Daily Life

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The definitive guide to repurposing your beauty products

Life hacks are everywhere these days, but they're either too simple, (I don't care about the correct way to eat a banana!) or harder than the thing you were supposed to be hacking in the first place, (I don't need to make my own dry shampoo using one quart of corn starch!)

This is especially true of beauty hacks, so let's not do that. Let us instead focus on stuff you probably already have, and repurpose it.

1.How to get the most out of hair conditioner

I've done this, so let me assure you, it's a thing. You buy a conditioner and it does not work for your hair, leaving it either too limp or greasy or dry. Yes, dry. It happens when you buy a conditioner for "extra body' and it splits your hair follicles and you hate yourself for about a week for your stupid big, knotty, dry hair. What to do? Easy – use it on your legs when you shave. It will leave your legs feeling soft and moisturised. Shaving in the shower is the best, by the way, because there's a less than 3 per cent chance of cuts. OK, that might be an alternative fact but I've been doing it since I was 16 and rarely get nicks.

2.How to tone down hair colour

While we're still in the shower, here's another tip. If your hair dye is too much or too dark and you don't want to buy one of those dye-stripping kits that smell bad and take forever, try using anti-dandruff shampoo. It's partly due to the sulphates, and partly due to the fact that anti-dandruff shampoos are just plain drying, and anything that strips moisture from your hair will take the colour with it too. You can read a neat summary of the process over here.

3. How to get longer lashes

I've a confession to make: I've been writing about beauty for more than seven years and I've never used an eyelash growth serum. I've been told they work but I just can't commit – I'm too busy! And by busy, yes, I mean lazy. If you're lazy like me, you might want to try this. Grab the baby powder that's up the back of your bathroom cabinet. Next time you go to put on mascara, apply the first coat, then get a cotton bud, shake a bit of powder on it and run it across your eyelashes. Now, put on your next few coats. And look, it's longer lashes, without the commitment. 

4.When you put too much oil on your face

Oils are trending right now – and for good reason, they're an excellent way to nourish your skin, prevent ageing, minimise redness, the list goes on. But it's not hard to overdo it. Don't reach for the tissues to dab your face just yet because almost all of these oils will work on your hair. Seriously. Almond oil, rosehip, coconut, lavender, and plain old olive oil. So next time you go to apply your oil, do it just after the shower. Towel-dry your hair and while it's still damp, run the excess through the ends. Then blow dry as usual. Your hair will thank you for it. I'm joking. That phrase weirds me out. But your hair will look shiny.


5.Ruined eyeshadow

Is it me, or does this seem to happen in slow motion? You drop your eyeshadow and it faaaaalls, shattering into a dozen little pieces. You hear a low moan "NOOOOO!" and realise it's coming from your own mouth. Well, the good news is it can live again – as nail polish. Just mix it into your favourite topcoat and you're good to go. Check out the full tutorial here.

6.Moisturiser not working out 

If it's giving you pimples, or feeling more like dulce de leche than La Mer, it's probably too much for your skin type. This is an easy fix – you can now use it as an eye cream. Feel free to use it on your nails and cuticles too.

7.Lipstick too much

This particular repurpose is not without risk, but all the best things in life require a leap of faith. If your lipstick is just too darn orange for your liking, try blending the sheerest of sheer amounts underneath your eyes to offset dark circles. I said sheer! Then apply your concealer as you always do, upside down triangles, of course.