Fr. Z’s PODCAzT Page

My humble offerings and rants.

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152 16-11-24 Bishop Athanasius Schneider on the Five Dubia of the Four Cardinals
151 16-08-12 Pius X’s encyclical On Teaching Christian Doctrine
150 16-07-30 Leo XIII on Right Christian Conduct and  the “bent of our age”
149 16-07-18 Interview with Fr. Richard Heilman – Part 2
148 16-07-09 Interview with Fr. Richard Heilman – Part 1
147 16-07-04 Fulton J. Sheen on “Patriotism”
146 16-05-10 Spinello: “Does Amoris laetitia Retreat from Absolute Moral Norms?”
145 16-04-27 Athanasius Schneider on ‘Amoria laetitia
144 16-04-18 Pope Francis’ ‘Amoris laetitia‘, Ch. 4: “Love in marriage”
143 16-04-09 Fulton J. Sheen – “In the face of this false broadmindedness, what the world needs is intolerance.”
142 16-03-21 It’s Nazi Germany, it’s 1937, you are Catholic, and you are afraid.  Mit brennender Sorge!
141 16-01-28 Two Prayers of St. Thomas Aquinas
140 16-01-25 Paul VI’s 1966 Letter Sacrificium laudis on the use of Latin and Gregorian chant by religious



139 14-05-22 20th Anniversary of ‘Ordinatio Sacerdotalis’, on the ordination of women


138 13-12-24 Christmas Poetry Experiment
137 13-09-22 Augustine on bad pastors; Sermon in the wake of Pope Francis’ interview
136 13-07-19 John XXIII opens Vatican II – ‘Gaudet Mater Ecclesia’ – optimism and naïveté, error and continuity
135 13-07-07 Encyclical Letter “Lumen fidei” – AUDIO of encyclical


134 12-11-25 Christ the King, the Collect, and a listener’s question
133 12-11-13  Reparation for Sin – Pius XI’s Miserentissimus Redemptor
132 12-06-24 Ratzinger on Conscience and Truth – Part 3
131 12-06-23 Ratzinger on Conscience and Truth – Part 2
130 12-06-22 Ratzinger on Conscience and Truth – Part 1
129 12-06-20 Of the solstice, and The Baptist, and summer poems
128 12-02-22 “Veterum sapientia”! 50th Anniversary. On Latin in the Church.
127 12-01-20 The Eve of St Agnes and a Bleak Midwinter
126 12-01-19 Benedict XVI’s important address to US Bishops on Religious Freedom and the Church in the Public Square
125 12-01-08 The liturgical year and who we are. Season Appropriate Poems.


124 11-11-26 Advent EF and OF hymns for vespers compared
123 11-11-20 The Liturgical Year and a Custom
122 11-06-24 Corpus Christi – the whole nine yards
121 11-06-18 Trinity Sunday – the whole nine yards
120 11-06-08 Pentecost – the whole nine yards – WDTPRS POLL
119 11-05-20 The Holy Name and Blasphemy
118 11-02-22 Benedict XVI’s Message for Lent; Fr. Z on love and on Peter
117 11-02-21 What the Catholic Church really says about same-sex unions
116 11-02-14 Toward a true ecumenism – Mortalium animos
115 11-01-16 Singing the Eucharistic Prayer; Fr. Z sings and rants
114 11-01-07 Sing those Litanies!


113 10-12-12 More winter poems
112 10-12-08 Winter poems
111 10-12-23 4th Eucharistic Prayer; don Camillo (Part IX); digressions included
110 10-08-19 Learning the Roman Canon in Latin for Seminarians
109 10-08-17 A dust up in ancient Carthage and parishes that schism
108 10-07-23 The new translation of the 3rd Eucharistic Prayer; Fr. Z digresses and rants
107 10-07-01 Most Precious Blood and your sins; Interview with Fr. Finigan
106 10-06-25 John Henry Newman’s Kindly Light
105 10-06-24 Augustine on the Baptist; don Camillo (Part VIII)
104 10-05-28 A glimpse of heaven, “the Love that moves the sun and other stars”
103 10-05-24 The new translation of the 2nd Eucharist Prayer; Fr. Z digresses and rants
102 10-05-21 Exploring the new English translation of the Roman Canon; voicemail
101 10-05-15 Preface for Ascension

100 10-04-18 Benedict XVI, Pius XII, Justin Martyr and Fr. Z rants about liturgical abuse
099 10-03-02 Archbp. Chaput’s Houston Speech on The Vocation of Christians in American Public Life
098 10-01-04 A chat with Fr. Finigan; a special Epiphany blessing


097 09-12-07 Ambrose to a new bishop; In The Bleak Midwinter
096 09-12-03 A saint for the “digital continent”; don Camillo (Part VII)
095 09-11-24 40 years ago… Paul VI on the eve of the Novus Ordo (Part III)
094 09-11-20 40 years ago… Paul VI on the eve of the Novus Ordo (Part II)
093 09-11-16 40 years ago… Paul VI on the eve of the Novus Ordo
092 09-10-04 Gregory the Great to bishops on preaching the hard stuff; Harvest Moon
091 09-09-09 A hymn dissected “Te lucis ante terminum”; don Camillo (Part VI)
090 09-09-05 St. Leo on the beatitudes; the sacred, sacrilege and reparation
089 09-08-31 Imitation of Christ on temptation and consolation, Fr. Z rambles about the world, the flesh and the devil
088 09-06-11 Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart; Leo XIII’s Annum Sacrum
087 09-06-03 Veni Sancte Spiritus – The Pentecost Sequence dissected
086 09-05-30 Year for Priests; Pius IX on priests, Mass and Holy Days of obligation
085 09-05-03 Gregory the Great on the Good Shepherd
084 09-04-30 St. Pius V and Quo primum
083 09-04-19 St. Augustine on the challenge of remaining faithful
082 09-03-19 St. Joseph: a hymn dissected & sermon of Bernardine of Siena
081 09-03-13 Benedict XVI’s Letter on SSPX excomms; your voicemail
080 09-03-07 Gaudium et spes 9-10; don Camillo (Part V); SSPXer voicemail
079 09-03-01 Augustine on your solidarity with Christ; your voicemail
078 09-01-31 A Vespers hymn dissected “O Lux Beata Trinitas”; Fr. Z on the SSPX


077 08-12-16 An Advent hymn dissected “Vox clara”, with digressions
076 08-12-07 An Advent hymn dissected “Verbum supernum prodiens“, with digressions
075 08-12-04 An Advent hymn dissected “Conditor alme siderum“; Fr. Z digresses far afield
074 08-11-26 A hymn to Christ the King dissected – before and after Vatican II; a proclamation; “Sieze the Day” in Scots
073 08-11-16 Augustine on Ps. 95(96) and Fr. Z on how to avoid going to Hell
072 08-11-11 The death of St. Martin; starlings, cuckolds, bell ringing and a skull
071 08-11-06 “Faith inscribed across your heart”: Benedict on Cyril of Jerusalem & Cyril on faith, your treasure
070 08-11-01 Venerable Bede on All Saints; a collage; don Camillo (Part IV)
069 08-10-30 Augustine on Ps 103; Benedictines can sing!
068 08-08-04 Interview – Fr. Tim Finigan on the Oxford TLM conference; don Camillo (Part III)
067 08-07-29 St. Augustine on Martha, active v. contemplative lives; don Camillo (part II)
066 08-07-25 don Camillo (part I): VM – advice on getting TLMs & “pro multis”
065 08-07-19 St. Ambrose “On mysteries”; Interview: Fr. Robert Pasley
064 08-07-15 Bonaventure on Christ “the door”; Interview – Fr. Timothy Finigan
063 08-07-12 Interview: Fr. Justin Nolan, FSSP; consecrated hands, Holy Communion and the Rite of Baptism
062 08-06-26 Interviews with and by Fr. Z; What has Bp. Fellay really said?
061 08-05-17 Pope Leo I on a post-Pentecost weekday; Fr. Z rambles not quite aimlessly for a while
060 08-05-16 Pentecost customs; St. Ambrose on the dew of the Holy Spirit
059 08-05-15 Leo the Great on Pentecost fasting; Benedict XVI’s sermon for Pentecost Sunday
058 08-05-14 Ember Days; Chrysostom on St. Matthias; Prayer to the Holy Spirit
057 08-05-13 John Paul II on the unforgivable sin; Our Lady of Fatima and the vision of Hell
056 08-05-12 Octaves – Fr. Z rants & Augustine on Pentecost
055 08-05-03 Tertullian, again; Fr. Rutler and Fr. Z on Archbp. Marini’s book
054 08-04-29 Pro-Abortion Politicians and Communion; St. Ambrose and Emperor Theodosius
053 08-03-31 Annunciation – St. Leo the Great; some voicemail Q&A
052 08-03-06 CDF on valid Baptisms, Michael Davies on valid post-conciliar Orders
051 08-02-25 Communion in the hand
050 08-02-22 St. Leo the Great on Peter; Fr. Lang on the Cathedra of Peter
049 08-01-06 Leo the Great on Epiphany; Lefebvre compared to Athanasius; feedback
048 08-01-01 Athanasius on Mary and Christ; Gamber, Schuler and turned around altars


047 07-10-25 Augustine on how to pray; how to treat newcomers at the older Mass
046 07-10-08 Gregory the Great on when pastors should SPEAK UP; priests and getting your way
045 07-09-28 Augustine on pastors; my Motu Proprio sermon in England; chapel veils
044 07-08-27 St. Monica dies, Augustine weeps; Pope Benedict greets American seminarians
043 07-08-23 Benedict XVI on Mass “toward the Lord” and a prayer by St. Augustine
042 07-08-10 St. Augustine on St. Lawrence and how to be a Christian
041 07-08-09 Ratzinger on liturgical silence; silent Eucharist Prayer
040 07-08-02 Eusebius of Vercelli in exile; my column in The Wanderer on detractors of Summorum Pontificum
039 07-07-27 St. Augustine on Christ the Mediator; “for all” or “for many”?
038 07-07-25 Ratzinger on “active participation”; The Sabine Farm; Merry del Val’s music
037 07-07-18 The position of the altar and the priest’s “back to the people”
036 07-06-24 St. Augustine on John the Baptist; Ut queant laxis
035 07-06-17 Cyprian on the Our Father; MP Rules of Engagement
034 07-06-09 St. Thomas Aquinas on the Eucharist; Mass in heaven? No!
033 07-06-03 Augustine on loving “too late”; the Trinity; leaving Roma
032 07-05-28 Gregory the Great on Job; rubrics; sacred music
031 07-05-25 Hilary on the the gift of baptism; valid and invalid sacraments
030 07-05-19 Augustine on Peter & John; singing a Tridentine Requiem; St. Peter Celestine V
029 07-05-18 Leo’s mind blowing Ascension sermon; angels
028 07-05-17 Augustine on the Ascension; Card. Castrillion on the Motu Proprio
027 07-05-16 Leo on the Ascension; a Collect; feedback
026 07-05-12 Augustine on the Alleluia; Catholic pro-abortion politicians & Communion
025 07-05-06 Maximus of Turin, missing Motu Proprio, my gratitude
024 07-05-04 Insomnia and Clement of Rome
023 07-05-03 Tertullian on heretics and 5 May for the Motu Proprio
022 07-05-01 Peter Chrysologus on your priesthood; fear and love
021 07-04-22 Leo the Great on Peter – Msgr. Schuler
020 07-04-19 Leo the Great and Benedict – Habemus Papam!
019 07-04-17 Fulgentius ad Monimum; the Historical Critical Method
018 07-04-15 Augustine to the newly baptized
017 07-04-07 Exsultet
016 07-04-06 Tenebrae factae sunt – Good Friday
015 07-04-04 Augustine – Christ is Vine and Life
014 07-04-02 St. Augustine on the Lord’s Passion
013 07-04-01 Palm Sunday with St. Andrew of Crete
012 07-03-30 Fulgentius of Ruspe and tools of ancient Rhetoric
011 07-03-27 Augustine – Christ’s voice in our voices, ours in His
010 07-03-25 Leo the Great’s Letter 28 “ad Flavianum” – veiling statues – a “Tridentine” church in Rome
009 07-03-22 Leo on the Passion; Sobrino; confessions on Good Friday
008 07-03-20 Leo the Great on works of mercy in Lent
007 07-03-18 St. Augustine on John 8
006 07-03-12 St. Augustine on the woman at the well
005 07-03-09 Ambrose: De fuga saeculi
004 07-03-06 Augustine’s en. ps. 140
003 07-03-04 Pope Leo the Great on the transfiguration, the moon, etc.
002 07-02-27 St. Cyprian on The Lord’s Prayer
001 07-02-25 1st Sunday of Lent – Augustine on Psalm 61

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One Response to Fr. Z’s PODCAzT Page

  1. Pingback: 10 Nov: Leo the Great | Fr. Z's Blog