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Last updated:22 April 2015

National Union of Clerks and APEX

A brief timeline

1890 - National Union of Clerks was formed. It was also known as APEX West of England Area Council bannerthe Clerks' Union or the Metropolitan Clerks' Union.

Apr 1903 - Association of Shorthand Writers and Typists was formed. This union was for both sexes.
1912 - the Association changed its name to the Association of Women Clerks and Secretaries (AWCS) and became women only membership.

1920 - National Union of Clerks changed its name to the National Union of Clerks and Administrative Workers.

1941 - National Union of Clerks and Administrative Workers amalgamated with the Association of Women Clerks and Secretaries (AWCS) to become the Clerical and Administrative Workers' Union.

1972 - the Clerical and Administrative Workers' Union changed its name to APEX (Association of Professional, Executive, Clerical and Computer Staff).

1989 - APEX merged with the GMB.

Resources about clerks' unions in the Library

Arthur Marsh and Victoria Ryan, The clerks: a history of APEX 1890-1989 (1997) - Shelfmark: I12

J Henry Lloyd and RE Scouller, Trade unionism for clerks (no date) - Shelfmark: AG Trade Unions Box 2

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Resources held by the Modern Records Centre

Other records are held at the Modern Records Centre, University of Warwick:
Association of Professional, Executive, Clerical and Computer Staff (APEX), earlier the National Union of Clerks and Administrative Workers and the Clerical and Administrative Workers' Union (CAWU) (MSS.174/APC, MSS.192/APC, MSS.279/APC)

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