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How I changed my mind after seeing Thordis Elva and her rapist on stage

Over the weekend, I watched a woman and the man who raped her stand on stage and deliver a joint presentation. Tom Stranger raped his then girlfriend, Thordis Elva, when they were both teens. They have since co-authored a book on their experiences, South of Forgiveness.

"Why should we hear what a rapist has to say?" women have protested. "Why should he be applauded for simply acknowledging his crime?"

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A story of rape and reconciliation

Tom Stranger raped his then girlfriend Thirds Elva in 1996 while on a student exchange in Iceland, the two share their extraordinary journey of reconciliation. Vision: TED

As I walked into the session, I agreed. I felt hostile towards Tom Stranger, and the festival for giving him a voice.

By the end of the session, my attitudes had changed.

Now, I do not and will not minimise the severity of Stranger's crime. Though details of the assault remain sketchy, we do know that he raped his 16-year-old girlfriend as she lay on her bed, conscious but paralysed by the effects of rum. We also know that the assault lasted around two hours, though what occurred during that time is unclear. There are no mitigating factors, and Stranger acknowledges this.

I am not interested in debating the magnitude of his actions; this seems unquestionable. I am interested in whether the concept of redemption and forgiveness applies to anyone who has committed violence against women.


Elva contacted Stranger years after the rape, beginning eight years of correspondence that culminated in a face-to-face meeting in South Africa.

From the very first email, Stranger acknowledged what he had done, apologised, and tried to make amends. He didn't deny the assault occurred, or brush it off as a drunken teenage aberration. He worked with Elva to try to understand what had happened, what he had done, and travelled halfway across the globe to meet with her in person.

In the TED talk, in the book, and every time he stands before an audience, Stranger offers himself up for public judgement and hostility. He relives the crime and his guilt time and time again.

(For those who think he's doing it for the cash, the book was not his idea. Besides, there are easier ways to make a buck than to out yourself as a rapist.)

Stranger, like Elva, follows a script when he is talking, leading some to view him as stilted and insincere. I disagree. I suspect that neither he nor Elva have the luxury of going off script; the topic of sexual violence is so fraught that every single word must be chosen with care.

In fact, in yesterday's session, there was only one spontaneous moment, and that was when Elva was asked if she and Stranger were now friends.

How will we understand what it is in human societies that produces violence if we refuse to recognise the humanity of those who commit it?

Thordis Elva

"No!" she snapped, emotion flooding her face for the first time. "We're not friends. We're collaborators. Not friends."

I realised in that moment that Stranger will always be a rapist to Elva. This is her truth, and one she has lived with her entire adult life.

But that's when it hit me. It's not just Elva who will forever see Stranger as a rapist. It is much of the general population. No matter what he does, no matter how he tries to make amends, he will never be allowed to move beyond that label.

My concern is not for Stranger. He needs to deal with his own demons, and appears to be doing it reasonably well.

My concern is for the impact that a society-wide view of rapists as irredeemable monsters has in terms of our ability to fight men's violence against women.

Elva has spoken extensively about rapists not being "monsters", but real people.

"Once someone has been branded a rapist," she said in her TED talk, "it's that much easier to call him a monster — inhuman. But how will we understand what it is in human societies that produces violence if we refuse to recognise the humanity of those who commit it?"

The calls for Stranger to be denied a voice at festivals maintains this binary paradigm of "good men" versus "evil rapists". The man raped someone. He doesn't deserve to be heard, ever.

But this paradigm inhibits discussion around the social, cultural and political forces that facilitate rape, and that is Elva's point. Men don't rape in a vacuum, or (necessarily) because they are "evil". They rape because of a sense of entitlement over a woman's body, an entitlement we have to believe can be un-learnt.

Rape is committed by humans, not monsters. Some of these humans, like Tom Stranger, will repent and seek a different path forward. If we refuse to open up a space for redemption, for these men, we write off the thousands (millions?) of other men growing up in rape culture who need to learn a different way of being. We assume that their actions stem purely from immutable evil, rather than the very culture we are endeavouring to change.

In other words, if men rape purely because they are evil, there can be no point addressing rape culture. Here lies the paradox. We know rape culture exists, and we do wish to address it. So we must make room for forgiveness for those men who wish to change.

I believe Tom Stranger is one of them. I hope others follow in his path.

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