The future of Bendigo in a warming climate

ground_cover.jpgPublic Forum

Capital Theatre, Bendigo

Wed June 15 at 7pm.

Bendigo is one of the more vulnerable places in Australia when it comes to global warming.

Apart from higher average temperatures we are told to prepare for more frequent droughts and lower overall rainfall totals. Is the city prepared enough for these changes? What are the predictions for Central Victoria for the immediate and distant future? What will happen to our farmland? Is there enough water to support all of us through the dry times? How will our wildlife cope? And what about the fire danger? What questions would you ask the climate scientists working on these issues?

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College Creek protected!

College_Creek_May_2016.jpgAfter a 20 year campaign, Friends of the Earth and Friends of Gippsland Bush (FoGB) were informed on May 20th that College Creek, in Victoria's Strzelecki Ranges will soon be added to the State's Reserve system.

The College Creek handover will be the first package of land, comprising of 8,500ha, that will be gradually handed back over the next few years. The Strzelecki Ranges is one of the most depleted bioregions in Victoria, and the protection of core rainforest catchments of the region has been the major focus of FoE's plantation campaign since the mid 1990's. The pressure exerted on Hancock Victorian Plantations by FoE and FoGB since the mid 1990's has led to the protection of approximately 23,500ha of forest throughout South Gippsland.

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Friends of the Earth welcomes integrated climate, energy and environment portfolio

Parliament_House.jpgEnvironment group Friends of the Earth welcomes the new integrated Energy, Environment and Climate Change portfolio emerging out of a reshuffle of the Victorian cabinet today.  

"Lily D'Ambrosio has worked hard in energy and resources. We expect she will bring the same focus to her new portfolio," said Cam Walker of Friends of the Earth.

"With alarming climate change science emerging in 2016 and the western and northern districts of the state in the grips of drought, Victoria needs a minister with drive and determination to spearhead the state's response to climate change."

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Victoria needs a Strong Climate Act

CCA_meme.jpgWhen they were in power, the Victorian Coalition gutted the Climate Change Act. Victoria has been without effective climate laws or policies for five years. In that time, the global climate crisis has worsened, Victoria’s emissions have not fallen, the development of renewable energy was halted for almost five years, and the state is behind where we should be in adaptation planning. Globally, we are about to cross  the threshold point of 400 ppm of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

The government has recently been handed the Independent Review to the Climate Change Act, which makes 33 recommendations about how the Act could be re-built. Most of them are common sense improvements.

It will respond to the review shortly. The government’s response will outline how it intends to re-build the Climate Change Act.

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Nuclear frontlines - no waste dump in SA

N_waste_site_SA_May_2016.jpgPublic forum, Tuesday May 24

Australia is once again talking nuclear waste, both on a national and international level - and targeting South Australia. This is an issue that concerns all Australians but particularly targets Australia's Aboriginal people. Come and spend an evening with us to learn about what is happening and what can be done!

The forum will bring Adnyamathanha Traditional Owners Regina and Vivianne McKenzie, whose land in SA's Flinders Ranges is being targeted for a national nuclear waste dump to Melbourne to talk about their struggle and what we can do to help.

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Pledge to support the fight against onshore gas

banner.jpgWorried about the risks that onshore gas mining poses to Victoria's water, food, health and jobs in agriculture & tourism?

Declare your pledge - to Premier Daniel Andrews - letting him know you will support rural communities until a permanent ban is in place on the risky onshore gas mining industry. 

Let's make it clear that we won't rest until we have a permanent ban.

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Upper House MPs support ban on gas drilling

Upper_House_MPs_will_support_ban.jpgGasfield Free groups across the state are anticipating the announcement by the Andrews Labor government in regards to onshore gas.

During the past year it has been made perfectly clear that communities will only accept a ban on unconventional gas drilling. Will the Premier and his team listen to the communities united stance?

The Premier has been quoted on radio as saying that 'until there is consensus the moratorium will stay'. And although Liberal/Nationals have also stated a moratorium will stay until 2020, communities feel this gives them no certainty.

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