

Economy's real numbers don't paint a pretty picture for the federal government

There's a figure you rarely hear the prime minister or treasurer mention when they discuss the economy. It's wages' share of our national income.

There's good reason for the government's reluctance to publicise the numbers. They don't paint a pretty picture.

The latest calculation shows the share of national income flowing to employees has dropped from 62.7 per cent in the mid-1970s to 52.3 per cent in the December quarter of 2016.

Over the same period the share of national income going to profits has risen steadily from 16.5 per cent to 26.5 per cent.

The column of statistics the government likes to highlight is the one that shows 25 years of continuous economic growth.

Thanks to the Rudd/Swan stimulus package Australia avoided the recession that swept the world in 2008 and has managed to post a record breaking run of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth figures.


Over the years the electorate has been told by both Labor and Coalition politicians that this growth is all that matters. As long as the cake is getting bigger we are all better off.

But it's a lie and a large proportion of the population knows it.

Put simply the wealth has flowed to a relatively small number of people.

Yes, superannuation funds have a share in some of the companies that are reaping in the profits and yes, this is a way of spreading benefits to the general population.

But it's not enough.

The business community's focus on increasing profits and driving down costs is the major reason for disquiet around the world.

Low wage growth and job insecurity is all the evidence we need to know that the impact is being felt here in Australia.

The lack of consideration for the workforce is evident across the board. BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto management choose to introduce driverless trucks to shift ore because it benefits shareholders. With increasing unemployment in Western Australia, they choose not to employ truck drivers.

This process of automation has been going on for decades but as long as it only affected blue collar workers in factories, warehouses or on the waterfront it did not bother most middle class commentators who wrote about the economy.

The technological change hit my industry, newspapers, in the late 1970s. In 1978 I joined a small number of colleagues to produce a booklet Computers vs Journalists – Who wins? which was prompted by the automation at Fairfax's Sydney operations that cost about 400 printers' jobs.

In the pamphlet we tackled the employers' argument that journalists should be pleased with the automation because the new technology would "guarantee" job security for journalists.

"Help get rid of the printers and you've got a job for life," they said. "The increased profits we make will ensure the long term viability for newspapers and jobs for journalists will be secure."

We now know now how true that claim was.

Today even financial journalists who have spent most of their career arguing on behalf of business recognise the danger posed by automation.

In a recent article in The Australian business writer Alan Kohler suggested that we tackle the coming problem by having a Universal Basic Income funded by taxes on robots.

".. it simply won't cut it," he said, "to say that the first Industrial Revolution turned out OK — that the Luddites worried too much. The common line that economic growth in the 19th century meant that those who were displaced by mechanical looms and steam power eventually got jobs is rubbish. They just died — poor and young, mostly from the lack of sanitary and medical technology."

He's right about the industrial revolution but I can't say I agree with his Universal Basic Income proposal. Paying people to do nothing has all sorts of negative effects.

Job sharing must be part of the solution.

So too progressive taxation, with worldwide action to shut down tax havens and close tax loopholes.

And we must also amend the legislation which states that company directors' primary duty is to their shareholders.

Companies must earn a profit but it's time that directors thought beyond the bottom line.

If they don't, others are likely to come up with unwelcome proposals.

The mining industry fiercely resisted the Labor government's super profit tax. Now they face Western Australian National Party leader Brendon Grylls' much simpler proposal to hit them with a $5 per tonne iron ore tax.

Having proposed a similar levy myself, when the mining industry refused to see reason and accept a super profits tax, I must say that they deserve what they get.

But the state Labor opposition seems reluctant to take up the proposal, even as a bargaining position.

Meanwhile the federal government and the corporate sector are taking us in the wrong direction, arguing that we need to cut corporate taxes to make Australian business internationally competitive and quietly rejoicing that the poorest sections of the workforce will have their penalty rates cut.

Labor is out to exploit the Fair Work Commission's decision on penalty rates for all its worth, but there's little in its policy prescriptions to convince us that it has a solution to the coming employment threat.

In a speech last week, shadow treasurer Chris Bowen quoted The Economist, saying that the most important thing to do was devise policies that spread the benefits of globalisation more widely, and also the New Statesman. saying that growth had not been shared fairly.

In an interview on the ABC, he said he wanted a more progressive tax system and pointed to Labor's policy to rein in the benefits from negative gearing and capital gains.

He said 50 per cent of the benefit from negative gearing went to the top 10 per cent of income earners and 77 per cent of the benefit from capital gains went to the top 10 per cent of income earners.

This is a start, but we'll need a lot more original thinking and policy development to ensure that what we produce is fairly shared.