Uniya Jesuit Social Justice Centre Uniya

Good Neighbour, Bad Neighbour -   Frank Brennan, John Bruni, Duncan Campbell, Sidney Jones, Tony Kevin, Peter King, Damien Kingsbury, Adrian Vickers and Richard Woolcott Good neighbour, bad neighbour. Uniya's new book on Australia's relationship with Indonesia


What's new

 Uniya: a meeting place
Mark Raper SJ, 25/5/07

 Reflections on my association with Uniya
Frank Brennan SJ, 25/5/07

 From the outside looking in and from the inside looking out
Patty Fawkner, 25/5/07

 Open Letter Regarding Indonesia-Timor Leste Commission of Truth and Friendship, 23/5/07

 There goes the neighbourhood!
Mark Byrne and Marta Iljadica, 5/07

 Chasing shadows: Indonesian war criminals and Australian law
Mark Byrne and Kath Gibson, 5/07

 Catholic Social Teaching and the way we work
Mary Bryant, 5/07

 Notice concerning the closure of Uniya, 2/3/07

From the Uniya archive

 Background brief on Muslims in Australia (2003)

About Us

Our office is situated at: 24 Roslyn Street
Kings Cross

Postal address:
PO Box 522
Kings Cross 1340

Ph: 61 2 9356 3888
Fax: 61 2 9356 3021

Legal notice
Privacy policy



Uniya's website will no longer be updated:

After 18 years of social justice advocacy and action, Uniya has closed its doors for the last time on 31 May 2007. The Uniya website will no longer be updated but its publications and documents will continue to be accessible through this website, now hosted by the Jesuit Refugee Service. The letter from the Jesuit Provincial explains the reason for Uniya's closure: read it here. We take this opportunity to thank our supporters and volunteers who have worked hard to ensure the success of Uniya over the years.

Enquiries about Uniya should be directed to the Jesuit Refugee Service or the Jesuit Provincial Office.


(The painting used throughout this site is "Uniya - the Jesuit Spirit", by Miriam Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann, 1989)

Talking & listening