
Latest Business News

The US dollar is looking for fresh direction following recent gains

Dollar's rally hinges on US rate clues

Traders betting on further gains in the US dollar aren't being dissuaded by its slump late last week after the February employment report showed robust jobs growth

China's economy continues to post robust growth

China industrial output remains robust

China's industrial output grew more than 6 percent in January and February, a vice chairman of the state economic planner said on Sunday, adding that the survey-based unemployment rate in 31 major cities was about 5 percent for the two-month period.

Investors are increasingly open to the idea of global central banks tapping the brake on the flood of easy money ...

Markets pause ahead of Fed rate call

Global equities have fallen into a bit of a rut, local shares too, as investors wait to hear whether the US central bank raises interest rates this week.

PM Malcolm Turnbull spoke to the Tesla CEO for an hour on Sunday.

Turnbull, Musk 'pick each other's brains' over energy storage

Tesla's Elon Musk may have garnered maximum publicity with his offer last week to solve South Australia's power crisis for free if he did not deliver with 100 days of signing a contract, but neither the Prime Minister nor South Australia's Premier are in a hurry to take him up on the offer.

Western Power's possible sale is likely to be off the agenda with the change of government.

WA's new government faces tough turnaround task

New WA Premier Mark McGowan has promised to get straight to work after leading Labor to one of the state's biggest election victories, as voters swept aside a Liberal-National coalition blamed for squandering the state's resources boom and racking up record debt

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All trades lead to Yellen

With Thursday morning's rate hike locked in, how many more are the Fed expecting in 2017 and will Trumpism have an impact? (Video produced in commercial partnership between Fairfax Media and IG Markets).

Construction jobs, which can fluctuate depending on the weather, rose by 58,000, the most since March 2007, and followed ...

US economy adds 235,000 jobs

US employers added jobs at an above-average pace for a second month on outsized gains in construction and manufacturing.

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