

Dean Jones: Would you be willing to play cricket in Lahore?

If the Pakistanis don't get international cricket back the Pakistan Super League will eventually die and so will the dreams of many young kids

Last Sunday I faced a tough choice. I had to decide whether to follow the advice given by the Australian government and International Cricket Council security to not travel to Lahore for the final of the Pakistan Super League Twenty20 competition. This was going to be the biggest sporting event in Pakistan since the 1996 World Cup final and I really did not want to miss this considering that the team I coach, Islamabad United, might be playing PSL matches next year in Pakistan.

I needed to see first hand whether the security measures being promised could be delivered. Many overseas players and commentators refused to go to Pakistan. I had no problem with their decision, but wanted to experience exactly how the Pakistan army and police were going to shut down Lahore to provide the confidence essential for visiting players and officials. 

It cannot be ignored that Pakistan has more than its share of terrorist activity. Places such as Pakistan and Bangladesh are rated by many as too dangerous to tour. Interestingly, no one says anything about India and yet there were a succession of bomb blasts in India in 2016.

No doubt, for many, tragic memories keep flooding back of what happened to the Sri Lankan team in Lahore in 2009, the one time international cricketers have been targeted. The Sri Lankan cricket team bus and the ICC umpires and officials' bus was attacked by terrorists in Lahore and eight people were killed. Since then, there has been only one international team to tour Pakistan – Zimbabwe, in 2015, when they played a one-day international and two Twenty20 matches. So I needed to speak to the PSL boss Najam Sethi to gain some confidence and assurance. 

"I can absolutely say the players' safety is guaranteed," said Sethi. "We are trying to showcase Pakistan and we will not give in to these terrorists. The security is guaranteed and we are not putting players in harm's way. We are not doing that. We are putting on the final in a completely secure environment where the ground is secured in a radius of five miles. Over and above that, we want cricket to come back to Pakistan.

"We have all the best security advisors where ICC, FICA (Federation of International Cricketers' Associations) and England security advisors will look at everything that's been planned to host this event. Taking this final to Lahore is like breaking apartheid. It's very important to Pakistan cricket and the future of the Pakistan Super League. We are not being adventurous because we now can guarantee the players' security."


My humble opinion as coach of one of the PSL teams is that the league is going brilliantly, but I don't think it can sustain its growth if it continues to be played in the United Arab Emirates. For the PSL to go to another level, It simply needs to be played in Pakistan, where fans are crying out for some quality cricket to be played at home.

People forget how cricket teams have reacted to terrorist activities in other countries. In 1984, then Indian prime minister Indira Gandhi and the deputy British High Commissioner in Bombay (now Mumbai) were assassinated by terrorists, and yet England toured India the next week. When Australia was playing in England in 2005, a bomb went off in a London underground station where more than 50 people were killed and 700 were injured. Australia agreed to stay on and complete that tour. In Mumbai in 2008, more than 160 people were killed and 600 injured but England toured India just weeks later. 

During an Indian Premier League match in 2010 at Chinnaswamy Stadium, Bangalore, two bombs exploded inside the stadium while the match was in progress, injuring 15. The next day, another bomb outside the stadium was defused but the tournament continued.

I am not being flippant here when it comes to players' welfare and safety. It is paramount. But there seems to be a level of inconsistency when decisions are made on when a player or team should tour another country.

Yes, there have been recent terror attacks in Pakistan. We have had the odd scare at home as well. Let's not forget that before the World Cup final in Melbourne in 2015 there were massive security issues before the match.

I know the Pakistan army and police went above and beyond the call of duty to make this Lahore final a reality – and safe for all concerned. 

So would you have played in Lahore if you were a Shane Watson, Chris Gayle, Kevin Pietersen or a Kumar Sangakarra? All agreed on not going to Pakistan on this occasion. But if you knew exactly what security was being offered, would you fly in for one day to play in a final and fly out that night? 

Already some Australian and other overseas players have agreed to play in this year's Bangladesh Premier League, a country Australia recently refused to tour due to security issues.

My decision to go to Lahore might have been compromised because I am employed by the PSL, but if the Pakistanis don't get international cricket back the PSL will eventually die and so will the dreams of many young kids wanting to play for their country.

Fortunately, the final was a huge success for all. Overseas players and officials were treated like gods. Will international teams consider touring Pakistan if the same level of security is offered?