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Webinar Series Part 2: Building a data foundation.

You have established your marketing attribution game plan and want to measure performance across all channels. This means you’ll need to incorporate a variety of data sets, both digital and offline. How do you prepare your data to get to the results you want to see?

Taking your marketing attribution game plan to the next level requires pulling all the pieces together to get greater clarity on performance, within and across channels. This is where a data-driven marketing attribution solution enters the game. In this second of the five-webinar series, you’ll learn the key considerations when collecting and integrating data into your attribution platform to drive big results.

In this webinar you’ll learn how to:

  • Define unified tracking across URL parameters and begin prepping data sets
  • Dynamically integrate tracking with ad servers
  • Validate your data to make sure tracking is working properly
  • Incorporate data from offline channels like TV, Direct Mail, and Call Centers


Marketing Attribution Webinar Series Part 2: Building a Data Foundation

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