Category Archives: Blogroll

Meet some blogs – Muslims I read from time to time

In the UK


  • Islam And The West – the Kashmiri Nomad is sometimes a bit confronting and perhaps too keen on finding examples of Christian hypocrisy, not that it does any harm to at least weigh what he says but I would rather he accentuated the positive. Nonetheless his terrorism category makes for interesting reading.


  • Madhab al-Irfy .. — “.. a place where Irf rants on religion-related stuff when he’s bored sh*tless. Irf’s work gets published here and there. He occasionally gets harassing after-hours phonecalls from a News Ltd journo, and recently joined the ever-growing list of sane people threatened by Daniel Pipes…”
  • Planet Irf – same blogger. “The weblog of Irfan Yusuf, lawyer and writer who was once a small-c conservative but is now politically left right out. His often irreverent take on things appears in some 15 newspapers in Australia and New Zealand as well as online. His book "Once Were Radicals: My Years As A Teenage Islamo-fascist" was published in May 2009.” Great blog.

Not Muslims

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Posted by on August 12, 2009 in blogging, Blogroll, interfaith, Islam, pluralism



Some things that tickle me

My other favourites

If you go to the renamed Neil’s Sydney on Blogspot you will find in the sidebar a widget called BlogExplosion – my blogmarks. While surfing via BlogExplosion I sometimes bookmark blogs that attract my attention because of their design or something about the content. Go to that widget and see what I have found.

On Neil’s Sydney photo blog is another set of favourites, this time from City Daily Photo. Here they are

These will give you much pleasure!

And I am sure you are aware of my Google Reader which I update at least once a day.

My daily dose of mindless TV

Yes, when I can, I watch Deal or No Deal at 5.30 on Channel Seven: “The show that pits ordinary Australians against an insidious banker intent on thwarting their chances at walking away with $200000.”

I admire the quiet assumptions the show makes about what an “ordinary Australian” is – no fanfare, no drum roll – and this is a power for good. Last night for example:


And what a character she was! She walked away $100,000 richer. She had hoped for a few thousand to set up an ice-cream van!


Just a quick explanation of “Neil’s Shared Items”

Jim Belshaw is very fond of this aspect of my blog and has said so several times. Marcellous has noted a downside: it sometimes collects early versions of a post and keeps them on display, which can be embarrassing. In one case, though I am not sure Thomas noted it, I collected a post which has not even been published, but must have briefly been long enough for the Google Reader to grab it. It is a rather good post too, so I hope it appears some time.

All Google Reader does is aggregate in one place feeds from whatever sites you are interested in following. Whether a whole post or a part post appears has been determined by the blogger, or by their blog platform. In my own blogs I allow feeds a five line opening, not whole posts. Google Reader allows you to “share” these feeds with others through a reasonably attractive blog-like page.

Some of the people I have picked I know either personally or through some time exchanging comments on the Internet, some I have just come across and found interesting. There are some blogs I would like to include, but can’t because they don’t allow feeds. There are others – Aluminium is one example – that I decided against not on any grounds of quality but because I felt they were rather personal and meant for their usual readers rather than people in general.

Some of the “feeders” are very regular, especially if it’s a group site or blog. Others are irregular. They represent only a tiny bit of the blogosphere, but I always find myself stimulated, informed, amused, or sometimes annoyed, every time they post, so that I wanted to share. You should explore their blogs further by going to the sources which are always just a click away, usually on the entry title. That way too you may see if Marcellous has been rewriting. 😉 (I rewrite too, I should add, though not always.)

In the side bar here you have two options. One is a feed of Neil’s Shared Items which comes via Feedburner and lists the latest 20 choices. The other is the Google Reader itself which currently is kept to 65-80 posts – that is, kept to that by me: Neil’s Shared Items. This displays around ten posts per page. You will notice I preface my choices with a comment, sometimes very brief, sometimes a short essay! These are merely my responses and are in no way “canonical”. As I choose from what Google Reader offers around 10% of what is there, you can be sure any post I share is there for a reason.

Here is a list of the blogs currently feeding my Shared Items:

Read the rest of this entry »


Posted by on November 30, 2008 in blogging, Blogroll, Jim Belshaw, Marcel, other blogs, site news


Google Reader revamp

It’s just a small change, but I have cleared out some older items, leaving 58 there at the moment. I have also added some sites, so you will see a greater variety. All the old ones are still there.


You will notice too from now on that I am annotating each selection.

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Posted by on October 15, 2008 in blogging, Blogroll, other blogs, site news