- published: 13 Jul 2014
- views: 7337
ʻAmmār ibn Yāsir ibn ʿĀmir ibn Mālik Abū al-Yaqzān (Arabic: عمار بن یاسر) was one of the Muhajirun in the history of Islam and, for his dedicated devotion to its cause, is considered to be one of the most loyal and beloved companions of Muhammad and Ali; thus, he occupies a position of the highest prominence in Islam. Historically, Ammar ibn Yasir is the first Muslim to build a mosque. He is also referred to by Shia Muslims as one of the Four Companions. Ammar's ultimate fate was unique than the rest of Mohammad's companions in that it decisively distinguished the righteous group from the sinful one in the First Fitna.
Ammar bin Yasir belonged to Banu Makhzum tribe in Hijaz (current-day Saudi Arabia). He was born in the Year of the Elephant, which was the same year as Muhammad's birth, in Mecca and was one of the intermediaries in the Muhammad's marriage to Khadijah bint Khuwaylid. His father, Yasir ibn Amir, was from the tribe of Qahtan in Yemen and migrated to Mecca and settled down there by marrying Sumayyah bint Khayyat, a slave woman; Ammar and his parents, Yasir and Sumayyah, were slaves to Abu Huzaifa, but upon his death, Abu Jahl -who became later one of Islam's most brutal enemies and the infamous torturer of Ammar and his parents- took them over as his slaves. Ammar's trust in and knowledge of Muhammad, even before his prophethood, encouraged him to follow Muhammad's prophetic visions as one of the earliest converts.
Mufti Ismail Menk tells us the stories of Zaid Ibn Harithah Ibn Syurahbil and Ammar Ibn Yasir (Radhiallahu 'anhum) This is Day 16 of Getting to know the Companions of Prophet Muhammad Sallallaahu'alayhi Wa Sallam. Masjid Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin, Putrajaya, Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya, Malaysia, a 30-minute tazkirah everyday after taraweeh. May Allah SWT bless us all - accept our duas, forgive our sins, multiply our hasanat, grant us good health & happiness & ultimately Jannah. Please make Dua that Allah grant us success in this world and the hereafter, Ameen.
82 İL 82 SAHABİ Kütayha’da 82 İl 82 Sahabî projesinin 15. programı Kütahya’da yapıldı. Kütahya İmam Hatip Liseleri Mezunları ve Mensupları Derneği’nin ev sahipliğini yaptığı program Kütahya Kapalı Spor Salonu’ndan gerçekleşti. Kur’an-ı Kerim tilaveti ile başlayan program, Dernek Başkanı Mustafa Önsay’ın selamlama konuşması ile devam etti. Daha sonra kürsüye davet edilen Muhammed Emin Yıldırım, Kütahya’nın nasıl bir İslam şehri olduğunu anlattıktan sonra neden Kütahya’da Ammar b. Yasir’in anlatılacağını şöyle ifade etti: “Kütahya ilimiz Malazgirt Seferi’nden sonra hep bir İslam şehri olmuştur, inşallah kıyamete kadar da böyle kalacaktır. O yıllardan sonra gerek Selçuklu dönemlerinde, gerek Germiyanoğulları zamanlarında, gerekse Osmanlı dönemlerinde burada birçok mescid ve cami inşa edilmi...
by: http://www.youtube.com/user/IslamTVChannel1?feature=watch This is to show those who follow them with a weak mind, that they are ''Muslims''. "And when they meet those who believe, they say: "We believe," but when they are alone with their Shayaateen (devils — polytheists, hypocrites, Zionists), they say: "Truly, we are with you; verily, we were but mocking Allaah mocks at them and gives them increase in their wrong-doing to wander blindly"[Quran 2:14-15] And when it is said to them: 'Make not mischief on the earth,' they say: 'We are only peacemakers.' Verily, they are the ones who make mischief, but they perceive not" [Quran 2:11-12] 18+ WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT - CONTAINS RAW FOOTAGE not for shock purposes, just for documenting FSA mercenaries war crimes in Syria against the...
MUAVIA INVITING TOWARDS HELL FIRE HAZRAT AMMAR BIN YASIR (RA); THE LOYAL SERVENT OF RASOOL ALLAH (SAWW) AND MAULA-E-KAINAAT HAZRAT ALI (AS) WAS KILLED BY THE TRANSGRESSING TYRANNICAL ARMY OF MUAWIYAH IBN ABU SUFYAN AT THE BATTLE OF SIFFIN. Sunan Thirmidhi : Hadith Number 3800: Abu Huraira narrated that the Messenger of Allah said : "Rejoice Ammar, the transgressing party shall kill you. Allah's messenger (PBUH) said to Ammar: "A "group of rebels" would kill you." - Sahih Muslim, English version, v4,Tradition #6968 Ummul momineen Hazrat Bibi Umm Salama narrated that Allah's messenger (may peace be upon him) said: "A band of rebels would kill Ammar." - Sahih Muslim, English version, v4, chapter MCCV, Tradition #6970 https://www.facebook.com/sunni.aqeedah #ahlesunnat #Muaviah #yazid #um...
Raqqa, Syria http://picasaweb.google.com/snobhaven/SyriaIranIraq