
Female consciousness and collective action in Barcelona - Temma Kaplan

Article on women's protests in Spain between 1910 and 1918, which had many similarities to those that sparked the French and Russian Revolutions.

(Trigger warning as this article contains mention of sexual violence)

Organizing worker struggles through direct democracy: the Barcelona bus drivers struggle for two days off, 2007-2008

An account of the Barcelona bus workers victory.

1951: Barcelona general strike

A brief description of social conditions in post-Civil War Spain followed by an account of the Barcelona general strike of 1951. The events in Barcelona led to strikes across the country and signalled the potential for a return to working class combativity in Spain after over a decade of rule under the Franco regime.

Sabate Llopart, Francisco, "El Quico", 1915-1960

Francisco Sabaté Llopart 'El Quico'

A short biography of Sabate - the most famous and one of the most tenacious fighters in the armed resistance to Franco. Surviving longer than many other guerrillas, he finally succumbed to the bullets of the Civil Guard in 1960.

1931: Barcelona mass rent strike

The story of one of the biggest rent strikes of the 20th century where more than 100,000 people faced down the landlords and the government winning improvements for many tenants.

La Canadiense and Barcelona general strike, 1919 - Sam Lowry

A short history of the Barcelona general strike of 1919 which began after the sacking of eight workers, and ended up as one of the most successful working class actions in history, which forced the introduction of the world's first 8-hour working day.

1909: The Barcelona revolt

Barcelona in flames during the revolt

A brief history of a successful general strike and rebellion in Barcelona.

Spain: Supermarket strike in Barcelona to enter second month

This Saturday the 22nd of April will mark the end of the first month of an indefinite strike in Barcelona by workers at the Sant Sadurni d'Anoia logistics centre for the major Spanish Supermarket chain Mercadona.

Women's subversive individualism in Barcelona during the 1930s - Michael Seidman

This short text, drawing on H. E. Kaminsky's testimony, discusses the Spanish Revolution in regard to what was wrong in the CNT and UGT’s lack of critique of labour and work, as well as their unwillingness to address patriarchy.

Towards a History of Workers' Resistance to Work - Michael Seidman

"The implications of workers' resistance to work are far-reaching. The study of their reluctance to work shows that the claim by unions and political parties of the left to represent the working class is somewhat questionable. French and Spanish workers continued their traditional ways of resistance to labour in spite of calls by communists, socialists, anarchists or syndicalists for greater production.