Small Business


Self-employment should be mandatory learning

The Venture has long argued for schools to teach entrepreneurship so that young people have the option of creating rather than only applying for jobs. But there is a bigger prize: teaching basic, self-employment skills to every student.

Global trends in self-employment are staggering. By 2020, more than 40 per cent of the US workforce will be contingent workers – freelancers, temps, part-time workers, contractors and other specialists – predicts the Intuit 2020 Report.

Not all will run a business, but it is a safe bet that self-employment rates will keep rising. More workers, in one form or another, will become their own businesses as companies shift employment risk to individuals in the on-demand economy.

Most contingent workers are not entrepreneurs who conceive and launch high-growth ventures. Nor are they traditional small businesses with shopfronts and employees. Often, they are micro, home-based ventures providing income through self-employment.

So where does this potential 40 per cent of the workforce learn to run a business?

Where do contingent workers learn basic knowledge about company structures, asset protection, budgeting, tax, financial reporting and so on?


Where do they learn skills to turn a micro-venture designed for self-employment into something larger?

Let's assume at least a third of Australian university students who graduate in 2020 are contingent workers during the next two decades. For some, self-employment is their best chance of income as reliable full-time jobs for young workers become scarcer.

Will they know what it takes to run a micro-venture, earn regular income and pay the bills? Or do we expect them to learn about business on the fly, make mistakes and threaten their venture's viability?

Australia's education system – across schools, vocational education and universities – does not do enough to prepare students to run businesses. And even less to differentiate between entrepreneurship, traditional small business and self-employment in micro ventures.

It's great that some schools are starting to run entrepreneurship programs. But let's be real: only a fraction of students will launch high-growth ventures and few will take off. Those with an entrepreneurial bent must be identified and nurtured, although not at the expense of basic self-employment training.

Small business courses, too, are welcome at schools and TAFEs. The risk is they attract a smaller cohort of students who see themselves as shopfront small-business owners, perhaps in retail.

Helping our small business sector become 1 per cent more innovative will do more for entrepreneurship in this country than encouraging thousands of start-ups to form.

There's a gap for basic, self-employment training. The type of knowledge that can help a freelance graphic designer, for example, build a better business, or a self-employed tradesman to operate their business as well as they operate their tools.

A young handyman, in fact, inspired this blog. He told me he was clueless about starting or running a business, let alone complying with quarterly requirements, organising annual financial reporting or managing cash flow. Financially, his business was a mess.

The handyman bemoaned the lack of self-employment training at school or college. Such training was probably available, but like many teenagers at the time he never expected to be a company director or filing quarterly Business Activity Statements.

Benefits of self-employment education extend beyond helping young people succeed in business. It is fundamental to boosting innovation and entrepreneurship in Australia, creating a more flexible workforce, and building economic and social wealth.

Entrepreneurship is different to small business, which is different again to self-employment for contingent workers who have micro-ventures. Running a single-person, home-based venture is worlds apart from running a shopfront small business with staff.

But these forms of business are inextricably linked. Millions of people in coming decades will get their start in business through self-employment. Ventures with higher growth will inevitably employ others, lease offices and start to resemble small businesses.

As some of these businesses prosper, they will scale their opportunity and pursue high-growth entrepreneurship. Never forget that small enterprise is a great incubator for entrepreneurship as founders develop their skills through small business.

Improving success rates in micro-ventures designed for self-employment will inevitably benefit small business and entrepreneurship rates.

Helping our small business sector become 1 per cent more innovative will do more for entrepreneurship in this country than encouraging thousands of start-ups to form. We must understand the role for contingent workers in this puzzle.

Imagine if our education system prepared millions of young Australians for self-employment, that it required every student to learn basic skills about working for themselves, and that it saw self-employment skills as fundamental to success in the on-demand economy.

Such education would assist young people who are unsure about working for themselves and the economic benefits would mushroom over time.

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