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'Politics is a harsh and brutal business': Colin Barnett concedes

With some calling the Labor win at the polls in WA a "bloodbath", outgoing Premier Colin Barnett conceded his "best shot wasn't good enough".

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Colin Barnett concession speech

Outgoing Premier Colin Barnett says time was the factor in the WA Election result.

The WA Labor party is predicted to take home the win with up to 40 seats, a result that surpassed even the most daring poll predictions.

Mr Barnett told a packed room of Liberal faithfuls he "gave it his best shot" shortly after conceding the election to WA Labor leader Mark McGowan.

Walking into a roaring cheer from his supporters and fellow politicians at Cottesloe Golf Club, Mr Barnett said he believed it was the impact of time that led the party to a landslide defeat.

"We have provided long term and stable - and in my judgement - very good and ethical government for the people of Western Australia in often very difficult circumstances," he said.


"When we won the election in 2008 and I became the state's 29th premier, I made some commitments, some to myself and some I made publicly.

"The one I made to myself is that I would give it my best shot, maybe that wasn't good enough but I assure you, I have given it my best shot."

Mr Barnett conceded he believed it was inevitably time that resulted in the Liberal's losing their attempt at an elusive third term.

"We ran, in my view, a great campaign, there were a lot of factors out there but at the end of the day, time was probably the factor," he said, flanked by his wife Lynn.

"To the people of Western Australia, thank you so genuinely and sincerely for giving me the opportunity to be the Premier of this great state of Western Australia.

"It's a great gift that you have given to Lynn and I and we will treasure it for the rest of our lives."

He thanked his colleagues over the past two terms in government and consoled those who lost their seats, remarking it "was the nature of the political beast".

"The pledge I made to the people of Western Australia way back in 2008 is that we would be a pro-development government, and we have," he said.

"I also said that we would be a government that was caring and compassionate for those in our community in need, and we have, and I also said that we would be a government of integrity and we have."

He leaves with a legacy that includes major infrastructure projects, Elizabeth Quay, Perth Arena and the Perth Stadium.

The now-former Premier has previously said if the Liberals lost the election, that he would go quietly to the backbench.