Google Apps Stories September 20, 2016

GOOG: 771.41

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Search in Google Drive is getting a significant update today that adds autocorrect and Natural Language Processing search. NLP allows users to look for files in a more natural and informal manner, just like with “Ok Google” on mobile. Additionally, Docs is getting a new Columns feature and the ability to download converted documents in their original file format…

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Google Apps Stories September 8, 2016

GOOG: 775.32

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Team collaboration tools are now a dime a dozen and increasingly relying on third-party integrations to stand out. As part of that battle, HipChat today has announced deep integration with Google Apps that adds Calendar and Drive right into the main interface of the chat app.

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Google Apps Stories September 6, 2016

GOOG: 780.08

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Google Apps Stories August 23, 2016

GOOG: 772.08

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Google Apps Stories August 22, 2016

GOOG: 772.15

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Using a login party like Google, Twitter, or Facebook is much more convenient than remembering a username and password for individual services. To improve security for this type of sign-in, Google is deprecating third-party app logins from web-views in favor of the native browser.

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Google Apps Stories August 18, 2016

GOOG: 777.50

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