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Matthew Knott
Federal political reporter, and covering communications + education. Prize nerd. Tips/abuse:
Matthew Knott 21 小時
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Matthew Knott 已轉推
Kieran Gilbert 22 小時
Australian Govt source has told me contrary to report Trump left no wiggle room on refugee deal "he said he would honour it"
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Matthew Knott 23 小時
neither major party does or will support that. Third party resettlement only realistic option, otherwise they'll languish there
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Matthew Knott 23 小時
he's been pretty careful so far, just calling for Turnbull to give his side of the story
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Matthew Knott 23 小時
yep see later tweet
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Matthew Knott 23 小時
Shorten going the transparency line, calling on Turnbull to "be straight with the Aus people". Says supports refugee deal.
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Matthew Knott 23 小時
no. Why?
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Matthew Knott 23 小時
Opportunity for Bill Shorten to say he backs US refugee deal, supports Turnbull trying to make it happen rather than score points
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Matthew Knott 23 小時
Worth remembering the end game for Turnbull in all this is to get the refugees off Manus and Nauru into a first world country
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Matthew Knott 23 小時
An angry has called it: "Turnbull is finished"
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Matthew Knott 24 小時
don't start a world war Heath
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Matthew Knott 2月2日
yep but I'm interested in why not just kill it off. What's being traded off/ what's at stake? etc
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Matthew Knott 2月2日
so you think he'll accept some?
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Matthew Knott 2月2日
If Trump is so pissed about refugee deal (struck under Obama) and thinks will 'kill him' politically why say he intends to honour it?
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Matthew Knott 2月2日
Even if every word in the WaPo report was true, I'd have expected a variant of 'Don't believe everything you read from anonymous sources'
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Matthew Knott 2月1日
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Matthew Knott 已轉推
Peter Martin 2月1日
"Tariffs screw workers" The woman who spoke the truth to Bob Hawke: Me, on the price of books.
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Matthew Knott 2月1日
For a second wondered if this was literal #2017
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Matthew Knott 2月1日
happy friends day Alice
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Matthew Knott 2月1日
This is not the (widely reported) takeout, you assume, the PM wanted for his first big hit out at the Press Club this year
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