2015-08-14-043Feudalism that comes with conflict,conflict goes hand in hand with slavery and warfare,with warfare comes war captives.Now what is the role of the western elites and scholars in this forced migration act were by the victims vulnerable state becomes a target to police and immigration to live without freedom?pointing out excellent cases,where are those supposed integrated?
This act of domination and imposure is a grossly unfair concept that institutionalized feudalism and transpose, that the victims has to be subjected to one of the most brutal form of legal slavery in a frozen situation without power and resources,especially when its not an accidental fiasco but systematically program(either by seduction or force)without putting the tragic impact into account.Creating victims of social engineering,locked in underground circumstances,making reality becomes unreal and unreal becomes reality and this fact got many nailed to the wall.
If we have a system that cannot be duplicated and can never listen carefully to replication of the future of the Africans.Placing people in a victimized state of emotional,educational,political and psychological torment and disadvantage,disconnecting social from psychological instincts of mind,if people are thrown in an undesirable pandemonium stage in the circumference of legal public policy officials,should the flaws be hold over the victims head with pressure?unleashing mayhem on innocent by ripping them apart through strategic depopulation without secured plans.
And the hosted government neglected the humanitarian situation and subjected us to inexplicable torture severally, according to the history of the camp,at the pioneer state or rather say before the camp there was an absent of a regulative law in Tunisia known to the knowledge of the UNHCR.UNHCR being the only actor responsive in the absence of a legal framework and the International institution set up for reasons like Choucha left the camp with no justification of those behind, is still the responsible in a connection pipeline linked to the International body that made a declaration without counting the cost of what happens to the human disaster(mean those that will be fleeing the war).Choucha shouldn’t be shifted as a blame to Tunisian government that suffers several instability and hasn’t been paying attention to our struggle,except for the regularization of those that accepted the local integration program proposed,both issues has a direct factual basis.It should be an impartial judgement that people affected by war(refugees) dumped in a desert for almost 5yrs has no justice and its not a fair thing to do that Choucha is given immigration judgement,that those remaining are economical migrants that is now being manipulated by the Tunisian immigration system.
Calling on human right leagues who have been following up with our struggles and understand the exact demand, and have witnessed to the deterioration of the situation and identify all the human right violation we are undergoing with no empathy. For example;(1.) Is it right that a camp set up as a result of International declaration is refusing to admit with the forced flow of migration of refugees of the war, represents human right? (2.) Those of us inhabiting the camp close to the troubled border getting to 5years without human dignity in worn out tents, with no hope for the future prospects, and in an unsafe conditions, sound right?(3.) Is placing people under psychological warfare to determine their fate with nothing, in a space provided by International signatory without administrative resolution for a suitable durable solution to the reason the camp was established sound right?(4.) All the habitual arrests for reasons of presenting our situation visible and pushing our demand to be resettled outside Tunisia in a safe country with effective system in several occasion, and ending up in detention centre’s or prisons without initiating a proper redress, and all the interruptions encountered sound right?(5.)Is compelling people against their will to beg for alms in the street sound right? (6.)Does it sound right that asylum cases that weren’t given a proper understanding which has led to a long term suffering be manipulated under immigration judgement?(7.)How does human right experts and leagues defines almost 5years resistance under harsh conditions, in most cases torture(police maim) ?
We cannot exonerate the fact that the few helpless victims of the war remaining in the camp under inhuman & uncompromising circumstances are humans that have lives and the situation demands International resolution.
There are several leagues,commissions and councils with powerful orchestrated techniques,but why is it difficult to eliminate the frailty situation for the protection of life,security and freedom of the camp’s remnants going through several excruciating contortions.
N.B.Throwing more light in flashback memories of the past and present penury,deprivations and injustice is the reason for this analysis.The legal and political leagues as expert should please resolve the vulnerability of the Choucha and give meaning to those lives.
And the Demand is still a legal platform to a safe third country with effective system Not local integration in Tunisia.

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Where is human right here?

Choucha camp was not established as a result of natural disaster in Libya, but a man-made catastrophe created by International body and can not be fixed till date by those felt to be sane minded, and are promoting equal value for human lives, peace and stability in every nook and cranny of our inhabited world.
Or it is a crime to flee the 2011 Libyan war! that today there is no justice for these handful of helpless victims that are not up to a drop in an ocean, and could not return to their countries of origin as a result of well founded fear of persecution, as a reason, we registered for asylum under the rightful institute to defend our claims, upon proper verification of each file according to the information provided, and having fled the conflict in early 2011 that the whole world knows was instigated by the International Declaration on the regime without admitting the fact that, at the end its also an eruption of refugee crisis and not even a single goal is being achieved with that impetuous act of sovereignty. Could this be the reason why these remnants of Choucha camp are still abandoned and being subjected to all sorts of both physical and psychological pains, that privileges according to the camp history have to be a segregation that exist? and besides, inflicting malice, sufferings and abuses without empathy under a camp supposedly established by an international organization that proclaims humanitarian, is this how much the system has degenerated? or is there a master plan aimed at wasting all our lives to the very last man standing? when the truth is being concealed, those with vested interest like maybe you, choose to watch only or look away in the situation. Like said (“Extra ordinary times, demands extra ordinary measures ”), reiterating our plight according to any agreement that access the reasons Choucha was established before the International authorities(E.U)delegation in Tunis and this continuous habitual act here in Tunisia of arresting and beating up refugees for exercising their right of legitimate freedom, imprisoning them and forcefully expelling them at gun point to the frontiers of territories where their lives are being threatened, as was done few months ago by Tunisian police and immigration(as a social structure or national methodology) over us to Algerian troubled border, and seemed acceptable, is in line of violation and mere cruelty. For 4/5yrs our nerves stood the strain of resistance(mentally and physically it feels life is meaningless).Choucha shouldn’t be defined by fate, but by International resolution. According to our struggle all through Tunisia there has never been a safe atmosphere for us and we insist on a legal exit platform to resolve this long term suffering that has been inflicted on us. We hope for a better understanding.
Thank you.

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It’s not ignorance that left us in the desert for 4/5yrs,but the conventional policies in a situation under international declaration’s and the perfect mechanisms failed to identify with it’s flaws,leading to our long term suffering in the Tunisian deserted remote refugees camp and each time we stand to reflect our plight against these decisions that has blocked our lives,we are always intercepted by the Tunisian police,putting us through detention and prison for four times,now at Wadiya immigration detention center that has got no knowledge of how most files were misunderstood and mistranslated,down to bringing in diplomat of a government that one escaped it’s governance in cases said to be confidential during the interview’s.

This long term mental psychological torture (violations)and habitually arrest has to come to an end.Also by not making us to believe that this is how a vibrant democratic 21st century should operate,by neglecting International Responsibilities.Knowing fully well through several written and documented evidence of how the decisions has impaired us to live a life without human dignity by begging for alms’ in the main road heading to Libya and also to defend our lives in front of the International Community.

The idea of locking us up in contaminated environment to deteriorate our health,without moral values for human lives is called what?Prisons and detention’s centers is not good for anyone of US.Issues that started with legal understanding and agreement’s don’t have to be resolved by putting us through all this psychological warfare.

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4 to 5 years political negligence

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June 15 ‪#‎Choucha Refugees Debate/Statement For The Discussion@FTDES.

_MG_7356Dear All,

Choucha refugee camp that was officially closed by the responsible UNHCR leaving hundreds in limbo at the camp till date,at the Tunsian-Libyan border, since 2011. We would like to update you about our situation, though there is not much to be updated about: we are still displaced in the deserted remote camp. All plight not to be forgotten, though the camp was officially closed by the UNHCR, there are people still leaving in it.

The situation in Choucha calls for urgent intervention, since we are suffering mental,physical psychological violations and torture, that reduces human power of concentration in the middle of nowhere. Extreme cases speak for themselves: a Sudanese is laying in Choucha after three major surgical operations that involved the spinal cord and his urine system, being abandoned in the camp without medical attention (negligence) and other several consequent cases denied. Moreover, we lack running water, sewage, food, and we are forced to beg alimentation on the main street heading to Libya. We believe every sane mind today knows that hunger is the world’s n. 1 health threat, that kills more people than any disease or virus that has ever been discovered. It is better for things to be stated with a direct factual basis. We are being placed in a life threatening situation.On the other hand, we cannot go back to our countries of origin because of the individuals risk of persecution (same reasons we put forward in our requests for asylum to the UNHCR).

Local integration is not a solution to Choucha for several reasons:
.1)The general climate of discrimination and racism that many of us have to face,as demonstrated by several complains and testimonies had gone through without attention.
.2)Lack of asylum/refugee system,that,even if its been enacted today Choucha is not supposed to be the experiment for the practise,hence many will remain under the impairism of past experience.
.3)It has severally been stated officially to us in meetings with members of the government,choucha is not and has never been a priority topic of discussion and as human,we are the victims suffering and living the situation without any impact or support from the government,knowing fully well that the camp is situated in the middle of nowhere,the deserted remote geographical location chosen for the camp (6/7 km away from the day to day troubled border,putting us in a dangerous position).
.4)Some of us were arrested in 2014 three consecutive times for exercising our legitimate rights of demonstrating,the authority and all human rights defending groups failed to help us,putting into consideration that our lives in Choucha for all these years is on hold,neither were we showing pleasure during all these process.Protesting against these decisions/situation that has existed all these years long,without suitable durable solution to end our plights.
.5)Demographic arc of instability,i.e,political,economic E.T.C.

Our appeal to the Tunisian government as host of Choucha refugee camp, hence its easy to perceive in all given statements “that our demand for resettlement to a safe third country with effective system of asylum/refugee protection”, “not local integration in Tunisia”,as a proposed plan/program,human right leagues/experts,activists and the civil society,IS to urge the camp responsible UNHCR,under whose authority the camp was established to accomodate the victims,consequence of the Libyan 2011 crisis and with whom our legal cases were registered and the International Committee upon the agreement/s with which the camp was enacted and closed, as well the essence base of The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights were made.
Our struggle is instigated by our own suffering and our own experience,It is a struggle for the rights to live with human dignity in harmony with equal rights and justice,fair opportunities,to be accorded resettlement,not confined to Choucha open detention.
Our Demand And Appeal To UNHCR And The International Committee.
To be accorded resettlement to a safe third country counting with effective system of refugee/asylum protection.Not local integration.
For all these reasons given, we call on your support of our course and demand.
Forgotten refugees at choucha/Unhcr camp of Libyan/Tunisian border.Tunisia.

Statement by Voice of Choucha

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Déclaration des réfugiés de Choucha du Forum Social Mondial 2015


Après la chute du régime en Lybie en 2011, des centaines de refugiés étaient contraints de quitter la Lybie pour se retrouver en camp Choucha du HCR, où ils ont attendu pour que leurs demandes d’asiles soient traitées. Selon plusieurs rapports d’organisations tunisiennes des droits d’homme et autres, des irrégularités et de la mauvaise pratique dans la procédure de la Détermination du Statut du Réfugié se sont produites. En juin 2013, le camp a été officiellement fermé. Jusqu’à maintenant, néanmoins, plusieurs des réfugiés qui n’ont pas pu être rétablis et plus de 70 demandeurs d’asile refusés, restent dans le camp vivant dans le désert dans des conditions inhumaines sans l’accès aux besoins fondamentaux ou facilités humaines de base.
Au cours des quatre dernières années, les réfugiés vivant au camp ont combattu avec plusieurs associations dans de différentes manières afin de faire pression sur l’HCR pour qu’il assume sa responsabilité envers eux en leur garantissant une intégration dans un tiers pays sûr avec un système d’asile efficace. Jusqu’à maintenant l’HCR refuse de traiter leurs cas et satisfaire leurs demandes.
Dans le contexte du FMS 2015, des individus représentant plusieurs organisations internationales et des personnalités de la société civile se rencontrent avec les réfugiés pour discuter et trouver des solutions au camp Choucha. En se basant sur l’expérience des précédentes luttes et témoignages des réfugiés, on s’est mis d’accord que quelque soit l’action prochaine en ce regard, celle-ci doit tourner au tour de ces trois différents points :
L’intégration dans un tiers pays sûr avec un système de protection des réfugiés efficace
L’intégration en Tunisie n’est pas une option vu que la Tunisie n’est pas apte comme pays à garantir la sûreté ou des conditions de vie décentes
Tout support de la cause doit être basé sur l’intégration, car c’est notre but unique. Tout autre aide (matérielle, médicale, besoins primordiaux) est un choix individuel mais pas une solution politique à long terme.

Le Forum Social Mondial est un endroit favorisant l’échange d’idées, où les causes peuvent êtres partagées et les alternatives au système présent peuvent êtres développées. Mais le FSM ne réussit que lorsque des mesures concrètes et de vraies initiatives sont prises. Le FSM du 2013 n’était pas capable de mettre fin à la lutte du camp Choucha. Maintenant, on a besoin de réunir nos forces afin de lutter ensemble.
On est convaincus que jusqu’à maintenant le HCR n’a pas pris ses responsabilités et n’a pas usé des tous ses pouvoirs pour aboutir à une solution satisfaisante. Au lieu de cela, il a fait des erreurs dans la procédure et a délibérément abandonné les réfugiés.
Pour exposer les erreurs du HCR et pour mettre pression sur eux afin d’ouvrir de nouveau le cas des réfugiés du camp Choucha, on a besoin d’un support légal de la part des activistes et des entités compétentes. Par conséquent, on fait un appel ouvert à toutes les associations, organisations, preneurs de décisions et individus pour nous rejoindre.

Mets un terme à la lutte du camp Choucha. De l’intégration maintenant !

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After the collapse of the Libyan regime in 2011, hundreds of forced inhabitants moved to Tunisia and found refuge in UNHCR’s Choucha camp, where they waited for their asylum requests to be processed. According to various reports from Tunisian and human rights organizations, irregularities and malpractice in the RSD procedure occurred. On 30 June 2013, the camp was officially closed. Until now, however, many of the recognized refugees who could not be resettled and more than 70 refused asylum seekers remain in the camp, living in the desert in inhuman conditions without access to basic needs and facilities.
In the past four years the refugees living in the camp have been fighting with several associations in many ways to pressure the UNHCR to assume their responsibility towards them by granting them resettlement in a safe third country with an effective asylum system. Until now the UNHCR has refused to reopen their case and to fulfill their demands.

In the context of the WSF 2015 people representing various international organizations and individuals from the civil society came together with the refugees to discuss and find ways to solve the Choucha issue. Based on the experience of the previous fights and the testimonies of the refugees we came to the consent that any further action has to include these three main conditions:

Resettlement to a safe third country with an effective refugee/asylum protection system423143_489131587799171_1187887160_n
Integration in Tunisia is not an option as Tunisia is not able to guarantee safety and decent living conditions
All kind of support to the cause should be focused on resettlement, as it is our only aim. Any further help (material, medical, basic needs) is an individual choice but not a long-term and effective political solution.

The World Social Forum is a place of exchange of ideas, where causes can be shared and alternatives to the present system can be developed. But the World Social Forum only succeeds if concrete actions come to practice and real initiatives are taken. The 2013 Forum was not able to bring the Choucha struggle to an end. This time, we need to bring our forces together to start fighting.

We are convinced that so far the UNHCR has not taken its responsibilities and had not used all its  power to come to a satisfying solution. Instead, it has made mistakes in the procedures and has deliberately abandoned the refugees.

In order to expose the errors of the UNHCR and pressure them to reopen the case, we need legal support by competent activists or entities. Therefore, we make an open call to all associations, organizations, decision makers and individuals to join us.

Put an end to the Choucha struggle. Resettlement now!

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