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We're proud that our campaigning helped to bring about One Nations downfall in WA - keep it up Aust
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John Pratt 19h
Pandering to is a losing strategy.
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Samantha Mar 10
Classic.. Turnbull the Backsliding Millionaire Banker, Smacked Down, by a Renewable Energy Billionaire.
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Speak Up Australia 12h
Repulsive, divisive, racist, ignorant cow has got what she deserved.
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Fr Rod Bower 16h
thanks be to human decency as is denied power
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John Wren 9h
I'd like to thank the mainstream media, esp. for the extensive coverage of . It helped the WA ALP no end.
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#BringBackAbbott 9h
Piers Akerman: " has lost thousands of members since Turnbull ousted Abbott. The haemorrhaging will only continue."
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Grunta 10h
So Barrie just said the price of electricity has doubled since trashing of carbon price that was it nothing more.
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John Wren 10h
., the fastest way to get the corrupt onside with renewables is to outbid the coal lobby with party donations.
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🇦🇺0451🐺Jim 10h
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David Marler 11h
"If Dutton is the answer what the hell is the question?"
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AshGhebranious 12h
Elon Musk's batteries would cost the nation $25 million dollars. Or just half a royal commission into unions.
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Lynetta G 12h
Pauline Hanson is about to begin her third TV cross when James Ashby steps in
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Brett Hall 12h
In December last year more gas shipped to China from Queensland than used locally across the four eastern sea- board states & SA.
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Shane Matthew Neave 13h
Someone should tell Malcolm that when a mate said 'how stupid can you get'? It wasn't a challenge!
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John Setka 14h
This Labour Day weekend is Proudly brought to you by the Trade Union Movement. Enjoy's on us!
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Eddy Jokovich 14h
Give up - that Shorten make-over story was unbalanced garbage, nine months old. Like Gillard said, stop writing crap.
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AshGhebranious 15h
In less than a week, Mal has gone from coal to battery storage as an option. Was there an election recently? How did the Libs go?
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Denise Shrivell 15h
pls know Aust's PM in pocket of coal industry. He also destroyed our internet which is now based on copper infrastructure
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Lynetta G 16h
Malcolm Turnbull refuses to rule out preference deal with One Notion
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