Federal Politics

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Connect the regions: Rising star Angus Taylor's solution to stop the Trumpification of Australia

"I think it's a good time to be a conservative," Angus Taylor, the Assistant Cities Minister and potential future leader of the Liberal Party, declares over lunch in London.

The statement is an audacious one – the Coalition hasn't won a Newspoll since last year's July election, and the centre-right vote across the globe is seemingly being gobbled up by populists.

But Taylor, who has just wrapped up a tour of the Netherlands, elaborates: "In the UK, the US, in Holland, left-wing politics I think has a serious problem."

In the United States, President Donald Trump's hostile takeover of the Republican Party paid dividends in last November's election. In Holland, the far-right Party for Freedom led by nationalist Geert Wilders is putting up a fierce challenge to the governing right-wing People's Party for Freedom and Democracy.

But the strength of the conservatives abroad is hardly reflected at home.


At the last election Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull clung to government by just one seat. One Nation is now stealing votes from the Coalition heartland, former prime minister Tony Abbott is advocating a more conservative policy approach and the Liberal Party has been shaken by the recent defection of Cory Bernardi.

"My point is that around the world, left-wing politics is facing a diabolical challenge. Mainstream voters are not enamoured with what they're offering and we've seen that in election after election," Taylor says.

"Voters want people to call it as they see it, be pragmatic and focus on the issues that matter to them, not symbolic issues that are terribly exciting to some but not exciting to mainstream voters."

Taylor, a Rhodes Scholar and former partner at mega-management consulting firm McKinsey & Co, nominates cultural identity and political correctness as the forces to explain Trump, Brexit and the resurgence of Pauline Hanson.

"What I saw during the federal election and in Brexit was something very deep going on,' he says.

"Political correctness, above all, is the thing I hear from people and that's cultural, it's not economic. I think you underestimate that cultural element ... at your peril."

Even if Taylor is right, his own side of politics is failing to treat his diagnosis.

But the member for Hume, a seat that stretches from western Sydney to Goulburn, believes he has a solution to stop the Trumpification – or Hansonisation – of Australia: looking beyond the major metropolitan centres.

"The voting now in the US, the UK and Australia is very regional. There always was a different mindset but that's now expressing itself at the ballot box," he says.

"We saw it at the federal election, we saw it at Brexit and we saw it with Trump."

Enter his new pet project: cities policy. 

"People in the regions and outer suburbs are saying we don't want to be disconnected from prosperity and power. We want our fair share of it. We don't expect politicians to hand it to us, we're realistic, we understand we've got to go out and capture opportunities but we want the opportunities, both political and economic."

And that means more than just high-speed broadband, the minister says.

He points to Launceston, where the government has partnered with the state and local government to relocate the University of Tasmania's campuses into the heart of the city, similar to Oxford and Cambridge in Britain.

"We're turning Launceston into a genuine university city. It's not the only way, but it's one way."

The government believes it has landed on a viable model for funding widespread regeneration of Australia's regional and urban centres. Dubbed "City Deals", agreements are struck between three levels of government, guaranteeing funding for agreed projects and outcomes, preventing the historical buckpassing.

The first deal was made in December with the Queensland Labor government and Townsville City Council and will span 15 years. The first project will be a $250 million football stadium in Townsville's CBD. The federal government is paying $100 million, the Queensland government $140 million and the Cowboys/NRL will contribute $10 million.

While these funding arrangements are hardly new, the Turnbull government sees a greater role for the private sector to contribute.

During his visit to London, Taylor toured Britain's Crossrail – Europe's largest ever infrastructure project. The $14.8 billion scheme spans more than 100 kilometres from Reading in the west, through central London, to Shenfield in the east.

Sixty per cent of the funding comes from Londoners and London businesses, either through fares, or via a community infrastructure levy and a business rate supplement. Critically, the project integrates property developments and major expansions of public spaces outside stations.

"So essentially the beneficiaries of Crossrail are paying for it; the businesses and communities that are benefiting from it, the new stations and lines being created, are paying for it," Taylor says.

Developers in Australia are being increasingly called on to help fund associated infrastructure but not to the scale seen in Britain. This is likely to change as the government closely eyes Britain's holistic approach.

"The real challenge now is to say we're going to build a transport project but the transport project has got to deliver housing at an affordable cost," Taylor says.

"There'll always be grant funding, that's not going to go away. But to get enough investment in the fast-growing, prosperous cities such as Sydney and Melbourne and other cities, you're going to have find clever new ways to fund it. Connections are always harder in Australia because of distance but there are other ways we can create economic and political opportunities.

"I think that's how we've got to think about it. I think the UK, Theresa May, understands this, I think Trump understands this. It's not an easy time to be in government but it's a good time to be on our side of politics."

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