Category Archives: teeth

Went to the endodontist

He has a great view overlooking the city from high up above Park Street, Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on March 23, 2006 in health, personal, teeth



“A dentist who specialises in the treatment of the tooth pulp which involves the nerve and blood supply to each tooth. The Endodontist performs the services in co-ordination with your dentist or specialist dentist.” Link.

I have been referred to the above, as it seems some bridge and post work done years ago in Newtown has encountered a problem.

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Posted by on March 15, 2006 in health, personal, teeth


USU Online – the University of Sydney Union Website

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I get confused easily. There is the organisation above (click the picture) and there are two other organisations as well. The above, it seems to me, is in no way analogous to a trade union. That second link offers a world-wide and historical perspective. When I was at Uni I did not avail myself of all the Union’s offerings, though I certainly used a lot of the discounts. I used also to have these fantasies, which I often indulged, of being in a Club, rather like the ones I had read about in things like Sherlock Holmes. I did not take up smoking a pipe or cigars or drinking port, but I came close. Indeed, I suspect the Sydney University Union was an imitation of The Oxford Union; even the architecture of the older Sydney University Union buildings seems to be in imitation — see pic, which is Oxford.

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Posted by on September 7, 2005 in Australia and Australian, culture wars, education, ex-students and coachees, generational change, industrial relations, local, Political, reminiscing, right wing politics, Salt Mine, teeth


The Crusades Through Arab Eyes by Amin Maalouf. New York: Schocken, 1987

In this and similar posts, always bear in mind what I say about the purpose of this blog: to clarify ideas for myself, and then maybe for others. What I am really wrestling with is what attitude is best calculated to minimise the harmful effects of division in a culturally diverse society such as ours is, especially in the current world climate, not as some ideal but as a matter of fact and practice. As an ESL teacher who has been necessarily concerned with multicultural matters, and as one who in his own life has lived an intercultural experience, these things matter a lot to me. In most Sydney and suburban schools these things are part of the daily round as well, if not for much longer in my case.

I read this some years ago, borrowed (of course) from Surry Hills Library.
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That feels a bit better…

I just had an overdue haircut. The resemblance (except in size) between myself and a woolly mammoth was becoming a bit alarming. I also made a dentist appointment for 2.30 Wednesday. Sigh.

Image hosted by Photobucket.comThinking about church yesterday too. It really is so welcoming. There are Quaker-like moments in the service, particularly just before the Eucharist where people come up the front and light a candle while saying something about why they are in church, or whatever is on their mind. It is very simple and very moving. No-one rants. People are honest in what they say. It generates a nice spirit before the shared Eucharist, and in fact yesterday once the Eucharist was over, there was a spontaneous group hug which almost derailed the last part of the service, but no-one minded in the least.

It truly is a place where all are welcome.

I found this on BBC:
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Posted by on August 15, 2005 in Australia and Australian, Christianity, faith and philosophy, friends, Indigenous Australians, interfaith, local, personal, South Sydney Uniting Church, teeth


Still unwell

I went to The Mine this morning because there were things that I had to do and a meeting I had to attend. But I still feel ratshit. I have the prevailing virus as well as the tooth-and-gum issues, and am on 2000 milligrams of penicillin a day, which my body does not like.

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Posted by on August 11, 2005 in health, personal, Salt Mine, teeth


Quirk’s Grocery & Gourmet Cafe in Redfern, Sydney

Image hosted by Photobucket.comAccompanied The Rabbit here this morning from The Coffee Roaster where I ran into him on my way to check out the new doctor. He decided to buy some of the excellent fruit buns from Quirk’s, a place he and I have become very fond of; unfortunately they had not baked them yet today.

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Posted by on August 8, 2005 in friends, health, local, Salt Mine, teeth


In the Name of God (New Internationalist 2004)

Read, mark and inwardly digest.

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This morning I did not go to church, not because of any inference you can draw from the above link, but because I overslept. I do intend to go back, as I experienced last Sunday at South Sydney Uniting Church with a very real feeling of home-coming. The values espoused there are not fundamentalist ones.


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Posted by on August 7, 2005 in Christianity, faith and philosophy, friends, health, interfaith, local, peace, reminiscing, Sirdan, South Sydney Uniting Church, Sunday lunch, teeth