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Oh the hard life!

Oh the hard life!

8 May, '124 Comments

This is just too cute not to share here. This is George, tired again after just waking up this morning! Have a great, energy filled morning my friends 🙂

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Unneeded Escalation

Unneeded Escalation

5 May, '125 Comments

I don’t write as often here not because the absence of rich material to blog about, but after so many years of doing so, I feel that I’m now seriously in a “broken record” mode. I feel that I’ve written about so many similar situations over the past ten years and have given the same […]

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The Cassia Fistula’s Naked!

The Cassia Fistula’s Naked!

5 May, '120 Comments

The Cassia Fistula‘s almost naked now, which means that it soon will sport chandaliers of yellow flower clumps to be followed by long and hard seed pods. It sheds a couple of months later in Bahrain than it does in other parts of the world, its native south east asia mostly. It looks like we’re […]

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The Maldivian Plumerias Have Taken

The Maldivian Plumerias Have Taken

4 May, '120 Comments

My wife and I spent a fantastic and relaxing short holiday in Velassaru, one of the Maldivian Heavenly atolls. The plants on that atolls were very similar to what we have here in Bahrain: plumerias, palms and other heat tolerant plants. I particularly fell in love with two plumerias, and the elephant ear plant. I […]

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2 May, '120 Comments

I am gutted. You know I spent quite some time designing, building and planting my xeriscaped border outside my house as a contribution to my neighborhood, country and environment. Unfortunately, some vandals – most probably kids who go to the school opposite my house – continue to wreak havoc in it by willfully damaging the […]

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The Revived Caper

The Revived Caper

1 May, '120 Comments

I bought this caper several years ago from one of the Bahrain International Garden Shows, I think it was the 2006 or thereabouts. I left it in a medium-sized pot and it did well for a while. But like with everything else, time caught up with it and I thought it had died and being […]

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Through the eyes of a lens

Through the eyes of a lens

30 Apr, '120 Comments

It’s really strange that when you observe a garden, or any other space for that matter, and you are used to that particular view, you not only get to take it for granted but your mind disappears some detail and you never really appreciate it. However, I found that if you do frame it through […]

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30 Apr, '120 Comments

One would be forgiven to think that in a garden as small as mine that distinct climates exist in its different parts. I know the pictures make it look big, but trust me on this, it’s less than 700 square meters in total area. The garden is divided in three parts; here, you see the […]

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Hearing the furious beating of the wings of Capital

Hearing the furious beating of the wings of Capital

24 Apr, '1230 Comments

Another day, another mindless attack on businesses in Bahrain, this time in Jiddhaffs. I don’t give a damn what religion, sect, colour or sexual orientation of the criminals who’ve done this and other crimes against businesses. What I do care about is that this, much more than demonstrations and, dare I say it, burning tyres, […]

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Why do most armed robberies happen in Riffa?

Why do most armed robberies happen in Riffa?

23 Apr, '1236 Comments

Riffa is the seat of power. It is the chosen home of the monarchy. It is one of those areas reserved for the chosen ones and part of the population are barred ownership for some unknown reason. One would be forgiven to think that it should be safe, don’t you think? But no. Most, if […]

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