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Emma Watkins: My life on the road with The Wiggles

What I Know About Men

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My grandfather's name is Victor but I've always called him Poppy George – I have no idea why! He loved racing Renault rally cars and passed that passion on to my father, Richard. They taught me how to drive them really early and would take me to competitions in my teens. We'd drive almost every weekend on precision driving courses – it was like cross-country, but for cars. I only have a sister [Hayley], so I think they were trying to convert me into the boy they never had.

Since my nanny passed away, Poppy George has become really open and chatty with me, it's like he's excited to tell me all about his life. I never knew until now that he used to be a champion ballroom dancer and met my nanny, who was a beautiful singer, at a dance. He still loves to dance a waltz with me in the driveway every time I leave. I look identical to my nanny when she was younger and I think I remind him more and more of her now she's gone. 

My grandfather and I danced at my wedding to Lachlan Gillespie – I'm the Yellow Wiggle, he's the Purple Wiggle – and I don't remember having had that chance before, so I was really glad. He was very insistent that he could do it, but he's in his late 80s, so I wasn't sure. In the end, we danced together for about five minutes. There are so many lovely pictures from that moment. I didn't know where my dancing streak came from; now I know it's from him.

I also just found out Poppy George had to sell his beloved car to buy Nanny's engagement ring. He recently gave the ring to me, which is so special. 

We call Dad Lord Richard, because he likes to practise medieval sword-fighting at night. He loves history and thinks he's a Viking. Mum [Kathryn] thinks it's a bit bizarre, but we call her Lady Kathryn because she dresses up when she works in the NSW Schoolhouse Museum of Public Education. It's not hard to see where my love of drama came from.

Dad is a really sound thinker and an accountant by day. I don't know anybody more sensible. But when he comes to see the Wiggles, he turns up in a big "Emma" T-shirt and a yellow cap with a bow on it. He'll laugh at all the jokes and do all the actions. He thinks me joining the Wiggles is the best. He loves opera and the performing arts – maybe he needs the escape from all that maths.


My parents met through a car club when my mum's brother was racing with my dad. I really can't get away from cars, which is probably why I've been allowed to drive the [Wiggles'] Big Red Car. It's probably also because I'm much better at parking than the other Wiggles. 

I'm 27, the Wiggles as a group is 26, so I've watched them forever. The Wiggles are like the brothers I never had. For me, Anthony [Field] is two different people: the Blue Wiggle I watched when I was little, and the man who is basically my mentor for life. He's a very inspirational person and so energetic. When Lachy wanted to ask me to marry him, he called Anthony first to check if it was okay. We both look up to him.

The strategic Wiggle is Simon [Pryce, the Red Wiggle]. He always brings sense back into my mind and he's very wise. I see the other Wiggles more than I see my own family. I've learnt to be more tolerant with them, even though I'm constantly trying to organise them. 

I fell in love with Lachy the moment I saw him. I had auditioned as a fairy for the Wiggles and he was Captain Feathersword. We've toured almost every day together since that first day. It now feels weird if we're not together. 

He taught me to sing properly, because as a dancer I never thought about storytelling with my voice. Even now, he's there in the recording studio making sure I have the right harmony. His musical brain is something quite special. If he'd started dancing when he was younger, he'd be really good [now] because he has amazing dancing legs.

He's the modern-day gentleman and is sweet with everyone. Maybe that's why Poppy George adores him. They talk about all sorts of music. It's such a nice relationship between them. 

It's an instant love with Lachy, because all my friends liked him, too. They agree he's a modern-day prince: tall with dark hair and very sweet. There's nothing not to like about him and he'll make a very good father. He also loves cooking and cleaning. He's obsessed with vacuuming; it's just who he is. I think I'm in for a pretty good haul when we have children. 

Emma Watkins is currently touring Australia with the Wiggles.