Computer Problems and Solutions

Computer Problems and Solutions


If you have a computer or PC, it will surely help in easing most of your problems. But with every computer comes along many headaches and complications, sooner or later. A computer is a machine and every machine breaks down sometime or the other. You do not need to run to the computer technician every time your PC crashes or is attached by a malicious software. If you know some simple solutions to the most common computer problems, it will help you save a lot of time and money. These glitches that can be solved by a common person like you and me in the world of computers.

There are many PC owners who think every time they face a problem with computer, they should contact professional help. True, but not every problem needs to be addressed by a computer expert.

How to Fix Computer Problems?

Problems with computer are divided into two groups, i.e., hardware problems and software problems. The hardware problems are related to the peripheral parts of the computer like the CD drive, hard disk, monitor, keyboard, etc. The software problems are more

How to Connect Two Computers Together to Share Data

How to Connect Two Computers Together to Share Data
Dueling Laptops

Dueling Laptops

I am guessing that you have two computers at home and you are tired of transferring data from one to the other, through external storage devices. You may even be thinking of connecting the two of them together, for ease of using resources like printers or for multiplayer gaming.

Connect Using an Ethernet Cable
One of the simplest ways is the use of an Ethernet cable. For this networking method to work, you need to have a network card installed on both the computers. These cards are placed in the PCI slots of the computer. The card provides an Ethernet port to the computer, which provides a facility to connect it with other computers.

So, to connect two computers together using an Ethernet cable, make sure that both of them have a networking card and if they do not, then buy them and get them installed. Choose a network card which provides high data transfer rate. Buy an Ethernet cable. Plug one end of that cable into the Ethernet port of the first computer and the other end into the port of another computer. Make sure that you connect

Positive Effects of Technology on Society

Positive Effects of Technology on Society


Technology runs in the veins of society. It is the fuel that drives our lives. It is an integral part of daily life. It has definitely benefited society. It has brought luxury in the life of the common man. Automation brought about by technology has saved human effort and time to a large extent. It has brought distant places closer and simplified information access. It has made the world a smaller place to live in.
Let us look at some of the important areas, where technology has brought a positive change.

Automation in Industry and Household
Technology has automated many of the critical processes in the industry as well as the household. Imagine the amount of labor that must have been involved in industrial processes when the concept of automation did not exist. Electronic gadgets have entered homes of the common man to rescue him from the boredom of daily chores. Imagine the amount of time people must be spending doing household chores during the time there were no machines and household appliances. Today’s is the age of robotics. Machines can learn, adopt new

Data Storage Online Data Backup

Data Storage Online Data Backup

Making data backups is an important aspect of using the computer, and online backup is an innovative method of doing so these days. Traditionally, physical media like ZIP disks, CD-ROMs, or floppy disks were used. However, these days you can back up your data via the Internet, making data storage on disks practically obsolete. This is an extremely powerful and exciting type of backup, making the backup process much smoother and easier.

Online data backup is arguably one of the most convenient methods of data storage. Losing files is a common occurrence that happens to everybody, sometime or the other, hence neglecting backing up your files can lead to disastrous consequences. There are many ways in which files can be lost, many of which are not within your control. Some of the most common ways of losing data are, mechanical failure, human error, software failure, computer viruses, and natural disasters.

No Need to Find a Disk Again With Online Storage

By backing up your files on the Internet, you don’t have to bother about locating a disk that has your data on it ever again. You can access your data whenever you want to on the Internet. Plus, your data can be accessed

Portable Data Storage Options

Portable Data Storage Options

It is portable data storage which has made it easy for data to be carried without having to carry the laptop or the computer. One can say it with ease, that it is with the portative data storage options, mobility with data storage has been achieved. When the portable data storage devices were introduced, they were not only very bulky to look at or carry around, but they also did not have a large data storage capacity. However, they have also undergone a revolution now and they are not only stylish and lightweight, but come with large data storage capacity. Due to this, it has become possible to store the entire gamut of data from the personal computer on the external data storage drives. There are a number of devices, which can be used for the same.

Portable Data Storage Devices

Not only are the cartable data storage options used for carrying data around, but also for taking backup of data, as it is not really recommended, that the data be backed up on the system, where the system is actually located. It is always best to have the data backed up at a different locations.

Flash Drives
In the portable data storage

How Safe is Online Data Storage

How Safe is Online Data Storage

DVDs and hard drives have long been used for storing data. Data storage is a necessity so as to retrieve the required information later, at any point of time. To obtain necessary data at a later stage, it is important to store the data in a safe and secure place. Hard drives and DVDs are a good option, but, they have their share of disadvantages. These storage devices can crash due to hardware failure or get lost, resulting in loss of data. To solve this problem, data storage service providers have come up with online data storage to protect and store immense amount of data that is generated in this digital age. Offline storage devices are always available, but it is said that storing data online is an extremely secure way of keeping data. We can question the safety of online data storage to rest assured that if we choose this medium of storage, our data will be forever secure.

Why is Online Data Storage Considered Safe

Storing data online is safer than offline storage because of the several measures that service providers take to ensure data safety. These security measures are definitely not available in offline data storage. Various safety measures

Online Document Storage Reviews

Online Document Storage Reviews

If created right, a good document storage facility can keep up the efficiency of your personal or your company’s work. So it becomes a task of understanding the importance of data storage and then doing it the right way. It is a good thing to do any document usage the right way if you want to access it whenever you want to. If used right, an online document storage site can be anybody’s best friend:
It’s better than storing documents on paper. The sheer storage space that you need for keeping that kind of paperwork in an office space is what most companies cannot afford. It is completely automated and totally accounted for. Online storage sites give you total access to your documents without letting anyone else see them. It’s pretty affordable. With all the competition, some of them come up with the most enticing deals. You get to do all the archiving and encryption you need. All your records stored on their servers will be yours to manipulate, no questions asked. So you can do all the data encryption you want on your files so that nobody will know what’s on them.

Top 5 Online Data Storage Servers

With all the

Computer Keeps Restarting On Its Own

Computer Keeps Restarting On Its Own

After a long day at work, you want to unwind, relax, and do light browsing on the Internet. Once you’re finished with dinner, you are ready to turn on your computer and surf the web. However, when you go to turn your laptop/computer on, it automatically goes blank and restarts on its own. I wouldn’t be wrong by saying that this is one of the most irritating incidents. And you can’t just turn your laptop off and deal with it later. You want to get things done now. However, with a nonfunctional laptop, how are you going to even search for a solution. So I am assuming that you’re at work at the moment or are using someone else’s laptop to find the solution for this issue.

There can be several reasons why a computer restarts randomly. From virus to faulty hardware, the reason for your computer to not work properly can vary. Also, these days there are a number of hardware and software combination that can create a heck of a situation for the users. To revive your computer back to its original glory and to peacefully surf the Internet, read the rest of the article for a few reasons

How to Fix Java Virtual Machine Launcher Error

How to Fix Java Virtual Machine Launcher Error

JVM Function
The Java virtual machine is responsible for memory allocation and garbage collection, along with interpretation of byte code to machine code.
The Java runtime environment (JRE) is mandatory to be installed on your computer for certain applications to work properly. The main component of JRE is the Java virtual machine (JVM), which helps run Java applications. A java file, on compilation, produces a ‘.class’ file instead of an executable file. This class file contains Java byte code, which the JVM interprets into machine-readable instructions. JVM is platform-independent, since it provides a machine interface that does not depend on the underlying operating system and hardware architecture.

There may be times that you may get error messages while launching JVM, in situations such as booting the computer, playing games like Minecraft, or opening certain Java-based applications. Here, we have compiled a few solutions that may help you fix Java virtual machine launcher errors on Windows XP, Windows 7, and Windows 8.
Error Message #1: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
This error message is commonly encountered while trying to start Java-based games, such as Minecraft.

➦Open the control panel.
➦Go to system.
➦Go to advanced systems properties.
➦Click ‘environment variables’.

How to Fix an Invalid Partition Table Error

How to Fix an Invalid Partition Table Error

Did You Know?
Manufacturers now use GUID partition systems that allow a maximum of 128 partitions, unlike the older Master Boot Record (MBR) which allowed only 8.
Partition tables or partition maps store information to help load the operating system into the computer. The BIOS is a firmware that stores partition tables and the associated memory data. It’s the first thing that loads when you switch on the computer. The BIOS is required to check whether the partitions are in working condition. The most common use of the BIOS is to format your system or reinstall a better operating system (OS).

So imagine how you would feel when your OS doesn’t load, and shows a message Invalid Partition Table. Partition systems of old contained the Master Boot Record, which was responsible for the booting of the system. Since Windows Vista, manufacturers have started using a new system, GUID Partition Table (GPT), which allows the computer to be split into multiple partitions, extremely useful for dual-booting systems.

An invalid partition table error occurs due to the following reasons:

The MBR is trying to boot from some other device than the DVD-ROM, which is the first option in the boot priority order.
When some other

Most Common Computer Network Problems

Most Common Computer Network Problems

Whether you are a system administrator in an organization or someone who has a networked setup in your home, troubleshooting networking glitches is an inseparable part of your life. For a person, who ensures the smooth functioning of networked computers, frantic calls of help are the norm rather than the exception. While disasters do happen, most of the calls demanding assistance are a result of some very basic troubles; troubles that do not require a lot of skill, but just a little patience. Learn how to fix the most common networking and Internet problems right here.

Common Network Problems

IP Address and Network Card Issues

Sometimes, two computers are assigned the same IP address erroneously; and because the IP address is the identifying feature of a computer, it leads to obvious connectivity issues. On the other hand, network cards enable computers to link, and faults in the network cards obviously disrupt connectivity.

Fix it: Simply enough, changing the IP address on one computer will fix this problem in no time. To resolve the network card issue, pinging another computer is how you test the network card’s functioning, which should tell you if it needs to be fixed.

Network Related Problems

Problems related to connectivity plague us

How to Set Up a Powerline Network Adapter

How to Set Up a Powerline Network Adapter

Did You Know?
Powerline network adapters can be very easily deployed for extending the Wi-Fi network to a remote corner of your house or building.
Powerline networking is one of best methods to convert any home into a smart home. There are no deadspots in a powerline network unless your room doesn’t have a power socket. Powerline networks transmit data through the existing electrical wiring of a structure. Now, before you set up a powerline network adapter, here is how it works.

Powerline networking is based on the fundamental concept on OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing). The powerline adapter superimposes its high frequency signal composed of user’s data on to lower frequency sine wave signals (50- 60 Hz). Did it ring any bell? The alternating current that we use in our homes has a frequency of 50-60 Hz.

A powerline network adapter is also known as HomePlug. These HomePlugs have rated speeds of 85 Mbps, 200-500 Mbps and 500-1 Gbps for HomePlug v1.0, HomePlug AV, and HomePlug AV2, respectively. Setting up a powerline network adapter is a fairly easy task and is explained in a few simple steps given below.

Just ensure the following things before you begin.

★ You need at least 2

Comparison Between STP Cable and UTP Cable

Comparison Between STP Cable and UTP Cable

Interestingly …
UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) and STP (Shielded Twisted Pair) cables terminate in almost-identical connectors. However, the wiring mechanism (the protocol that dictates how many pins of the plug will be used, which wires will carry data in which direction, and other similar specifications) is different in the two.

While UTP cables employ RJ-45 wiring, STP cables generally employ RJ-48 wiring, although it is possible to wire them according to RJ-45 standards as well.
In the field of telecommunication, wiring and cabling are primary concerns, as only by making use of the most suited cables can one successfully implement a network of any architecture, which has a satisfactory throughput yield.

It can be surmised by someone with even the most basic knowledge of electrical systems, that an electrical pulse traveling a distance over a plain copper wire will not reach the other end with the same signal strength. Factors like signal attenuation and external interference contribute to the loss of its signal power. Since time immemorial, engineers have been trying to establish communication networks of acceptable standards with minimum losses, and for this, they have been experimenting with different types and various combinations of electrical cables.

After years of research and implementation,

Benefits of Educational Technology

Benefits of Educational Technology

Today, everything that we come across has some technological connotation to it. Be it at home, school or workplace, technology has found a comfortable niche and has become an integral part of life. With the use of technology, several arenas are seeing changes and education is also one of them. The birth of educational technology has proved to be a boon to students the world over. Not only in the regular setting, but also in educating students with special needs have known to be benefited with the introduction of this modern invention.

What is Educational Technology?
The term ‘educational technology’ has a broad perspective and is also referred to as instructional technology or learning technology. This method plays a vital role in enhancing the learning process of students and also assists teachers in communicating with the students in an easy way. Educational technology can be a classroom affair, or can be even taken out of the classroom. This technology has successfully transformed the stereotypical image of classrooms into a modern and more interesting one. Thanks to this modern development, classrooms are no longer a boring place and learning is actually a fun experience. With the use of computers and software programs,

Dangers of Technology Addiction

Dangers of Technology Addiction

The subject of technology addiction is relatively new as compared to drug or gambling addictions. This leads to a heated dispute over whether we need to consider the fervent need for technology and the monotony that the lack of technology causes, as an addiction. There are several qualifications that a craving needs to be termed as an addiction.

What Makes an Addiction?
The human state survival works on a simple reward system. Every time you attain a biological requirement like food, sex or lactation, the body releases a neurotransmitter called ‘dopamine’ (in this case, into the brain) that helps us decide the approach to something to be rewarded. This means the phase of wanting something and getting it, and the eventual liking of it is controlled by dopamine. It is this that fuels an addiction. Once you start using a piece of technology (like video games) and eventually start to like it, release of dopamine in the brain creates a reward system for it, which creates an addiction for it. The same example works for cigarettes – nicotine induces a dopamine release, creating the craving for more. An important point here is that people who seek more satisfaction from things, actually

Information Infrastructure Design in IT

Information Infrastructure Design in IT

As life progresses, new information emerges, in turn leading to further progress of mankind. Information remains to be like a limitless ocean. It is infinite and extends till eternity. Information technology (IT) involves the management of information on computer-based information systems. IT deals with the use of computers to store, process, and retrieve information. The construction and design of a safe, reliable, and an always-available information infrastructure is an important constituent of information systems.

Information Infrastructure
It is the collection of communication networks and the software associated with it. It refers to networks and software, which support interaction among people and organizations or the currently available networks and the prospective facilities that they will make available. It includes the Internet, the telecommunication networks, and the embedded systems as also computers.

Internet that is regarded as the network of networks is the information infrastructure of today. It is a collection of interconnected computer networks that transmit data in the form of packets using the Internet Protocol. Each of the networks carries information and services like mail and file transfer. World wide web, a collection of documents and other resources, is a service offered by the Internet.

Information infrastructure design is concerned with issues like

Uninterruptible Power Supply

Uninterruptible Power Supply

As the name suggests, the Uninterruptible Power Supply is an appliance that is used to provide a continuous supply of power to an electrical device. It can supply the device even when the main source is temporarily shut down, as during a blackout. At such times, it provides the device with its own stored energy. Thus, it ensures that the device continues functioning even if the primary source of electrical supply is not able to provide the power required for its functioning. This is very important to improve efficiencies of workplace environment that rely largely on electric supply, such as an office that uses computers.


There are three main types of UPS, based on their method of providing supply.

Standby UPS, also known as the Offline UPS – This is the most basic type. It works in the following manner – As long as the external electrical supply is on, it remains inactive, though it keeps on charging itself. However, if there is any ebb in the amount of power being supplied to the device, the UPS will take over and supply current itself. This will continue until the primary supply is back to normal. When that happens, the uninterruptible supply will

Computer Hardware Repair and Maintenance

Computer Hardware Repair and Maintenance

What is computer hardware? Hardware components like the monitor, keyboard, CPU (Central Processing Unit), mouse, and other I/O (Input-Output) devices constitute a computer. The working of the monitor, keyboard, mouse, and I/O devices depends largely upon the CPU. Due to some minor causes, like loose connections or dust saturation, any of them can stop functioning.

Faults occurring in the CPU are most hazardous, as it has a very complicated structure. The CPU is an assembly of the motherboard, hard disk drive (HDD), random access memory (RAM), compact disc-read only memory (CD-ROM) drive, and the floppy drive. Unless you are well-acquainted with the CPU hardware, it is extremely difficult to pinpoint exactly where the fault has occurred. If any one of these components fail to perform, there are a few repair tips that can be followed. In order to view the circuitry inside the CPU, its casing has to be removed.

The entire functioning of the computer depends on this component. The processor chipset, that performs all the logical operations of the PC, is embedded in the motherboard. Ribbon cables, power supply, CPU, and RAM are the things to be checked first on the motherboard. Check if any of the ribbon cables

How to Upgrade Graphics Card

How to Upgrade Graphics Card

The graphics card is also known as video card, graphic controller, graphics accelerator or display card. It is a PCB (printed circuit board) that has three major components. These components are video memory, video BIOS, and graphics processing unit.

The graphics card should be changed if it gives a poor performance or if you want more speed options for the computer games. In the first case, you need to verify that it is the reason for the poor performance and not the computer. To do this, use the scan disk or defragmentation options and look for bad sectors on the hard disk. You can also try using other ways to speedup your computer. If they do not work, you can conclude that the lowered performance is due to the faulty working of the card. Once it has been established that the graphics card is responsible for the low speed, you should upgrade it.

Some video cards are integrated in the motherboard and some are externally connected to the computer. Older versions of motherboards used a PCI (peripheral computer Interconnect) slot in order to plug-in the video card. Newer versions of computers use the accelerated graphics port (AGP). The latest version of computers

Instructions to Install a Liquid Cooling System

Instructions to Install a Liquid Cooling System

Liquid cooling systems have been used to cool cars since eons and seemingly, it also happens to be the way to cool your computer. Yes, it is true that computers today are designed to emit less heat, but integrated circuits are integrated circuits; they are bound to radiate heat in generous proportions. The joys of overclocking are way too many to be caged under the restriction of heat generation. Having yawned over air coolers, it is time to move on to a slicker option – that is liquid cooling.

Components of a Liquid Cooling System

The liquid coolant comes first, and a popular option is distilled water. Chemical additives (antifreeze solutions) give it that snazzy color and help lower the temperature of the water, increasing its effectiveness. An interesting variant is liquid nitrogen. With a boiling temperature of -196°C, it beats water in every aspect. But the recommended use of liquid nitrogen is strictly for smaller overclocking sessions. A reservoir is the tank that stores the coolant. You need a pump that helps the liquid to flow smoothly. This pump is available in variations that help you fix it outside the reservoir, or submerge it. The radiator is used to absorb the