Investor splurge puts pressure back on banks, APRA

High rise developers propping up prices by buying back apartments, research reveals
High rise developers propping up prices by buying back apartments, research reveals

Banks are almost certain to come under growing pressure to rein in lending after an explosion in investor borrowing confirms regulators are at risk of losing control of an overheating property market.

Experts have warned that unless a rapid re-acceleration in investor lending is countered, the Reserve Bank may also be forced to hike official interest rates sooner than it wants to, potentially undermining a broader economic expansion by crunching heavily indebted households and driving up the dollar.

Official figures published on Friday showed housing approvals rocketed to a record in January, with the value of money lent to investors surging 4.2 per cent in the month.

Over the year, lending to investors has now lurched up 27.5 per cent, just as the proportion of loans to first-time buyers fell to 13.4 per cent, which is close to the lowest rate in almost 13 years.

Evidence that investors are shaking off regulators' attempts to cool the market in late 2015 and early 2016 come amid disagreement within the government over whether to pare back the capital gains discount for property investors in the May budget.

There is now considerable internal resistance to the move because many ministers are loath to let the country's overall tax-to-gross domestic product ratio rise.

Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen said the figures confirmed the government's "do nothing credo" on housing was locking first-time buyers out of the market.

"Any housing affordability package that excludes reforms to negative gearing and the capital gains tax discount will be a complete sham and fail to deal with these risks in the housing market and Australian economy," Mr Bowen said.

Renewed alarm about the pace of investment lending came as new analysis showed that high-rise developers are propping up prices by repurchasing apartments that might otherwise be sold on the open market at a lower price.

Apartments put on the open market within 12 to 18 months of completion are often being resold for up to 30 per cent less than the original sale price, a reduction including transaction costs and off the plan tax savings, valuers' analysis of sales in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane reveal.

Bill Evans, Westpac's chief economist, has repeatedly warned that regulators will need to adopt even more stringent so-called "macro prudential policies to slow housing in the second half" of this year.

Analysis by Westpac shows Friday's figures imply lending to investors is now "getting close" to the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority's 10 per cent speed-limit for annual growth in lending to the sector.

APRA bases its limit on figures for actual loans taken out – which reached an annual pace of 6.6 per cent in January. Friday's figures for the same month were for loan commitments.

"Lenders will either have to start reining in growth in investor loan approvals back to a sub 10 per cent annual pace in coming months or run the risk of sanctions from the regulator," Westpac said in a note to investors.

At the same time, with property prices surging more than 18 per cent in Sydney over the past year through January, there are growing signs of market manipulation by developers.

"Developers often do not want their high-rise apartments to go on the open market until they are all sold," said Tony Kelly, managing director of valuation group Herron Todd White (Melbourne), which has been monitoring prices. "An apartment sold on the open market for a lower price could tarnish the brand."

The apartments were typically originally sold to off-the-plan buyers by commission-earning property spruikers between 12 months and three years ago and are coming up for completion, which means buyers have to make final payments to complete the deal.

Many were sold to foreign buyers, particularly from mainland China, who often use them to offshore assets.

Ming Li, a director of Aussie Home Real Estate, claims up to 80 per cent of mainland buyers "would like to get their deposit back and walk away from the deal".

Dr Li said foreign buyers had been hit by a crackdown on local banks lending to overseas' borrowers, capital export restrictions by Chinese authorities and falling value of the apartments.

"Our clients are asking for settlements to be postponed for six months," Dr Li, whose company specialises in offshore and mainland buyers, said. "The developers have no choice but to agree."

Overseas buyers are hoping for a relaxation of banking and capital tightening or the availability of alternative finance.

Hong Kong and Singapore funds are offering interest rates of between 7 and 8 per cent. Some developers are providing vendor finance of between 6 and 7 per cent.

Citigroup, which has a high profile in Asia and is a popular source of funding, is limiting overseas mortgage lending to elite high-net-worth clients with minimum deposits or investments of $250,000 because of concerns about its capacity to handle the number of applications after the withdrawal of most other major Australian banks.

Local Chinese language websites are also reselling apartments with discounts of up to 10 per cent, which is typically what the original buyer paid for the deposit.

Described as 'nomination platforms', they enable the original purchaser to nominate a new buyer.

Westpac chief executive Brian Hartzer has singled out the glut of apartments being sold by Chinese buyers as a major risk for the Australian real estate market, adding that the property developments are being monitored.

Appearing before the House Economics Committee review into Australia's four major banks, Mr Hartzer said that Chinese buyers had created an overhang of lower-quality apartments along the east coast.

The major banks and Australian Prudential Regulation Authority have recently increased pressure on high-rise project funding by requiring on-site valuations of apartments before settlement and stepping up scrutiny of project finance.

Nicholas Smedley, managing director of Steller, a property developer specialising in medium density apartments, said the problem appeared to be with high-rise apartments.

"We manage purchase expectations from start to finish," Mr Smedley said. "We contact purchasers every other month to discuss the project and financing options." He said in the last three months of 2016 only one buyer out of 178 apartment purchases had withdrawn from a sale. About 10 per cent of purchasers were offshore.

Mike Zissler, chief executive of the Australian Property Institute, which has been working with major lenders to improve final valuations of high-rise apartments before settlement, said: "The property industry is tightening standards and reducing risk."

The Herron Todd White analysis reveals a fall in apartment prices of between 10-20 per cent in the 18 months between when the apartment was purchased off the plan and resale. That could mean a $130,000 loss on a $650,000 apartment. Stamp duty, legal fees and agent's fees could add another 10 per cent in costs and losses.

"It is difficult to identity an overall average fall because the market is so diverse," says Robert Papaleo, national executive director of Charter Keck Cramer, a property advisory company. "But 30 per cent would be exceptional and reflect that off the plan contracts attract stamp duty savings [in some states]," he said.