Daily Life

Sarah Berry

Lifestyle Health Editor

Making the beast beautiful: Sarah Wilson.

Wilson: Anxiety should be embraced and seen as beautiful

It is a nuance of the human condition that we can be full of contradictions, with each apparent discrepancy equally true. We can be as strong as we are fragile, as connected as we are lonely and as joyful as we are despairing.

Time in nature is good for our health

Watch birds and be in nature for better mental health

It's a routine that's familiar enough to most people: You wake up, eat breakfast inside, hop on a bus or in your car, go straight into an artificially lit office where you sit for the duration of daylight hours before going straight home in the dark. 

Fragrances that smell good or clean may be causing us harm, a Melbourne University study says.

Fragranced products are making us sick, study finds

From our handsoap to our surface spray, our body wash to our perfume, air fresheners and candles, household cleaners and laundry liquid; scents are all around us, but using them makes little sense according to new research.