Cross-posted from the DoubleClick Advertisers blog

You may have seen the research we shared with you last month that looks at how programmatic buying is changing advertising. Today’s with DoubleClick episode takes a personal spin on that study, focusing on a few of the people who are both seeing and driving those changes.

We talked to leaders from Universal McCann, VivaKi, MAGNA Global, and The McClatchy Company to find out how they’re thinking about the shift to programmatic. Reach and relevance were top of mind. With greater efficiency and richer audience insights, they’re achieving both goals across screens and formats. As Deborah Gaudette, SVP and Group Partner at UM, points out, this ultimately helps create advertising that consumers want to be part of. That’s a promise we can all get behind.

For ideas on how to adopt a programmatic strategy, take a look at last week’s webinar with Aaron Fetters, Director at the Kellogg Company.

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We’ve all heard it: marketing is at its best with the 3Rs in place -- the right message, to the right person, at the right time. There is no doubt programmatic buying is enabling this by automating marketing across channels for better targeting, relevance, and impact. A recent study Ad Age conducted for DoubleClick shows programmatic is top of mind for more than 40% of agencies and marketers when a media plan is being designed.

But how much of the opportunity is truly being capitalized? Register now to join Aaron Fetters, Director of Insights and Analytics Solutions Center at Kellogg Company, and Emel Mutlu, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Google, for a discussion on the study's findings, and:
  • Why brands and marketers are incorporating programmatic into their media buys
  • The essentials marketers need to know for success in a programmatic world
  • How the industry must evolve to realize the promise of programmatic
Posted by Yamini Gupta, Product Marketing Team