Daily Life

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My day on a plate: Amanda Erratt

Amanda Erratt, Clinical Project co-ordinator, 53.

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5am I'm up for my habitual 8-10km run with the Coogee Cougars.

7am Home for a large glass of coconut water and supplements (vitamin C, multi B, CoQ10, fish oil), a bowl of natural muesli topped with yoghurt, LSA and berries, and a skim flat white.

9.30am Another skim flat white. I also drink tap water during the day.

1pm Lunch of mixed greens, baby spinach, avocado, tuna, roasted capsicum and pumpkin seeds.

4pm Snack on almond, cashew and cranberry bites.

6pm A glass of pinot noir.


7pm At dinner with girlfriends, I eat another salad – it's hot – made with baby beets, spinach, candied walnuts, chickpeas and feta. Delicious! Plus two more glasses of pinot noir (I'm walking home) and lots of tap water. 

Dr Joanna McMillan says:

Top marks for… Showing how a plant-based diet, supplemented with some fish, can deliver all the nutrients your body needs. The combination of wholegrains, legumes, nuts, seeds and plenty of vegies is spot on, while the fish adds additional protein and omega-3 fats not found in plants.

If you keep eating like this you'll… Have the best chance of living healthily to a ripe old age. Of course you can't control your genetic predispositions, your environment and plain bad luck, but you're doing all you can with a healthy diet and active lifestyle.

Why don't you try… Including shellfish such as mussels or oysters once or twice a week to boost iron and zinc, minerals that are less well absorbed from plant foods. And include fish with higher levels of long-chain omega-3s such as salmon, trout or sardines. 

Amanda Erratt is a participant in the Sydney Skinny Ocean Swim, to be held on Sunday March 19.