Jerusalem, violently searched and ransacked homes, and abducted five Palestinians, including three siblings. The soldiers conducted several invasions into the town, overnight and during dawn hours, Tuesday, and clashed with dozens of youngsters, who hurled stones and […]

Ghost Hunting film
21 Feb

Film about Israeli imprisonment of Palestinians wins top award in Berlin

A film depicting the torture, humiliation and violence experienced by Palestinians imprisoned by Israel won the first ever “Silver Bear” award at the Berlinale international film festival. The film, “Istiyad Ashbah” (Ghost Hunting), was produced by Palestinian filmmaker Raed Andoni. It was one of 18 finalists competing for the top […]

Palestine Today - audio
21 Feb

Palestine Today 02 20 2017

Download / Listen Here Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, www.imemc.org, for Monday, February, 20, 2017. Israeli troops destroy a UN funded water pipeline, meanwhile in Gaza Israeli navy attack fishermen. These stories, and more, coming up, stay tuned. Israeli military bulldozers destroyed, […]

20 Feb

Israeli Soldiers Destroy An Internationally-Funded Drinking Water Pipeline

Israeli military bulldozers destroyed, Monday, a drinking water pipeline that was funded by The United Nations International Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in the Central Plains of the occupied West Bank. Mo’taz Bisharat, a Palestinian official in charge of Israeli colonies’ file at the Palestinian Authority in central West Bank, said many […]

20 Feb

Israeli Soldiers abduct 22 Palestinians In The West Bank

Israeli soldiers have abducted, overnight and at dawn Monday, at least twenty-two Palestinians, from various areas, in the occupied West Bank, and violently searched dozens of homes, the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) has reported. The Hebron office of the PPS, in the southern part of the West Bank, said the […]

20 Feb

Israeli Soldiers Invade Homes In Hebron

Dozens of soldiers invaded, on Monday at dawn, several neighborhoods in the southern West Bank city of Hebron, and nearby towns, searched homes and installed roadblocks. The soldiers invaded several neighborhoods in Hebron city, before breaking into and searching homes, and interrogated many Palestinians while inspecting their ID cards. The […]

20 Feb

Army Abducts Two Palestinians Near Nablus

Israeli soldiers invaded, on Monday at dawn, the village of Tal, south of the northern West Bank city of Nablus, searched homes and abducted two young Palestinian men. The Nablus office of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) said several military vehicles invaded Tal village, before the soldiers broke into and […]

20 Feb

Israeli Soldiers Abduct Four Palestinians In Beit Fajjar

Israeli soldiers abducted, on Sunday at dawn, four young Palestinian men from Beit Fajjar town, south of the West Bank city of Bethlehem, and breaking into their homes and searching them. Local sources said the soldiers searched the homes of the abducted Palestinians for more than three hours, and interrogated […]

20 Feb

Israeli Soldiers Abduct Two Women In Jerusalem

Israeli soldiers invaded, Sunday, Ras al-‘Amoud neighborhood in Silwan town, in occupied East Jerusalem, installed roadblocks and abducted two Palestinian women. The Wadi Hilweh Information Center in Silwan (Silwanic) has reported that Israeli soldiers installed a roadblock in Ras al-‘Amoud, stopped before searching many Palestinians, and cars, and interrogated many […]

18 Feb

Israeli Soldiers Abduct Five Palestinians In Hebron

Israeli soldiers abducted, Saturday, five Palestinians from several parts of the southern West Bank district of Hebron, including two who were taken prisoners at a military roadblock, south of the city. The soldiers also summoned for interrogation the father of a young man and a teenage girl, who were killed […]

18 Feb

Bil’in Marks Twelve Years Of Ongoing Struggle Against the Israeli Annexation Wall, Colonies

Scores of Palestinian, Israel and international peace activists marched, Friday, in Bil’in village, west of the central West Bank city of Ramallah, marking twelve years of ongoing nonviolent struggle, steadfastness and determination. Photojournalist Haithem Khatib, from Bil’in, said a young man suffered a fracture in his leg, after the soldiers […]

18 Feb

Many Injured After Israeli Soldiers Attack Weekly Nonviolent Procession In Ni’lin

Palestinian medics sources have reported, Friday, that many protesters, including three Israeli activists, suffered the severe effects of teargas inhalation, after Israeli soldiers attacked the weekly nonviolent procession in Ni’lin village, west of Ramallah, in the occupied West Bank. The procession started on Friday afternoon, after the nonviolent protesters gathered […]

18 Feb

Israeli Soldiers Attack The Weekly Procession In Kufur Qaddoum

Israeli soldiers invaded, Friday, the town of Kufur Qaddoum, in the northern West Bank district of Qalqilia, and attacked the weekly protest against the Annexation Wall and colonies, leading to clashes. Murad Eshteiwy, the coordinator of the Popular Committee in Kufur Qaddoum, said several armored Israeli military vehicles invaded the […]

Palestine Today - audio
18 Feb

This Week in Palestine Week 07 2017

Download / Listen Here Welcome to this Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, www.imemc.org, for February 11, to the 17, 2017. This week Israeli PM Netanyahu makes his first visit to the US after Trump election, meanwhile three Palestinians are reported killed this week […]

17 Feb

Scores Join the Freedom March

More than 200 Palestinian and Israeli activists marched on Friday in the freedom march titled “Together Against Land Theft” which was organized by Combatants for Peace and Standing Together collation near the southern West Bank town of Beit Jala. The protest started from a roadblock the army erected at the […]

17 Feb

Israeli Soldiers Abduct A Palestinian Near Jenin

Israeli soldiers abducted, Friday, a young Palestinian man in Barta’a town, completely isolated behinds the Annexation Wall, southwest of Jenin, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank. The soldiers invaded the town, and broke into homes, especially in the al-Hammala area, before abducting a young man, identified as […]

17 Feb

PCHR Weekly Report: One civilian dead, 4 wounded by Israeli forces this week

In its Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territories for the week of 09 – 15 February 2017, the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) found that one Palestinian died from previously inflicted wounds, 4 Palestinians were wounded, and 51, including 4 children, were abducted […]

17 Feb

Israel Confiscates Palestinian Land In Silwan

The Jerusalem City Council has decided to take over and confiscate a privately-owned Palestinian land in the al-Ein Street in Silwan town, in occupied East Jerusalem, to turn it into a “public usage property.” The Wadi Hilweh Information Center in Silwan (Silwanic) has reported that the soldiers and City Council […]

17 Feb

Israel Soldiers Abduct A Palestinian At The Erez Terminal

Israeli soldiers abducted, earlier Friday, a young Palestinian man at the Erez (Beit Hanoun) border crossing, in the northern part of the besieged Gaza Strip. Media sources in Gaza said the soldiers abducted Majdi Abu Taha, from Rafah, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, while he was trying […]

17 Feb

Erekat: “Only Alternative to Israeli Apartheid is a Secular One-State Solution”

nsnbc: Following a meeting with the Speaker of Britain’s House of Commons, John Bercow, PLO Chief Negotiator Saeb Erekat noted that the PLO consistently stated that the PLO consistently supported a two-State solution, but that the only alternative to a de-facto Israeli Apartheid State is a secular one-State solution. Erekat […]

17 Feb

Israeli Soldiers Abduct A Young Palestinian Woman In Silwan

Israeli soldiers abducted, on Thursday night after midnight, a young Palestinian woman, the sister of a young man was killed by the Israeli army last year, and took her to an interrogation center in Jerusalem. The Wadi Hilweh Information Center in Silwan (Silwanic), has reported that the soldiers invaded the […]

17 Feb

Israeli Soldiers Invade Hizma In Jerusalem

Israeli soldiers invaded, on Friday at dawn, Hizma town, east of occupied East Jerusalem, and fired several gas bombs, causing many Palestinians to suffer the effects of teargas inhalation. Media sources said several armored military vehicles surrounded the town, before invading it, and started stopping and searching cars, while investigating […]

17 Feb

Young Palestinian Man Dies From Wounds Suffered In 2005

The Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza has reported, Thursday, that a young man died at an Egyptian hospital from serious wounds he suffered after Israeli soldiers shot him in 2005, near Khan Younis, in the southern part of the coastal region. The Ministry said Samed Fahmi Abu Shanab, 29, suffered […]

Donald Trump (image from wikipedia)
16 Feb

US President meets with Netanyahu, Changes US Stance on Two-State Solution

The US President, Donald Trump, welcomed Israeli Prime Minister into the White House on Wednesday and the two reminisced about the long relationship between their two families. The US President took the opportunity to announce, in a single sentence, a major shift in US policy in the region. It’s unclear […]

16 Feb

Two Detainees Announce Hunger Strike

In a press release, the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) has reported that two detainees, held by Israel, have declared an open-ended hunger strike, starting today – Thursday, protesting their continued imprisonment without charges or trial. The PPS identified the two detainees as Jamal Abu al-Leil and Raed Fayez Mteir, and […]

16 Feb

Israeli Soldiers Abduct Ten Palestinians In The West Bank

Israeli soldiers invaded, on Thursday at dawn, several districts in the occupied West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, violently searched homes, and abducted ten Palestinians, including three children, the Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) reported. The PPS stated that several army vehicles invaded the al-‘Eesawiyya town, in the center of occupied […]

16 Feb

Israeli Soldiers Abduct Two Palestinians in Tulkarem, One In Qalqilia

Israeli soldiers abducted, on Thursday at dawn, two Palestinians in the northern West Bank district of Tulkarem, and one in the northern West Bank city of Qalqilia. Israeli navy ships attack Palestinian fishing boats in Gaza. The Qalqilia office of the Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) said several army vehicles invaded […]

Palestine Today - audio
16 Feb

Palestine Today 02 15 2017

Download / Listen Here Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, www.imemc.org, for Wednesday, February, 15, 2017. Israeli troops demolish three Palestinian homes during invasions, as human rights groups report an increase of home demolishing by the Israeli army. These stories, and more, coming […]

15 Feb

Israeli Soldiers Abduct Twenty Palestinians In The West Bank

Israeli soldiers abducted, on Wednesday at dawn, at least twenty Palestinians from their homes, after invading and violently searching them, in different parts of the West Bank, and confiscated fifteen Palestinian cars. The Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) said the soldiers abducted a child, identified as Firas Nidal Mansour, 14, and […]

15 Feb

Israeli Soldiers Abduct A Child in Bil’in Near Ramallah

Israeli soldiers invaded, on Wednesday at dawn, the village of Bil’in, west of the central West Bank city of Ramallah, searched homes and abducted a Palestinian child, in addition to summoning another Palestinian for interrogation. Abdullah Abu Rahma, the coordinator of the Popular Committee against the Wall and Colonies in […]

15 Feb

Israeli Soldiers Abduct Five Palestinians In Hebron

Israeli soldiers invaded, on Wednesday at dawn, Beit Ummar town, north of the southern West Bank city of Hebron, and Doura town, southwest of Hebron, violently searched several homes and abducted five Palestinians. Mohammad Awad, the media spokesperson of the Popular Committee in Beit Ummar, said the soldiers invaded homes […]

15 Feb

2016 Sees Israel Demolish Record Number Of West Bank Palestinian Homes

Report By B’Tselem – The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories — 2016 saw a marked increase in the number of homes Israeli authorities demolished throughout the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, citing lack of building permits as a pretext. The scale of demolitions documented by B’Tselem […]

Palestine Today - audio
15 Feb

Palestine Today 02 14 2017

Download / Listen Here Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, www.imemc.org, for Tuesday, February, 14, 2017. Israeli troops invade West Bank communities and search houses and demolish two homes. These stories, and more, coming up, stay tuned. Israeli soldiers invaded, on Tuesday morning, […]

14 Feb

Army Abducts Six Palestinians, Including Two Children, In West Bank

Israeli soldiers invaded, on Tuesday at dawn, several Palestinian communities in the occupied West Bank, searched and ransacked homes, and abducted six Palestinians, including two child siblings. The Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) said dozens of soldiers invaded ‘Aida refugee camp, north of Bethlehem, searched homes and abducted two siblings, identified […]

14 Feb

Israeli Soldiers Displace Family Of Eleven After Demolishing Their Home In Jerusalem

Israeli soldiers invaded, on Tuesday morning, the town of al-‘Eesawiyya, in occupied East Jerusalem, before forcing a family of eleven out of their home, and demolishing it. Media sources in Jerusalem said dozens of soldiers and police officers, including undercover soldiers, invaded the town, before breaking into the home of […]

14 Feb

Army Abducts Two Child Siblings In Bethlehem

Israeli soldiers invaded, on Tuesday at dawn, the ‘Aida refugee camp, north of the West Bank city of Bethlehem, and abducted two child siblings. The Bethlehem office of the Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) said the soldiers invaded the home of Salam al-Masa’eed and violently searched it, before abducting his two […]

14 Feb

Israeli Soldiers Abduct A Palestinian In Hebron

Israeli soldiers invaded, on Tuesday at dawn, several communities in the southern West Bank district of Hebron, abducted one Palestinian, and installed many roadblocks. The Hebron office of the Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) said several army vehicles invaded the Shiokh town, north of Hebron, and abducted Zaher Abdul-Rahim Halayqa, after […]

14 Feb

Israeli Soldiers Demolish An Under-Construction Home In Jerusalem

Israeli soldiers, police officers and personnel of the Jerusalem City Council invaded, earlier Tuesday, the town of al-‘Eesawiyya, north of occupied East Jerusalem, and demolished an under-construction Palestinian home. The WAFA Palestinian News Agency has reported that the demolished home is owned by Hasan Yassin Mustafa, and his family. It […]

Palestine Today - audio
14 Feb

Palestine Today 02 13 2017

Download / Listen Here Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, www.imemc.org, for Monday, February, 13, 2017. Two Palestinians killed in Gaza in two separate tunnel accidents, meanwhile Israeli troops invade West Bank communities and detain civilians. These stories, and more, coming up, stay […]

14 Feb

Revised Version of ‘Azan Bill’ Approved by Knesset

A revised version of the controversial ‘Muezzin Bill’, which imposes further restrictions on the Muslim call to prayer, traditionally known as the Azan, in Israel and occupied Jerusalem, was approved for vote in the Knesset by Israel’s Ministerial Committee for Legislation, on Sunday afternoon. A draft of the bill, which […]

14 Feb

Palestinian Worker and Qassam Fighter Die in Gaza Tunnels

At least two Palestinians have been killed in tunnels under the besieged Gaza Strip, sources said on Monday. The Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of the Hamas movement, said that one of its fighters, 22-year-old Ahmad Asaad Shihada al-Barim from the town of Khan Yunis, was killed when a […]

14 Feb

Autopsy and Video Reveal Deliberate Murder of Al Qee’an

New footage aired on Israeli TV would appear to show that Israeli police intentionally murdered the Israeli-Arab citizen Yaqoub Abu al-Qee’an. The footage shows that Abu al-Qee’an, who ran over an Israeli policeman during a protest against home demolitions in Umm al-Hiran, speeding towards the group of officers only after […]

14 Feb

The Economic Exploitation of Palestinian Political Prisoners

Israeli prisons serve both as an instrument of political persecution and economic exploitation, says Addameer: Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association in a new report. ~ Alternative Information Center (AIC). Addameer: Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association explains in a new report how the arrest and detention of Palestinians is “central […]

14 Feb

UN Suggests Tzipi Livni for Assistant Secretary of State

Media sources report, according to Al Ray Palestinian Media Agency, that the United Nations has advanced a suggestion to assume former Foreign Minister of Israel, Tzipi Livni, the post of the Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs. The reports point out that, if that happens, it will be the […]

14 Feb

DCIP — Q&A with PCDCR: Ending Sexual Violence against Children in Gaza

Eman Abu Said joined PCDCR in 2010 as a Project Coordinator for a protection project focused on child sexual abuse and harassment. (Photo: PCDCR) Defense for Children International – Palestine, Ramallah, February 8, 2017—The legal climate is the biggest obstacle to ending sexual violence against children in Gaza, according to […]

14 Feb

Hamas Secretly Elects New Leadership in Gaza

The ruling party in the Gaza Strip, the Hamas movement, today announced its new leader following “secret” elections in the strip. The new leader, Yahia Sanwar, is a senior commander who was released from Israeli prisons in the Shalit prisoner exchange deal in 2011, and is considered one of the […]

13 Feb

Israeli Soldiers Abduct Four Palestinians In Hebron And Qalqilia

The Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) has reported that Israeli soldiers abducted, on Monday at dawn, two Palestinians in the southern West Bank city of Hebron, and two in the northern West Bank city of Qalqilia, during massive invasions and violent searches of homes. The Hebron office of the PPS said […]

13 Feb

Israeli Soldiers Abduct Eight Palestinians In Bethlehem

Dozens of Israeli soldiers invaded, on Monday at dawn, several communities in the West Bank district of Bethlehem, violently searched many homes and abducted eight Palestinians, including two children, the Bethlehem office of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) said. The PPS stated that the soldiers invaded Beit Fajjar town, south […]

12 Feb

Israeli Transportation Minister: ‘Bennett wants to drag the entire country into a war’ (VIDEO)

Israeli Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz, on Sunday, slammed the Education Minister Naftali Bennett, saying that he wants to drag the “entire country into a war.” “Cabinet members should not criticize things just to gain political points. Here is a Cabinet minister and the head of a small party who wants […]

12 Feb

Colonial Settlers Continue to Storm Al-Aqsa Mosque

A group of extremist Israeli settlers stormed, on Sunday morning, the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque, from Mughrabi gate,  under heavy guard of Israeli police. Police closed the gate at ten o’clock in the morning, after the of settlers stormed the holy site. Public relations and media official in the Islamic Waqf […]

12 Feb

Report: Israel Increases Prison Sentence for Tortured Palestinian Detainee

The Israeli Supreme Court has added two years to the prison sentence of a Palestinian detained during Israel’s 2014 ground invasion of the Gaza Strip, the Gaza-based al-Mezan Center for Human Rights said in a report issued on Sunday, detailing the prisoner’s torture at the hands of Israeli prison authorities. […]

12 Feb

Knesset Approves Bill Muffling Muslim Call to Prayer

The Israeli Knesset’s Ministerial Committee for Legislation, Sunday, gave approval for a new draft of the muezzin bill prohibiting mosques from using loudspeakers for the ‘Azan’, or call to prayer, labeling it noise pollution. The draft bill must be voted on at the Knesset, in three readings, in order to […]

12 Feb

Syria: Palestinian Refugee Families Displaced due to Bombardment

The Working Group for Syrian Palestinians informed that dozens of Palestinian families were forced to leave Deraa refugee camp and the neighborhood of Tareeq Alasad, due to the ferocious bombardment by the Syrian Arab Army and the growing clashes between the army and its opponents. The group said, in its […]

12 Feb

Two Palestinians Stabbed by Israeli Settlers

Two Palestinian workers were wounded, Sunday, after being stabbed by Israeli settlers in Beersheba. PNN reports that, according to Israeli media, the two Palestinians sustained light wounds after they were stabbed by colonial settlers during work hours, in the sanitation systems of Beersheba. Ma’an reported that according to Israeli police, […]

12 Feb

Army Abducts A Palestinian Near Bethlehem

Israeli soldiers invaded, on Sunday at dawn, Teqoua’ town, east of the West Bank city of Bethlehem, searched homes, and abducted two young Palestinian men, in addition to summing another for interrogation. The Bethlehem office of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) said the solders abducted Ekrema Odah al-Amour, 20, and […]

12 Feb

Israeli Soldiers Abduct Father, His Seven Sons And Daughter-In-Law In Near Hebron

Israeli soldiers and police officers abducted, on Saturday evening, a Palestinian father, his seven sons, and the wife of one of his sons, in the Sammoa’ town, south of the southern West Bank city of Hebron, and confiscated military uniforms and ammunition. Israeli Police spokeswoman Luba Samri issued a statement […]

11 Feb

Soldiers Abduct A Palestinian Woman In Hebron

Israeli soldiers abducted, on Saturday evening, a Palestinian woman near the Ibrahimi Mosque, in Hebron city, in the southern part of the West Bank, reportedly for carrying a knife. The Israeli army claimed that the woman “pulled out a knife at the roadblock, but the soldiers managed to arrest her, […]

11 Feb

Report: “10 Detainees Died In Israeli Prisons Since 2010, 210 Since 1967”

The Palestinian Detainees’ Committee reported, Saturday, that ten detainees have died in Israeli prisons since the year 2010, and that the total number of detainees who died in prison, due to various reasons, including torture and medical neglect, since the year 1967, has arrived to 210. The Committee stated that […]

11 Feb

Israeli Soldiers Abduct Three Palestinians In Qalqilia

Israeli soldiers abducted, on Friday evening, three young Palestinian men while walking in Palestinian olive orchards, south of Kufur Qaddoum, in the northern West Bank district of Qalqilia. Morad Eshteiwy, the coordinator of the Popular Committee against the Wall and Colonies in Kufur Qaddoum, said the soldiers attacked the three […]

11 Feb

MADA Report: 383 Media Freedoms Violations during 2016

The Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms, “MADA”, organized a press conference on Wednesday 02/08/2017, and released its annual report of violations against media freedoms in Palestine during 2016, according to the PNN. Mr.  Mousa Rimawi- General Director of MADA center and Dr. Ammar Dweik- General Direct of The […]

11 Feb

NFL Players Pull Out of Israel Propaganda Tour

Seattle Seahawks defensive end Michael Bennett, left, talks to San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, following a 37-18 Seattle victory at CenturyLink Field in Seattle, 25 September 2016. In solidarity with Palestinians, Bennett this week pulled out of an Israeli-government backed propaganda junket for NFL players.  (Joe Nicholson USA TODAY […]

Audio report - this week in Palestine
11 Feb

This Week in Palestine Week 06 2017

Download / Listen Here Welcome to this Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, www.imemc.org, for February 04, to the 10, 2017. Four Palestinians were killed this week by Israeli attacks, meanwhile Israel’s government approves new law facilitating illegal settlement construction and expansion. These stories, […]

10 Feb

PCHR Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the oPt (02 – 08 February 2017)

Israeli violations of international law and international humanitarian law in the oPt continued during the reporting period (02 – 08 February 2017). 5 Palestinian civilians, including 4 children, were wounded in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip, while Israeli warplanes carried out 4 airstrikes against civilian objects and sites related […]

10 Feb

Torture: As Described by the Interrogators

By Chaim Levinson for Haaretz, via Days of Palestine. For years, the Israeli establishment has tried to conceal what happens in interrogation rooms. When interrogators use torture – or “special means,” to use the establishment’s term – the concealment efforts are redoubled. Even when testimony of torture reaches the public, […]

10 Feb

ISM: #DismantleTheGhetto — Start of Campaign in Al-Khalil

10th February 2017 | International Solidarity Movement | Al-Khalil Team Israeli forces and colonial settlers on Thursday, the 9th of February, 2017, disrupted a peaceful protest near Qurtuba school on Shuhada Street, in occupied al-Khalil (Hebron). Settlers attacked and injured one female student, while preventing Palestinian teachers and students from leaving […]

10 Feb

Abu Al-Qee’an’s Father Dies of Shock

Father of Yacoub Abu al-Qee’an reportedly died Thursday morning, after succumbing to shock over the death of his son, who was killed while defending his village of Umm al-Hiran. According to Al Ray Palestinian Media Agency, a sword has hung over the heads of Umm al-Hiran’s 1,000 inhabitants for many […]

10 Feb

Palestinian Intelligence Chief Met with US Officials

Palestinian chief of intelligence,  Majed Faraj, has reportedly met with US security and intelligence officials, in Washington, in the first meetings between the Palestinians and the Trump administration. High-level Palestinian sources told the PNN  that the meeting was “good” and took place in a positive atmosphere, and that it came upon […]

10 Feb

Israeli Soldiers Injure Three Palestinians Near Nablus

Israeli soldiers invaded, on Friday evening, Madama village, south of the northern West Bank city of Nablus, and clashed with many youngsters, wounding three of them, including two were also detained. The Palestinian Red Crescent in Nablus said its medics arrived at the scene, and provided treatment to a Palestinian […]

10 Feb

Wounded Palestinian Dies From Serious Injuries Suffered In November 2016

The head of the Palestinian Detainees’ Committee Issa Qaraqe stated that a young Palestinian man died, Friday, from wounds he suffered on November 9, 2016, at the Huwwara Israeli military roadblocks, near the northern West Bank city of Nablus. The Palestinian, identified as Mohammad Amer al-Jallad, 24, from the northern […]

10 Feb

Two Palestinians Injured In Bil’in’s Weekly Nonviolent Protest

Israeli soldiers attacked, Friday, the weekly nonviolent protest, held by Palestinian, Israeli and international peace activists, in Bil’in village, west of the central West Bank city of Ramallah, leading to clashes that resulted in wounding two Palestinians, including a child. The Popular Committee against the Wall and Colonies in Bil’in, […]

10 Feb

Illegal Israeli Colonists Uproot 400 Palestinian Olive Saplings Near Ramallah

Several extremist Israeli settlers, living in a colony built on illegally confiscated Palestinian land, in the central West Bank district of Ramallah, invaded at dawn Friday, a Palestinian olive orchard, and uprooted more than 400 saplings. The mayor of Sinjel, Arroub Sweidan, said the assailants invaded the Palestinian orchards, and […]

10 Feb

Army Abducts One Palestinian Near Jenin

Israeli soldiers invaded, on Friday at dawn, Fahma refugee camp, south of the northern West Bank city of Jenin, searched homes and abducted one Palestinian. Media sources in Jenin said the soldiers abducted Monir Khamis al-Batran, 30, after violently searching his home, causing damage. The sources added that the soldiers […]

10 Feb

18-year old Palestinian Beaten, Arrested In Petah Tikva After Allegedly Injuring 3 Israelis

Israeli media sources reported Friday that an 18-year old Palestinian was in custody after having been beaten unconscious with rocks and clubs, by a crowd that suspected him of shooting and injuring two Israelis, then stabbing another with a screwdriver after his gun jammed. In addition to the three people […]

10 Feb

Media Activist Sentenced To House Arrest

An Israeli court in occupied Jerusalem sentenced, Thursday, media activist and the head of the Wadi Hilweh Information Center in Silwan (Silwanic), Jawad Siyam, to five days under house arrest, and a 5000 Shekels bail. Jawad was abducted by Israeli soldiers from Wadi Hilweh neighborhood, in Silwan, along with two […]

Palestine Today - audio
09 Feb

Palestine Today 02 09 2017

Download / Listen Here Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, www.imemc.org, for Thursday, February, 09, 2017. Two Palestinians killed in Gaza by Israeli bombardment, meanwhile troops in the West Bank search homes and detain civilians. These stories, and more, coming up, stay tuned. […]

09 Feb

PPS: “Israeli Soldiers Abduct Eleven Palestinians, Including Two Children, In The West Bank”

The Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) has reported that Israeli soldiers abducted, overnight and until dawn hours Thursday, eleven Palestinians, including two children, during invasions and violent searches of homes and property, in different parts of the occupied West Bank. The PPS in Ramallah, in central West Bank, said the soldiers […]

09 Feb

Soldiers Abduct A Palestinian, Summon Another, And Invade A Print Shop, In Bethlehem

Israeli soldiers invaded, on Thursday at dawn, the West Bank district of Bethlehem, searched homes and abducted one Palestinian in addition to summoning another for interrogation, and invading a print shop. The Bethlehem office of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) said the soldiers abducted Mohammad Ibrahim al-‘Amour, 23, from his […]

09 Feb

Israeli Army Abducts Two Palestinians In Jerusalem, One In Jenin

The Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) has reported that Israeli soldiers abducted, on Thursday at dawn, two Palestinians in occupied East Jerusalem, and one in Jenin, during invasions and searches of homes. The PPS said the soldiers violently searched homes in Kufur Aqab neighborhood, north of Jerusalem, interrogated several residents and […]

09 Feb

Army Invades Homes Near Jenin, Distributes Threatening Leaflets

Dozens of Israeli soldiers invaded, on Thursday morning Ya’bad town, southwest of the northern West Bank city of Jenin, violently searched homes, and distributed leaflets threatening severe measures and punishment. Media sources in Jenin said the soldiers invaded many neighborhoods in the town, before storming and searching several homes. They […]

09 Feb

Two Palestinians Killed, Five Injured, By Israeli Missiles In Southern Gaza

The Israeli air force fired, on Thursday morning, several missiles targeting a siege-busting commercial tunnel close to the Egyptian border, in Rafah, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, killing two Palestinian workers, and wounding at least five others. Spokesperson of the Health Ministry in Gaza, Dr. Ashraf al-Qedra, […]

09 Feb

Israel Approves 1162 New Illegal Colonialist Units In The West Bank

The Israeli committee, in charge of settlements’ affairs at the Higher Planning Council of the military-run “Civil Administration Office” in the occupied West Bank, has approved the construction of 1162 new units for illegal colonists. Among the approved buildings is what was dubbed as “a new neighborhood,” near Shvut Rachel […]

09 Feb

Israeli Navy Attacks Fishing Boats In Gaza, Army Attacks Homes And Lands

Israeli navy ships opened fire, on Wednesday evening, targeting several Palestinian fishing boats, in Gaza territorial waters, in the northern part of the besieged coastal region. Israeli soldiers also fired live rounds at homes and lands. Eyewitnesses said the soldiers, stationed across the border fence, in northern Gaza, fired dozens […]

Palestine Today - audio
09 Feb

Palestine Today 02 08 2017

Download / Listen Here Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, www.imemc.org, for Wednesday, February, 08, 2017. Israeli settler hit a Palestinian man with his car killing him meanwhile soldiers demolish a home in Jerusalem. These stories, and more, coming up, stay tuned. An […]

09 Feb

New Report by Breaking The Silence – “The High Command” (VIDEO)

BTS official, 02/07/17: “Dear Friends, Last week we published a new report addressing the relations between settler and the IDF: “The High Command – Settler influence on IDF conduct in the West Bank.” The report was written following a comprehensive research and in the context of the contentious public debate surrounding […]

09 Feb

Israel Clears Palestinians and Homes so its Military Can Practice

Three children stand near a site where Israeli authorities had recently demolished Palestinan homes near the occupied West Bank city of Tubas, in the northern Jordan Valley. (Photo: DCIP / Cody O’Rourke) Via Defense for Children International – Palestine (DCIP). Edited for the IMEMC by chris @ imemc.org. Ramallah, February 6, […]

08 Feb

David Sheen — Emmett Till in Israel: How False Allegations of Rape Are Used to Lynch African Refugees and Palestinians (VIDEO)

TRNN transcript: KIM BROWN: Welcome to The Real News Network in Baltimore. I’m Kim Brown. Is rape used as a political tool in Israel, to demonize and dehumanize Arabs and Palestinians? Last June, the Israeli public was shocked to hear of a girl with a mental disability, who was reportedly […]

08 Feb

Extremist Settlers Raze Palestinian Land near Nablus

On Tuesday night, only 24 hours after the Israeli parliament of the Knesset gave colonial settlers the green light to seize private West Bank Palestinian land, settlers razed lands that belong to Palestinians in the village of Jaloud, south of Nablus in the occupied West Bank. Ghassan Daghlas, a local official […]

08 Feb

Al-Qassam Brigades: “We received Israeli proposals of new swap deal.”

The Izz al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas political movement, revealed on Wednesday that they had received Israeli offers, through mediators, to carry out a new prisoner swap deal, according to Al Ray. The brigades reported to Al-Jazeera’s Qatari channel that the formula presented by Israel does […]

08 Feb

US Citizens File Complaint against Israeli Officials

The Palestinian Information Center (PIC) reported, on Wednesday, that Palestinian and Jewish activists have filed a lawsuit with a US court against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli officials over war crimes committed against Palestinian citizens. The legal complaint, made by 35 Palestinian and Jewish activists, all American […]

08 Feb

Elderly Man Killed After Being Rammed By A Settler’s Car In Bethlehem

Palestinian medical sources have reported that an elderly man was killed, Wednesday, after being struck by a speeding car of an Israeli colonialist settler, near Daniel illegal colony, built on Palestinian lands in the al-Khader town, south of Bethlehem. The elderly man, a farmer identified as Suleiman Hammad Salah, 81, […]

08 Feb

Israeli Soldiers Abduct Fifteen Palestinians In The West Bank

Israeli soldiers abducted, overnight and at dawn Wednesday, fifteen Palestinians in different parts of the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, after invading their homes and violently searching them. The Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) said the soldiers abducted five young men in Um Tuba and al-Mokabber towns, in occupied Jerusalem, […]

08 Feb

Israeli Soldiers Abduct Two Palestinians In Bethlehem, One In Tulkarem

Israeli soldiers abducted on Wednesday at dawn, two Palestinians in the West Bank district of Bethlehem, and summoned three others for interrogation. The soldiers abducted one Palestinians in Tulkarem. The Bethlehem office of the Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) said the soldiers invaded various communities in the district, searched many homes, […]

08 Feb

Israeli Soldiers Abduct Three Palestinians In Hebron

Israeli soldiers invaded, on Wednesday at dawn, the towns of Yatta and Beit Ummar, in the southern West Bank district of Hebron, searched homes and abducted three Palestinians. Several army vehicles invaded Yatta town, south of Hebron, before the soldiers stormed and ransacked homes, and abducted two siblings, identified as […]

08 Feb

Israeli Soldiers Demolish A Building In Jerusalem

Israeli soldiers invaded, on Wednesday morning, Beit Hanina neighborhood, north of occupied East Jerusalem, and demolished an under-construction residential building, under the allegation of being built without a permit. The Wadi Hilweh Information Center in Silwan (Silwanic) has reported that the soldiers, accompanied by bulldozers and employee of the Jerusalem […]

08 Feb

UK Invites Netanyahu to Balfour Centennial Celebrations: Palestinian Presidency Protests

By Christof Lehmann (nsnbc): Nabil Abu Rodeina said Britain is responsible for the disaster that befell the Palestinian people a hundred years ago. “Instead of correcting the historic mistake and recognizing the Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, it is preparing to celebrate an incident considered by the […]

08 Feb

Israeli Navy Attacks Palestinian Fishing Boats In Southern Gaza

Israeli navy ships opened fire, on Tuesday evening, at several Palestinian fishing boats, close to the shore in Rafah and Khan Younis, in the southern part of the besieged Gaza Strip. Eyewitnesses said the navy fired dozens of live rounds at the boats, causing damage, and preventing the fishers from […]

08 Feb

Israeli Navy Attacks Palestinian Fishing Boats In Southern Gaza

Israeli navy ships opened fire, on Tuesday evening, at several Palestinian fishing boats, close to the shore in Rafah and Khan Younis, in the southern part of the besieged Gaza Strip. Eyewitnesses said the navy fired dozens of live rounds at the boats, causing damage, and preventing the fishers from […]