Jetting off in search of a program

Saturday, 29 March 2008   International relations  Comments Off on Jetting off in search of a program 

Australia may be ranking 14th or whatever, but international diplomacy is not the City to Bay Fun Run. No-one cares how far down you are in the ranking, you are either in the leading pack or not, and Australia is not.

An irrelevant and useful distraction

Wednesday, 26 March 2008   State of the parties  Comments Off on An irrelevant and useful distraction 

Pushing a merger allows Nelson to turn the Liberals’ irrelevant ideological debate into an irrelevant organisational debate about whether to merge with a rump party in permanent decline.

What Clyde did

Saturday, 22 March 2008   Key posts, Political figures  Comments Off on What Clyde did 

Given it was written by a political reporter who has spent so long cheering the ALP, Alan Ramsay’s latest article shows a remarkable naivety of how that party works and, indeed, of politics in general.

The coming political recession – an update

Monday, 17 March 2008   State of the parties  Comments Off on The coming political recession – an update 

The row about the carers’ bonus is a sign that government strategy to create an inflation scare so as to clamp down on ALP spending expectations has largely run its course.

A realignment, not a honeymoon

Monday, 10 March 2008   State of the parties  Comments Off on A realignment, not a honeymoon 

This is not a honeymoon, this a realignment of Australian politics.

The tragic fate of a modern Conservative leader

Friday, 7 March 2008   Key posts, Political figures  Comments Off on The tragic fate of a modern Conservative leader 

Howard’s problem was that not only had the union movement clearly had its day but we also had here a Labor Prime Minister to tell everyone the fact.

Bursting the bubble

Tuesday, 4 March 2008   Key posts, Tactics  Comments Off on Bursting the bubble 

Right-wing cultural ‘warriors’ like Ackerman may comfort themselves that Rudd’s government has so far been about making symbolic gestures, but in reality he has been doing the reverse.