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Last updated:27 February 2017

Objects of the month 2016

Every month someone from the Library chooses an interesting object, book or document from the Library collection, which is displayed in the hall of the Library. Here are a selection from 2016. Click on the links to see more information.

March - AWCS badge and cartoon

AWCS cartoonTwo items from the Library's rich collection of material from the Association of Women Clerks and Secretaries, which provides a fascinating insight into the working lives of female secretaries and clerks



May - Sons of Temperance material

Son of Temperance front pageItems from The Order of Sons of Temperance (founded in 1842 in New York City and introduced into the United Kingdom in 1849) which was set up to combat the perceived problems of over-reliance on drink.



September - Manuscript of Angela Tuckett's book 'Our Enid'

Our Enid coverThis display coincided with the launch of the Library's publication of that manuscript - a long-overdue biography of Enid Stacy, an inspiring public speaker who won over tens of thousands of working class men and women to the cause of socialism in the late 19th century.



December - A special constable is sworn in to help thwart a revolution...

Kennington Common special constable swearing in documentThis recent purchase, part of our Voting for Change project, is a piece of paper showing the swearing in of a special constable as the authorities implemented an extraordinary security operation in the run-up to the big Chartist meeting on Kennington Common in London in April 1848.