If this is bad, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

If a car crash is two vehicles heading in the opposite direction on the same track, then we had the definition of it at the leaders’ debate on Sunday night. Both the press and the two leaders are grappling with the same thing but coming at it from completely opposite directions, and despite all the […]

It is not right for Australians to be forced into a guessing game, and it’s not right for Australians to not face this year with certainty and stability. So in the interests of certainty, in the interest of transparency, in the interest of good governance, I have made the date clear today. J Gillard, January […]

Like a dead fish, a paralysed government soon flips upside down in the water.


Monday, 29 February 2016   State of the parties   5 comments 

Whether it was an insecure Labor party, and now even more insecure cultural warriors, Abbott, mediocre politician he is, just can’t help being made relevant.


Wednesday, 23 December 2015   State of the parties   9 comments 

David Rowe, AFR LEIGH SALES: OK. Let’s whip through a few other things. Your minister, Mal Brough, … MALCOLM TURNBULL: You’ve lost interest in innovation, have you? LEIGH SALES: (Laughs) I haven’t lost interest, but there’s a lotta things to get through and there’s limited time. MALCOLM TURNBULL: Aunty ABC loses interest in innovation. LEIGH […]

In the spirit of inclusiveness Turnbull looks ready to accommodate all positions except his own.


Wednesday, 12 August 2015   Society, State of the parties   25 comments 

Is anyone following this? Good.

Unity is death

Monday, 27 July 2015   State of the parties   4 comments 

The cave-in by the left was not because the left position’s in terms of numbers was weak, but because the leader was weak and the left leadership had to go all out to ensure that he wasn’t embarrassed.


Tuesday, 10 February 2015   State of the parties, Tactics   19 comments 

Turnbull’s waiting until he is drafted really comes from him having no other choice.

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