
CLIMATE & CAPITALISM is an ecosocialist journal, reflecting the viewpoint of  environmental Marxism. It has three goals:

  • To provide news and analysis to inform, educate and develop the green left;
  • To contribute to building an international movement against capitalist destruction of the environment and for ecosocialism;
  • To encourage and facilitate collaboration and exchanges of views among socialists and ecology activists.

Opinions expressed in individual articles are not necessarily shared by Climate & Capitalism or Monthly Review or any of the editors.

In February 2012, we announced an alliance with the world’s foremost independent socialist journal, Monthly Review. We remain editorially independent— MR has no responsibility for our content, and vice versa — but we are sharing technical resources and exploring ways to increase both technical and political collaboration.

Comments Policy

Climate and Capitalism is an expressly left-wing, ecosocialist site, and the discussions here will reflect that. Comments that defend or promote anti-socialist or pro-capitalist views are not appropriate. Please take such arguments elsewhere.

We encourage constructive and thoughtful comments that contribute to the goals set out above.

By posting a comment on this website, you agree that your words may be quoted or republished by Climate and Capitalism or by others without further permission or notice.

Comments will be moderated and not all will necessarily appear. Comments that violate the letter or spirit of this Policy will be deleted without notice. Repeat violators will be banned without notice or appeal. The moderator is the final authority on this.

Some specifics:

  1. Comments should be relevant to the subject matter discussed in the associated article.
  2. Brief quotations from articles posted elsewhere are acceptable, but long excerpts or entire articles are not. If you believe that another article is relevant, provide a link, not the text.
  3. Comments should be of substance, and where possible backed by facts and/or sources. One-liners, witty or otherwise, are not appropriate.
  4. We use an automatic filtering system to block spam: we accept no responsibility for any message being incorrectly blocked. Any advertising, commercial message or spam that gets through the filter will be removed and the sender will be banned.
  5. The moderator will not approve:
    • Racist, homophobic, sexist, or abusive/derogatory comments.
    • Offensive, insulting or libelous comments about individuals.
    • Comments  whose apparent purpose is to impede debate by baiting others or provoking heated responses.
    • Comments from science deniers of any political persuasion.
    • Comments that do not include  a valid email address.

About the Editor

Climate & Capitalism was founded by and continues to be edited by Ian Angus. His most recent book is Facing the Anthropocene: Fossil Capitalism and the Crisis of the Earth System (Monthly Review Press, 2016).

His previous books include Canadian Bolsheviks: The Early Years of The Communist Party of Canada (2nd edition, Trafford, 2004), The Global Fight for Climate Justice: Anticapitalist Responses to Global Warming and Ecological Destruction (Fernwood, 2010), and  Too Many People? Population, Immigration, and the Environmental Crisis (Haymarket, 2011) co-authored with Simon Butler.

(To avoid confusion and unnecessary emails: He is not the Ian Angus who teaches at Simon Fraser University, nor is he the Iain Angus who used to be a Canadian Member of Parliament, or the Ian Angus who is a lawyer for some satellite and telecom companies, or the Ian Angus who was a professional football player in Scotland.)

Copyrights and reprints

  • Unsigned articles are copyright by  Climate & Capitalism.
  • Signed articles are copyright by the author or authors.

Requests to reprint or repost articles should be addressed to ecosocialism [at] gmail [dot] com. For non-commercial publications, we will try arrange permission quickly, but in some cases that may not be possible.

Contact us

email: ecosocialism [at] gmail [dot] com

Article submissions

If you have an article that you think might be appropriate for Climate & Capitalism, please send it to ecosocialism[at]gmail[dot]com. If it has previously been published elsewhere on the web, please send a link rather than the article itself.

We wish we could respond to every submission, but our limited resources make that impossible. We will reply if  we plan to publish your article or or if we think it could be publishable with changes.

If we don’t publish your submission, it isn’t necessarily because we don’t like it. Many otherwise excellent submissions don’t make it to the site simply because (a) they don’t fit our current needs; or (b) they cover subjects we have recently dealt with; or (c) we have more submissions on hand than we can deal with in the time we have available.