Flying with pride on Fair Day Photo: Ashley Asphodel

Mardi Gras Fair Day

With Victoria Park undergoing maintenance Mardi Gras Fair Day relocated to Camperdown Park for 2017.

Uniting and Sydney Alliance affordable housing campaign partners at NSW parliament. November 2016. Photo: Supplied

Housing affordability – time for NSW to turn words into action

Housing experts and NGOs argue a 15-30 per cent minimum for affordable housing should apply to all units in new developments.

HEALTH – Vascular disease

The Blessing at South Sydney Uniting Church, 2014. Photo: Supplied

Married with children

“Coming out” can help decision-makers include us in every aspect of community life, rather than exclude us.

"Old Mine" 2016 John Firth-Smith Image: Supplied

Remarkable rust

The paintings are about the artist’s “continuing love of the central west and Hill End surrounds”

The original mural as painted in 1983 (the length of the 91metre mural has been stacked to fit in the post). Photo: Supplied

Mural restoration more than a heritage issue

‘We are pleased to support the restoration of this iconic local landmark so it can be enjoyed by generations to come. UrbanGrowth

Live Music – Jet