Rally to protect CSIRO climate jobs

CSIRO_rally_April_2016.jpgA few weeks ago, CSIRO CEO Larry Marshall announced his plans to get rid of 350 more scientists, mostly from climate and environmental research.

Malcolm Turnbull can step in and fix this problem. He can agree to reverse the funding cuts and properly fund science in the interest of the nation.

Join us at the State Library of Victoria on saturday April 2nd to rally against the savage cuts to climate research at the CSIRO.

On 4 February the CEO of CSIRO announced the mass axing of 350 scientists.

Malcolm Turnbull and his ministers are raiding CSIRO of the funding it needs to continue critical research, with their latest attack on climate science and environmental research compounding the untold damage already done to public science.

Join us at the State Library of Victoria to rally against these savage cuts both to the CSIRO and to the future of our climate.

Sat April 2, Melbourne.

12 noon, State Library, Swanston street, Melbourne.

Friends of the Earth is proud to support this event.

A facebook page for the event is available here: https://www.facebook.com/events/557640354412187/

Let us know if you're attending at www.proudtobepublic.org.au/melbourne_csirorally