Sunday, 12 March 2017 / TRUTH-OUT.ORG
  • The Deep State 2.0

    Mike Lofgren: The Deep State is an outgrowth of the illiberal tendencies in liberal democracy. What is now evolving in the West Wing under the troika of Donald Trump, Steve Bannon and Jared Kushner is something much more sinister.

  • Adequate Housing: Global Financial Institutions Hold the World to Ransom

    The housing crisis has rewarded the wealthiest while those who have lost their homes are often blamed for taking on too much debt.


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  • Creating Sanctuary Through Collective Resistance

    Creating Sanctuary Through Collective Resistance

    By Rachel Ida Buff, Truthout | Op-Ed

    As deportation raids begin their grim work of tearing up families and communities, one response is to create sanctuary in novel as well as time-honored ways. Physical sanctuary offers shelter to those eluding the deportation terror; cultural and spiritual sanctuary invent practices of solidarity and resistance.

  • Globalization Is Just a Contemporary Word for Financial Colonialism

    Globalization Is Just a Contemporary Word for Financial Colonialism

    By Mark Karlin, Truthout | Interview

    We who live in imperialist countries owe an enormous debt of solidarity to people in countries like Bangladesh, which are being ransacked by our governments and corporations. We cannot have socialism in the West until we acknowledge and start repaying this debt.


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