Recent Updates from Vimeo

  • Orchestrating GCE Instances with Ansible

    Jan 17, 2017

    Here at Vimeo, I’ve been trying to find the sweet spot between designing immutable infrastructure and retaining the ability to identify single resources within a homogenous group. I’ve recently adopted Ansible into my toolkit for just that. This post is going to focus on using Ansible as an orchestration…

  • Improving load balancing with a new consistent-hashing algorithm

    Dec 19, 2016

    We run Vimeo’s dynamic video packager, Skyfire, in the cloud, serving almost a billion DASH and HLS requests per day. That’s a lot! We’re very happy with the way that it performs, but scaling it up to today’s traffic and beyond has been an interesting challenge. Today I’d like to talk about a new algorithmic…