In the spirit of inclusiveness Turnbull looks ready to accommodate all positions except his own.

There was only one real difference between what happened last week and what the media had been witnessing since Abbott took the leadership – the public gave its verdict.

Barnaby’s game

Friday, 12 February 2010   Political figures, Tactics   7 comments 

Joyce’s act is to portray himself as a rube who, through some stroke of luck, has popped up in the sophisticated Finance portfolio, but being the honest and simple guy he is, still can’t help saying what he really thinks.

It is the potential detachment of Abbott’s Liberals from big business interests that allows Turnbull a possible way back in.

This is all about making the Liberals feel good, not the government feel bad.

Crunch time – again

Tuesday, 24 November 2009   State of the parties   4 comments 

This is an establishment party fighting for its political existence but with nothing but a bogus scientific debate and the most anti-establishment segment of society to base it on.

Joyce’s position reflects the stance of those who don’t have much to bargain with and would prefer to voice their detachment from something they have no stake in.

Climate change has become the issue that is carrying the Coalition parties downstream not just away from the electorate, but even from their own base.

Playing with their heads

Wednesday, 23 September 2009   Tactics   11 comments 

It is classic Rudd. Not just making a mockery of what was supposed to be the fault-lines of the Australian political system, but locking the opposition increasingly into the international framework that is setting the domestic debate.


Monday, 24 August 2009   State of the parties   5 comments 

In effect, politics has turned upside down. Instead of sections of society looking to get political representation we have political parties looking for someone to represent.

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