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John Pratt Mar 8
Keating on Hanson "The myth of a monoculture is a lie." I am, you are Australian.
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Patrick Gorman Mar 9
IT'S OFFICIAL- The WA Liberal Party is coordinating Election Day logistics for One Nation.
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Seano Mar 11
Hanson: How many lower house seats? Ashby: None. Hanson: Upper house? Ashby: None. Roberts: We're the silent majority... *Shut up!*
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David Marler Mar 10
Man pretending to be One Nation supporter sends message to voters in Arabic.
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John Pratt 19h
Pandering to is a losing strategy.
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Fr Rod Bower 16h
thanks be to human decency as is denied power
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John Johnsonson 21h
Compulsory voting is Australia's great secret weapon against the tide of extremist idiocy sweeping the West. πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί
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Denise Shrivell 24h
Still so much to do - but anyone else waking with a little more hope & feeling a little less uneasy this morning? πŸ’ͺ
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Young Labor Mar 11
Abbott got dumped after the QLD election loss, can Turnbull survive the WA loss? πŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺ
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Dame Rose Mar 11
So proud of Western Australia tonight. Hanson's bigotry and hatred has no place in Australia.
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Minaee Mar 11
2016 sucked with bigots and idiots winning office around the world. Tonight, WA gives me hope for humanity. Big smiles.
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John Johnsonson Mar 11
. People said you couldn't do it but you have: YOU'VE POLLED EVEN LOWER THAN THE GREENS WOW πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‘πŸΌ
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Dee Madigan Mar 11
No, Barnett. After just 2 terms time isn’t a factor, incompetence is.
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Adam Stafford Mar 11
Pretty poor result I guess WA isn't as racist, bigoted and ignorant as you thought. Well done WA
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Sally McManus Mar 11
The lesson of the WA election: DON'T MESS WITH WORKING PEOPLE
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Mr Denmore Mar 11
The result of is a middle finger to the Murdoch reptiles trying to remake Australia as Trump's nativist, paranoid & neo-fascist USA
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Dee Madigan Mar 11
Apparently if you are a shitty party and you do preferences with another shitty party, it is bad for you. Who knew.
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Kiera Mar 11
Dear Before you spent the week in WA, you were predicted to get 13% of . A week later you got 4.5%. CONGRATS! πŸŽ‰πŸ‘πŸŽ‰πŸ‘
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Jamie Parker MP Mar 11
Great to see doubling vote despite the wall to wall MSM media coverage of Hanson.
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Nicholas Gray Mar 11
Looks like One Nation's reign as the third force in Australian politics lasted 12 days - from the 28 Feb until tonight's
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