

The two trends that have turned reporting season into Results Roulette

There are a lot of positive write-ups about the recent results season.

I've read about a 20 per cent rise in total gross profit and a 475 per cent rise in pre-tax profit but, this year, believing these numbers is a trap because the whole thing is distorted by the BHP result.

BHP Billiton saw last year's $5.669 billion net loss after a $7.184 billion impairment charge turn into a $3.204 billion profit. So it's no good looking at the average of all stocks, it's all muddled by BHP.

Of more interest to me was the ever growing volatility of company share prices post results announcements.

A 3 per cent move in a share price used to be a big thing. This results season more than half of the 260 odd results we logged moved more than 3 per cent on the day of their results. More than a third moved more than 5 per cent and more than one in 10 moved by 10 per cent.

Since their results, about half the stocks are up and half are down so this is more about the one-day movements than everything rising or falling. It is about ever increasing volatility on the day of announcements and it is happening for two reasons.     


1. Continuous disclosure

Companies are not allowed to feed any price sensitive information into the market without a public announcement. Gone are the days when a company would talk to its favourite broker about how things were going and then leave it to them to write some research and quietly and slowly massage the market's expectations towards something realistic and in so doing head off any precipitous share price falls. It was called "managing expectations".

That's no longer allowed. Net result, price sensitive information is now dumped on the market in one rare lump and the price reactions are understandably sharp and instantaneous. Some of the small and mid-cap companies don't have the systems, investor relations departments or time to constantly monitor profits and to constantly manage expectations. So it is no wonder that when they announce their results every six months, it comes with an information dump and subsequent price reaction.

2. Computer trading

ASIC did a study in March 2015 of high frequency trading (HFT). They had access to all trading information going back years. The study told us that, as of March 2015, nearly half of all orders entered into the market came from computers. Nearly a third of all trades by number were done by computers and a quarter of all turnover was executed by computers. Nearly four out of five of all computer-based orders were being done by just 10 big HFT players and the average holding time of an order in the market was 51 minutes.

In the futures market, which drives the equity market, the numbers are higher and increasing. If you then consider that 30 per cent of market turnover is also being done off-market in "dark pools", anonymous order matching systems, then it looks like humans are only doing about 43 per cent of market turnover and that was back in March 2015. It will be less now.

HFT chases volatility. The algorithms that they run on detect other people's orders in the screen, executed trades and short-term price trends and respond to that in nanoseconds without any consideration for fundamentals.

And a warning to company CEOs who are drafting their results announcements, the algorithms are also now electronically scanning the words of announcements, no humans involved, and picking up on adjectives and phrases like "profit warning" and "lowered guidance" or "raised guidance". And they instantaneously start placing orders in response. So watch what you write. Especially in the headlines.

That algorithm activity is then picked up by the activity matching algorithms and, Bob's your uncle, WorleyParsons opens down 21.8 per cent on the day of the results. Only to bounce 11.5 per cent by the end of the day.

Notably this all happens before any analysis is done by the brokers or the big institutional fund managers. The action stems from computer algorithms. The idea that this is being done by individual retail investors sitting at home, is laughable. Retail investors cannot move WorleyParsons 21.8 per cent on the open.

But rather than get upset, we have to accept. ASIC's study into HFT concluded that while it might be exaggerating short-term price movements, HFT was not disrupting the integrity of the market or materially raising the costs of execution enough to ban it. It is here to stay. ASIC is clearly happy to sit back and let it happen, and the ASX has no interest in limiting it because they are raking it in from HFT customers paying for high speed data feeds with terabytes of information being provided by the exchange at huge cost.

You just have to get used to it. It used to be called the results season. Now it's "results roulette".    

Marcus Padley is a director of MTIS Pty Ltd, the author of the daily stock market newsletter Marcus Today. For a free trial of the Marcus Today newsletter please go to