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One Nation's assault on WA was a complete shambles

In the end, One Nation's assault on WA was a complete and utter shambles.

And despite Pauline Hanson putting the boots into their new preference pals the Liberals for their abysmal showing in the WA election, One Nation have only themselves to blame.

The infighting, the poorly vetting of candidates, the sacking of long-time One Nation members and candidates quitting or being sacked weeks out from the election saw the party implode.

With 67 per cent of the vote counting on Saturday night, One Nation's primary vote was a dismal 4.7 per cent. The party may still pick up two seats in the upper house, but has fallen well short of the 13 per cent primary vote some polls were showing only three weeks out from the election.

Like the Liberals, One Nation disrespected their followers by assuming they would be happy jumping into bed with the Liberals.

The surge of One Nation was happening because voters were feeling disenfranchised and fed up with the two major political parties.


But as soon as One Nation cut a deal with the Liberals, its loyal followers jumped off the bandwagon, because Pauline Hanson's party underestimated how much it would rankle people.

One Nation voters didn't want to be told 'how to vote' and didn't want their preferences flowing to a party they were abandoning in the first place.

As the election drew closer, One Nation's primary just kept spiralling down.

Only days after One Nation said it was running more than 50 candidates in the WA election, the rot started to set in.

Rozane Bezuidenhout was advocating for a separate white South African state, another offered cures for cancer and homosexuality, and a third fretted about gays using Nazi mind-control techniques in their campaign for marriage equality.

Last month two candidates – Dane Sorensen and Sandy Baraiolo – were dumped after criticising the preference deal the party cut with the Liberal Party. Baraiolo claimed she later received phone threats.

And the mother of missing WA teenager Hayley Dodd quit One Nation on the eve of the WA state election, accusing Pauline Hanson of running a "dictatorship".

Despite the shambolic showing throughout the campaign a number of political experts said voters would not be turned off by One Nation's shenanigans because people didn't believe the media and were anti-establishment. People were voting for the brand that was One Nation.

And all the talk about One Nation picking up voters because of some Trump-style populist resentment was nowhere near the degree of what had happened in the US.

Ms Hanson said she would carefully consider any future preference deals with the major parties following the result.

Ms Hanson said the preference deal with Mr Barnett - whom she compared to "stale milk" the voters wanted to throw out - had suppressed her party's vote.

She said the One Nation executive would conduct a review of the campaign and how the party should allocate its preferences in the future.

Ms Hanson said the One Nation campaign was "rushed" and some disgruntled candidates had caused "havoc" during the campaign.

"It was a mistake," Ms Hanson said of the preference deal with the Liberal Party.

"I wasn't here to shore up [Liberal Premier] Colin Barnett but a lot of people do not understand the preference system."

- With Matthew Knott