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5 Tips For Packing Light


If you are looking for travel packing tips, you probably want to reduce the amount and overall weight of your luggage, right? Here are 5 tips for packing light that can help you save money, backaches, and stress as you travel.

1. Plan to wear no more than two outfits per day. A lot of times when you travel, you think you have to take your entire wardrobe with you. You want to be prepared for any event. Especially women. Truth is, whether you are a man or a woman, you will probably not need to wear more than two outfits each day. So pack accordingly. Plan on taking one ‘daytime’ outfit and one ‘evening’ outfit per day. If you are traveling to the beach, pack no more than one swimsuit per day. This will give you plenty of wardrobe options for your vacation.

2. Plan outfits that coordinate with each other… including shoes. By packing tops, bottoms, and jackets that can be worn interchangeably, you can save a lot of room in your luggage. Standard items such as jeans, jean shorts, khakis, khaki shorts, etc., can be worn more than once with different tops to create different looks. Coordinate your shoes

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10 Hotel Travel Tips


Staying in a hotel is great. Who doesn’t love the luxury of knowing you can make a mess and someone else will clean it up, make your bed, pick up your towels, etc. Great fun! Here are 10 vacation planning and hotel travel tips to make the most of your next hotel visit.

1. When choosing your hotel, be sure to check how far away it is from such places as the beach, shops, and the areas you plan to explore. Sometimes you will find misleading phrases such as “near the beach” or “within walking distance of shops and restaurants.”

2. I like to pick a hotel that has a nice restaurant attached or as part of the hotel itself. They are usually open pretty early and stay open fairly late so that if you happen to get in late from your day, you can grab a coffee or a bite to eat. The ones that are open 24 hours are the best! If you are staying at one of the hotel resorts in Vegas, all the big ones have a 24-hour restaurant. I love that!


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Travel Planning Tips For a Better Vacation


Many people head out for vacation without doing any travel planning in advance. To them, spontaneity is one of the great things about traveling, and figuring everything out ahead of time takes all the fun out of it.

But most people invest quite a bit in their vacations, on several levels. And if you only get two weeks a year, you want to make sure that you enjoy every minute. A little pre-vacation trip planning can ensure that you get to stay where you want, spend what you want, and make the most of your time.

If you already know where you’re going, check out some travel websites that cover your destination. Fodors, Frommers, and Tripaddiction are all good sources of information. And in less than half an hour, you’ll have a pretty good idea of what you want to do.

Charming, inexpensive hotels in great locations are nearly always sold out during high season, so if you want to get the most value for your travel dollar, reserve your hotel well in advance.

The most popular attractions, like the Eiffel Tower or the Vatican Museum, often have long lines, sometimes involving several-hour waits. But

Cheap flights to Key West

The point in the continental United States, Key West could be the ultimate tropical holiday destination in the nation. A quick online search for cheap flights to Key West is the first step for a stay full of lazy days on the beach, nights of dancing and laughter, delicious island cuisine, powerful tropical drinks and beautiful sunsets. To escape, the winter cold, or just need a little rest in a place where it is impossible to feel stressed, paradise in Key West waiting.

Which airlines fly to Key West?

Key West (SEJ) International Airport, you can fly into and out of Key West, but there is a small airport small planes and moderate traffic can accommodate these flights tend expensive and only come from a handful of Miami to Key West airport  airports in the southeast. Air Tran, American Eagle, Continental, Delta and US Airways are among the companies to Key West to fly. A common alternative is usually cheaper, a flight to Miami International Airport (MIA) takes a car and drive through the Florida Keys rent, a journey of about three hours. Some companies also offer shuttle rides on this path. Nonstop flights to

Luxury on a Budget Travel Tips

Do you love travelling like a queen, but don’t have the money to do it often? It’s an issue many of us have, because quite simply travelling and staying in nice hotels is expensive. You can do it on a shoestring if you’re willing to head out with a backpack and nothing else, staying in hostels or on friends’ couches, and you can have an amazing experience that way. Let’s face it, though, we all like a bit of luxury and pampering. Here are five tips to help you get luxury on a budget while travelling.

1. Go in the off season. Sure, you’re taking a bit of a risk. The rainy season can be, well, rainy. But most places are gorgeous year-round and hotels will be looking to fill their rooms with discounts and upgrades, especially if you’re going on a special trip like a honeymoon or a wedding abroad.

2. If you’re trying to save money, make a budget and stick closely to it. Figure out how much you’re willing to pay for everything and don’t dismiss opportunities out of hand. Look for ways to cut corners, like on food spending, and use the extra on the parts of your

Budget Travel Tips For Families on the Move

There is no doubt that there are lots of people who are spending thousands of dollars on their one week getaway. But this shouldn’t always need to be the case as there are lots of budget travel options that can let anyone save a few bucks when traveling. Anyone can stay on their budgets and still experience a remarkable and fun-filled trip with their families or kids if they only know how to use their creativity and knowledge.

Traveling by plane can be quite expensive but many still opt to travel by air over land because they want to save time and gasoline cost. To lessen your airfare, it is wise to check the Internet for some great discounted online fares or last minute flight fares. To save some bucks even more, it would be good if you can have flexible travel dates. Oftentimes, the days that have higher rates are Monday, Sunday and Friday. So it would be best if you schedule your trip on Saturday, Thursday, Wednesday or Tuesday in order to obtain better rates.

There are lots of online booking websites that allow travelers to check which day has a lower rate and find out what options could

Eight Helpful Holiday Budget Travel Tips

Holiday traveling can be very expensive because rates for flight and train tickets are higher during this time. Same thing goes for hotel accommodations and other vacation necessities like car rentals. If you are not wise enough you may have to spend double than you would if you are traveling during regular days.

Below are 8 helpful tips to help you save some bucks for your holiday travel:

Air Travelling

1. Do not book for the peak travel days

The day before Thanksgiving and Christmas are the busiest days for air traveling, so try to book your flight two days before or on the day itself because airfares are cheaper then. Be aware though that in small airports, flights during Thanksgiving are cancelled due to few flight takers.

2. Perfect Timing

If you want cheap flight tickets, book for early morning or late night flights. Rates for these flights are cheaper and are usually included in airfare deals because very few people like traveling during unholy hours. Aside from cheaper tickets, another advantage of taking flights too early or late is less crowded airports.

Travel by train

3. Cheaper by the train

If you do not want to be hassled by airport bustle and you want to save

Tips to Find Cheap Holiday Deals and Destinations

The transportation fare, including the flight tickets and local transportation, takes up to 40% of your total travel budgets, depending on how and when you are going to visit that destination. How to reduce this 40% to a lower figure?

Tip #1:

Book red-eye flight ticket if travel time is not important to you. Normally, from the major airlines, you will get 50% off for a flight at night. However, you have to order hotel room or arrange vehicles to pick you up.

Tip #2:

Avoid traveling in the major holidays and school terms. These periods are the best traveling seasons that almost everyone is planning his or her travel. Tickets and hotel rooms are offered with few discounts. So, you can travel outside of the main holidays or weekends instead.

Tip #3:

Have all the necessity packed within the weight limit of airlines luggage. For one thing, you don’t have worry about the overweight luggage charges. For another, as you have all you need, you simply ignore these services that will charge you extra.

Tip #4:

Understand the price and services of each room. Try to ask what the difference is behind the price gaps. Do they offer free meal? Do they offer free laundry? What

Budget Travel Tips to Save Big on Hotel Stays

If you are a frequent business traveler or planning on being on the road for leisure with your family, there are plenty of ways to save big on your next hotel stay. Many people may not like to stay constantly at hotels and motels when they are on the road, but it is sometimes necessary in order to complete business. Here are some tips on saving money at your next hotel stay.

Hotels can be very expensive. You can easily spend over $100 a night when out of town. Most business hotels can charge much more and if you are staying in a top city or destination expect to pay over $200 for a night at a hotel. If you are looking to save on your hotel stay here are some things that you can do.

If you find that you are using a certain hotel often, sign up for a frequent customer program. Many hotels have a frequent customer programs in which you can save easily 10 to 20% right off the bat. This adds up over the course of a year.

Many hotels also offer specials if you book very early in advance and during off peak times of the

Top Money Saving Budget Travel Tips

All that is required when looking to travel on a budget, is a bit of planning. For instance, a great place to find a budget hotel is the internet. They often give you a discount for booking online.

Here are some more budget travel tips:

1) Set yourself a maximum spend amount on a daily basis.

2) Consider staying in a hostel if you are on a real budget. They are much cheaper than hotels. You could even take a tent – the ultimate cheap accommodation.

3) Go off-season. Because there is less demand at this time of year, the prices for accommodation are lower.

4) Look out for discounts. Make enquiries with travel agencies to see what is on offer. They often offer cheap packages.

5) Consider how you are going to travel. Decide if you are going to take your own car or if you are going to rent. Renting a car can work out more expensive. Other cheaper alternatives include taking the train or bus.

6) Consider paying for a flight only and arranging accommodation when you arrive ( Or arrange this in advance as oppose to paying for an ‘all-in’ package that can work out to be more costly ). Local prices

Eight Simple Ways to Stretch Your Vacation Budget

Budget travel has become a necessity for most people with the cost of gasoline and other consumer products on the rise. But when we start considering when, where, how and what type of vacation to undertake, we sometimes get caught up in the anticipation and excitement of the upcoming trip and let the more important financial side of things slip a little. After all, for most of us, taking a vacation may only happen once a year and for some, even more infrequently, so we tend to indulge and forget about our pocket book a little.

There are many ways to save money, avoid unnecessary cost, ensure you take care of details end up a smart and perceptive traveler. Travel planning is easier that you might think and here are eight great budget travel tips for making your travel dollar go further!

1. Cushion your budget – When considering a trip or planning budget travel, it is important to plan for the unexpected and consider the financial side of things early on. This ensures affordability, liquidity and having the resources to enjoy it to the fullest! Plan for the worst-case financial scenario and prepare for things to cost a little more

Budget Travel Tips to Save You Money

Saving money while traveling does not mean you have to scrimp on your vacation. You can enjoy the sights and sounds as well as the traveler who paid full price. And unlike the traveler who paid full-price for his/her vacation, you will have the benefit of knowing that you have money left over to plan your next money saving trip!

1. Rent an automobile: sometimes the cost of renting a car can be cheaper than taking the airport shuttle. If driving on your next vacation, you can save money by renting a car that has better fuel economy than the one you own – not to mention the wear-and-tear that you save on your own vehicle

2. Book your own reservations: One of the ways I have saved money for traveling is by booking my own hotel, air, and car reservations. Visit the all-inclusive websites (Travelocity, Orbitz, etc.); when you see a price that is appealing, go to the individual airline, hotel, or car rental website to book the reservation yourself. Become a frequent traveler and you may save even more! See about booking your own entertainment venues online as well – museums, theme parks, historical sights, etc.

3. Eat meals in

3 Easy Ways For a Great Vacation by Following These Budget Travel Tips

All of us at one point have searched for budget travel tips to get us to our dream destination without breaking the bank. This is entirely doable given the technology that is available to us today. This article covers three tips that should help you plan your vacation and stay within your budget.

1. First of all, try to plan your vacation during off peak travel times. On average, airlines tend to charge 25% more if you fly on peak days. But if you leave mid-week, say on Wednesday, and plan to come back on Saturday, you will save some serious cash. Additionally, catch a flight that flies at a non-peak hour and your savings will add up. Airlines tend to charge a premium for flights that leave between 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Yes, people who fly sometime out of that eight hour window are generally inconvenienced because it is a pain to plan for a 6:00 AM flight but you will probably stick to your budget if you do this. To add to this, you will encounter much fewer crowds at the airport.

2. You can score big on airfare just by knowing the secret code. Many airlines are

Airline Travel Tips For People of Size

You may recall the recent controversy involving film director Kevin Smith and Southwest Airlines that brought the issue of larger airline passengers back into public focus. However, this is not the first time that Southwest or other airlines have attracted media attention for confrontational dealings with customers of size.

Whether or not one finds it fair, the reality is that most regular seats will not accommodate a larger person. Most coach seats, for example, average a width of 17 inches. That means the seat was built for someone with 34 inch hips, which would be tight even for a “typical-sized” person. So what should you do?

1. Buddy up with another larger friend and share a third seat. Unfortunately, coach airline seats are unlikely to become more spacious anytime soon. By being proactive with your flying partner, you can help assure yourselves a more comfortable experience.

2. Fly at off-peak times. This includes early morning and “night owl” flights as well as midweek. Many airlines, even Southwest, will refund your extra fare if the plane is not full.

3. Fly first class. In some cases, a first-class seat may be less than an investment in two seats. Some may also find the usual

Airline Travel Tips Today

If you can’t afford a first class ticket and its privileges then you need to prepare all yours travel gadgets and patience in order to make your airline travel more comfortable. There are many useful advices about comfortable airline travel. You need to follow them all and you will avoid boring, uncomfortable hours in a plane.

How to get more sitting space and make your airline travel comfortable? This is a question that most frequent travelers have. There are three important things to know about your seat on the plane.

  1. First of all, aisle seat gives more space for your legs when you sit on the plane for long hours. Many people always try to get the window seat because they want to enjoy the view of the city during the takeoff or landing. The fact is that there are only few minutes of possibility to enjoy the view and later all of the flight is above the clouds. You yourself should consider if these few minutes are worth of long hours sitting in an uncomfortable position. To make sure that you will get an aisle seat it is advised to book the seat in advance. If your airline travel is

Eight Smart Travel Tips to Save Money and Fly Safer

Whether you’re a frequent flyer or sometimes traveler, these useful travel tips will help you save money on flights, hotels and rental cars and travel more safely on the road or in the air.

    1. Booking hotels for the weekend is all business. Hotels that cater to vacationers generally raise rates on weekends, while hotels designed for business travelers tend to lower their weekend rates. By booking where business travelers stay, you may be able to save a good chunk of change, especially in the larger cities.
    1. Sign up for flight status notifications. To know if your flight is delayed or on time before you get to the airport, go to FlightStats.com or TripIt.com and sign up to receive email and/or text notices.
    1. Know the skinny on your seat. Seatguru.com is a site that provides information and ratings on various airlines’ in-flight amenities and seating, such as legroom, so you can make an informed decision about the seat you choose. Tip: JetBlue earned above average for seat comfort in a Consumer reports survey.
    1. How to cut corners on a rental car. Rental car rates are going up. To save money, look on Autoslash.com for coupons and discounts and rent from an off-airport location. Also,

Airline and Vacation Travel Tips

If you are traveling internationally for your vacation, it is possible to save money using some simple airline and vacation travel tips. By following a few simple rules and tips, you will never have to be bored, stressed out and hungry on your vacation.

Airline and Vacation Travel Tips:

One of the most common culprits that shoot up your vacation expenses is excess baggage. Always carry less than the baggage limit so that you leave place for additional items after a shopping spree. You can also buy one of those suitcases which come with LCD digital scale on the handle which shows you the weight of your baggage instantly.

Take your own food on plane and pack your hand baggage smartly. Carrying your own food saves you money and a stomach upset too. Pack it up just like the airline guys pack it up so that you do not feel left out on the air plane.

Carry disposable items while traveling like towels and other things that you would not want to bring back with you.

Keep your hand baggage as simple as possible and comply with the airline rules. This way you will not be stressed out during hand luggage checks and no

Basic Airline Travel Tips to Follow Before Boarding a Flight

Are you planning to fly to your place of interest anytime soon? Well, before you plan your holiday, it is very essential to bear in mind certain important things to avoid any last-minute hassles and make your vacation a memorable one. Following travel and luggage tips will help you plan your tour in a better way:

1) Airline

• If you have planned your tour during the weeks of Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Year, it is better to arrive at the airport at least two hours before departure. This is because these weeks are the busiest times of the year and the security check lines are very long. Similarly, most airports are extremely crowded on Monday mornings and Friday afternoons.

• In order to reduce the possibilities of a delay, it is advisable to prefer a non-stop flight over a break flight. As the air traffic is comparatively less in morning, the early morning flights are very less likely to be delayed.

• At the security check of almost all the airports, passengers are asked to remove their footwear. Therefore, it is always better to wear clean socks and slip-on shoes.

• As the passengers are required to furnish their identification proof several times

How to Combat Jet Lag

A common problem when traveling by air over a long distance is to experience jet lag, which is what happens to your internal clock when your body leaps across several time zones in a very short span of time. This confuses your body and it will take a bit of time to figure out what has happened and get back on schedule. Here are a few airline travel tips to make your next cross-country vacation a little easier.

Try to sleep on the plane if you can. Even though you are just sitting there, traveling on a plane is quite tiring. Sleeping as much as possible, especially on a nighttime flight or when flying from west to east, is helpful in reducing jet lag and making the transition a little easier once you arrive. If you are flying much farther than 5 or 6 hours, make every attempt to upgrade your seat to business or first class, as it will be a much more comfortable flight and you’ll find it easier to rest.

To make sleeping on the plane easier, make a specific effort to fly through the night. As an added bonus, fares for these flights are usually a bit lower.

Airline Travel Tips For Traveling With Children

Planning on traveling with children on the plane? Here are some helpful airline travel tips to consider when traveling with your kids.

1.) Clothes for your children

Brainstorm every possible item that your kid will need to wear. Think through all the different scenarios, including the weather conditions, and the type of activities you’ll be doing at your end destination. If your kid is still wearing diapers, ensure you pack enough stock for your trip. If you are going to a sunny destination, then make sure to bring plenty of sunscreen. Also if you will be going to a hot climate area, ensure you pack enough comfortable clothing for summer wear.

2.) Equipment for your children

Brainstorm every possible equipment or accessory that your kid will need during the trip. What I mean here includes any baby strollers, cribs, and any other necessary equipment that you will need for your children. Ensure you keep track of these items, as usually these items require the most storage space.

3.) Toiletries for your children

Ensure you have all the necessary toiletries needed to last through your entire trip. This includes toothbrushes, toothpaste, body soap, shampoo, wet naps, and body lotions. The worst possible thing to do is