11 March 2017

Constitutional Court removes South Korean President Park from office

By Ben McGrath, 11 March 2017

While millions will welcome Park’s removal, her rivals in the ruling elite are just as hostile to popular sentiment for social equality and against the war drive in Asia.

US rejects talks over North Korea, declaring “all options on table”

US Attorney General Sessions praises Guantanamo as a “very fine place”

By Bill Van Auken, 11 March 2017

Sessions call for sending new “enemy combatants” to the prison camp in Cuba is a measure of both the lawlessness of the new administration and its preparation of new wars of aggression.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions recuses himself from investigation as media, Democrats revive anti-Russian campaign

Trump administration invokes “state secrets” in CIA torture case

By Barry Grey, 11 March 2017

Among the CIA officials the government is seeking to shield is Deputy CIA Director Gina Haspel, who ran a secret torture site in Thailand in 2002.

FBI director: “No such thing as absolute privacy in America”
The WikiLeaks exposures and the CIA’s threat to democratic rights

The WikiLeaks revelations and the crimes of US imperialism

More on the Trump presidency »

"Anyone whom ICE suspects of crime can be deported"
Interview with Alan Diamante, attorney for detained immigrant Romulo Avelica-Gonzalez

By Zac Corrigan, Marc Wells and Kevin Martinez, 11 March 2017

WSWS reporters interviewed Alan Diamante, the attorney for Romulo Avelica-Gonzalez, who was detained by ICE agents in front of his daughter as he dropped her off at school.

Milwaukee County Sheriffs Department will arrest immigrants on behalf of ICE

By Gary Joad, 11 March 2017

Sheriff David Clarke, Jr. requested 287 (g) designation for deputies to act as ICE officers to enable the arrest and deportation of thousands immigrants and families.

Canada’s elite determined to stanch influx of refugees fleeing US

By Laurent Lafrance, 11 March 2017

The Liberal government has responded to a spike in asylum seekers by increasing border surveillance and deepening its collaboration with Washington.

Detained immigrants living in trash and forced to eat spoiled meat in US detention centers

Young woman targeted for opposing immigration policy as Trump steps up campaign of intimidation

More on the attacks on immigrants »

Hungary builds internment camps for refugees

By Ulrich Rippert, 11 March 2017

Hungary’s ultra-right government under Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is intensifying its policy of walling off the country against refugees.

Massive increase in attacks on refugees in Germany

More on the refugee crisis »

EU Summit backs trade war and militarism

By Johannes Stern, 11 March 2017

The European Union is responding to the deepest crisis since its founding by further militarizing the continent and preparing for an economic showdown with the United States.

UK: Unite union imposes isolation of Heathrow cabin crew strike

By Ross Mitchell and Robert Stevens, 11 March 2017

Unite has done nothing to mobilise the support of other cabin crew in defence of the Heathrow crew, either at that airport or at any other in the UK.

Hundreds of thousands in the dark in Michigan as windstorm cripples aging electrical grid

By Shannon Jones, 11 March 2017

Michigan residents once again had their lives disrupted by a fairly routine weather event, testifying again to the longstanding neglect of US infrastructure.

RadioShack closing 187 more stores

By James Brewer, 11 March 2017

This announcement follows on the heels of thousands of job losses, giving the lie to the optimistic jobs report by the Labor Department.

Mexican government to vote on law expanding domestic military operations, authorizing mass spying

By Alex Gonzalez, 11 March 2017

The Interior Security Law will legalize the military’s role in domestic security operations and set the framework for mass spying on the Mexican population.

Fire in Guatemalan “safe home” for youth kills dozens of locked-in girls

By Andrea Lobo, 11 March 2017

The death of at least 35 girls was the result of the desperate social conditions facing poor youth in Guatemala and underscores the criminality of US deportation plans.

Australian union’s bogus campaign against penalty rate cut

By our reporters, 11 March 2017

The construction unions held rallies as part of an effort to channel workers’ anger behind the election of another pro-business Labor government.

Report highlights growing social distress in Australia

By John Harris, 11 March 2017

An ME Bank survey indicates that millions of workers and young people are living on a financial knife-edge.

New in Russian

Хочу жить: Мемуары Израиля Агола

Клара Вайс, 11 Март 2017 г.

Воспоминания о детстве революционера, генетика и марксистского теоретика в области биологии Израиля Агола (1891-1937) являются важным документом по истории революционного движения в России и разрушительных последствий сталинизма для судьбы Советского Союза.

New in Turkish

WikiLeaks ifşaatları ve ABD emperyalizminin suçları

Andre Damon, 11 Mart 2017

WikiLeaks belgeleri, ABD’yi dünyanın en büyük “haydut devlet”i ve “siber suçlusu” olarak açığa vurmaktadır.

New in French

Sommet de l’UE : nettes divisions internes et tensions avec les États-Unis

Par Johannes Stern, 11 mars 2017

L’Allemagne a répondu à la rhétorique de plus en plus belliqueuse de Washington en tentant de consolider l’UE comme puissance militaire et économique sous sa propre direction.

Un probable virage à droite aux élections néerlandaises met en péril l’UE

Par Dietmar Henning, 11 mars 2017

Tout comme aux États-Unis, la classe dirigeante en Europe réagit à la crise capitaliste et aux tensions sociales grandissantes par un abandon des formes démocratiques de gouvernement et un retour au nationalisme et à la guerre.

La chasse aux sorcières anti-immigrante américaine pousse les demandeurs d’asile à faire un périlleux voyage au Canada

Par Roger Jordan, 11 mars 2017

Le gouvernement canadien a réagi à l’augmentation du nombre de demandeurs d’asile par un mélange d'indifférence méprisante et d’hostilité ouverte.

New in German

General Motors verkauft Opel an PSA
Verteidigt alle Arbeitsplätze in der Autoindustrie!

Von Jerry White, 11. März 2017

Die Entscheidung von General Motors, Opel-Vauxhall an PSA zu verkaufen, ist Teil einer Umstrukturierung der globalen Autoindustrie, welche die Arbeitsplätze und Existenzgrundlage von zehntausenden Arbeitern auf der ganzen Welt bedroht.

EU bereitet sich auf Handelskrieg gegen die USA vor

Von Johannes Stern, 11. März 2017

Die Europäische Union reagiert auf die tiefste Krise seit ihrer Gründung und die wachsenden transatlantischen Spannungen mit einer weiteren Militarisierung des Kontinents und Handelskriegsvorbereitungen gegen die USA.

Bodenpersonal bestreikt Berliner Flughäfen

Von unseren Korrespondenten, 11. März 2017

Der Ausstand von 2000 Bodenbediensteten auf den Berliner Flughäfen ist Teil einer europaweiten Streikwelle. Praktisch gleichzeitig streiken Fluglotsen in Südfrankreich und Flugbegleiter von British Airways in London. Die Gewerkschaften isolieren aber die Streiks voneinander, um die Kontrolle zu behalten.

FBI-Direktor: Keine absolute Privatsphäre in Amerika
Die WikiLeaks-Enthüllungen und die Bedrohung demokratischer Rechte durch die CIA

Von Patrick Martin, 11. März 2017

Die Medien werfen WikiLeaks die Begünstigung von Terrorismus vor.

Auf dem Balkan wächst die Kriegsgefahr

Von Markus Salzmann, 11. März 2017

Die politische und soziale Krise auf dem Balkan verschärft die Konflikte zwischen den Nachfolgestaaten Jugoslawiens. Mittlerweile wächst die Gefahr eines weiteren Kriegs in der Region.

US-Marines treffen in Syrien ein

Von Bill Van Auken, 11. März 2017

Die Verschärfung der US-Intervention in Syrien und dem Irak wird in beiden Ländern zu weiteren zivilen Todesopfern führen.

Fillon bleibt Präsidentschaftskandidat der französischen Rechten

Von Alex Lantier und Stéphane Hugues, 11. März 2017

Immer größere Teile von Fillons Partei, den Republikanern, befürchten, dass ihr Kandidat nicht in der Lage sein wird, die neofaschistische Marine Le Pen bei der diesjährigen Präsidentschaftswahl zu schlagen.

67. Berlinale – Teil 3
Die Abwesenheit der großen Welt – deutsche Filme auf der Berlinale

Von Bernd Reinhardt, 11. März 2017

Die dramatischen sozialen und politischen Entwicklungen der letzten Jahre fanden in Filmen keinen Niederschlag.

New in Urdu

یونان میں سیریزاکی غداری کے سیاسی اسباق


آئی سی آئی ایف ہی وہ واحد گروپ تھا جس نے عالمی محنت کشوں کو متنبہ کیا تھا کہ سیریزا کوئی انقلابی پارٹی نہیں بلکہ سرمایہ داری کی حامی اور مزدور دشمن پارٹی ہے.وقت نے سیریزا پر آئی سی آئی ایفکی طرف سے ہونے والی تنقید کو سچ ثابت کر دیا۔

Other Languages


A socialist policy for universal health care

11 March 2017

Under the cover of a struggle over Obamacare, the bipartisan attack on health care for working people in America is being intensified.

Earlier Perspectives »

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

Why Study the Russian Revolution”: A lecture by David North

Watch the live stream of this lecture by David North, the first in a series marking the centenary of the Russian Revolution. A question and answer period is included following the lecture.

Registrations from throughout the world for Russian Revolution centenary online lectures
Workers and students in India express strong support

By Sasi Kumar and Moses Rajkumar, 10 March 2017

This week in the Russian Revolution
March 6-12: February Revolution erupts in Petrograd

6 March 2017

WSWS Editorial Board Chairman David North discusses upcoming lecture series on Russian Revolution

Socialism and the centenary of the Russian Revolution: 1917-2017

By David North and Joseph Kishore, 3 January 2017


Civil liberties lawyer Lynne Stewart dies at 77

11 March 2017

The attorney was convicted in 2005 by the US government on fraudulent charges as part of an effort to intimidate anyone opposed to the “war on terror.”


The Settlers: Israel’s movement toward an apartheid state

By Fred Mazelis, 11 March 2017

A new documentary shows the impact of decades of Israeli occupation of the West Bank on the Zionist state.

67th Berlin International Film Festival—Part 3
The absence for the most part of the big wide world: German films at the Berlinale

By Bernd Reinhardt, 9 March 2017

A comment on Robert Osborne (1932-2017), host of Turner Classic Movies

By David Walsh, 8 March 2017


European Central Bank maintains a balancing act

By Nick Beams, 10 March 2017

Fillon survives challenge as French right’s presidential candidate

By Alex Lantier and Stéphane Hugues, 10 March 2017

Late-night TV host Stephen Colbert shares jokes with former NSA, CIA chief Michael Hayden

By David Walsh, 10 March 2017

Imperialist wars and interventions fuel refugee crisis in Africa

By Thomas Gaist, 9 March 2017

Stop the German army’s preparations for civil war!

The political issues in the “International Women’s Strike”


New York University students denounce decision against IYSSE club status

By a WSWS reporting team, 9 March 2017

New York University rejects club status for IYSSE for second semester

By Daniel de Vries, 8 March 2017

More on the fight for democratic rights at NYU »

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

11 March 2017

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

French air traffic controllers strike against work restructuring

By Anthony Torres, 10 March 2017

GM spin-off of Opel-Vauxhall poses need for international fight to defend auto jobs

By Jerry White, 9 March 2017

More on autoworkers issues »

UAW blocks strike by New York University adjuncts despite 94 percent authorization vote

By Alan Whyte, 10 March 2017

Socialist Equality Party

German ICFI section adopts new name

By Socialist Equality Party (Germany), 28 February 2017

Socialist Equality Party (UK) public meetings
Trump and Brexit: For a socialist opposition to economic nationalism

11 February 2017

The defense of immigrant rights

“This is class warfare!”
Video: Protesters oppose deportation of Rómulo Avelica-González

By Zac Corrigan, Kevin Martinez and Marc Wells, 8 March 2017

“We’re bigger than ICE, all of us together!”
Los Angeles protest against deportation of Rómulo Avelica-González

By Zac Corrigan, Kevin Martinez and Marc Wells, 8 March 2017

Video: Daughters of Rómulo Avelica-González, detained for deportation in Los Angeles, speak out

Immigration under capitalism: Life and death along the US-Mexico border
Part Four

By Eric London, 7 March 2017

More on the attacks on immigrants »

NHS Fightback

UK: Up to 250,000 protest attacks on National Health Service

By Robert Stevens, 6 March 2017

NHS protesters ask: “Why have we got money for war? Where is the money for our NHS and schools?”

By our reporters, 6 March 2017

UK: The fight to defend the NHS means building a new socialist party
Statement by NHS FightBack

More on NHS Fightback »

Book Review

Secret Affairs: Britain’s collusion with radical Islam
A revealing insight into political criminality and warmongering—Part 2

By Jean Shaoul, 6 March 2017

Secret Affairs: Britain’s collusion with radical Islam
A revealing insight into political criminality and warmongering—Part 1

The Trump Presidency

Trump administration document lays out trade war agenda

By Nick Beams, 7 March 2017

As attack on jobs escalates, AFL-CIO chief pledges to “partner” with Trump administration

By Jerry White, 4 March 2017

The Snap IPO: Trump agenda fuels an orgy of speculation

By Nick Beams, 3 March 2017

Trump’s speech outlines plans for class war at home and war abroad

The Trump administration and the crisis of American capitalism

Trump proposes huge hike in military and police spending

More on the Trump presidency »


Eighty years since the victory of the Flint sit-down strike—Part one

By Jerry White, 15 February 2017

Eighty years since the victory of the Flint sit-down strike—Part two

Georgi Valentinovich Plekhanov (1856–1918): His Place in the History of Marxism