Born CEO: Orica's Alberto Calderon

Alberto Calderon, chief executive of explosives maker Orica.
Alberto Calderon, chief executive of explosives maker Orica. Wayne Taylor

The mining and resources sector in Australia would look very different today if circumstances hadn’t conspired to change the course of Alberto Calderon’s career. Calderon seemed destined to become chief executive of BHP Billiton or, in another life, perhaps president of Colombia.

In the early 1990s, the blue-blooded Colombian had a budding career in politics that led to an appointment as a junior minister at the age of 30 in the government of César Gaviria, who was mired at the time in a bloody war with drug king Pablo Escobar.

Concerned for his young family, Calderon made the switch to a corporate career and came to the attention of Marius Kloppers, who in 2006 was one of BHP’s rising stars. As well as being Calderon’s boss, he became a friend and his greatest mentor.

Within six years, Calderon was pitching to the BHP board in a two-horse race to become Kloppers’ replacement as chief executive. His plan was to continue Kloppers’ bold legacy and aggressively expand the miner into middle-income commodities such as copper to capitalise on growing demand in India and China.

BHP Billiton chief Andrew Mackenzie and chairman Jac Nasser.
BHP Billiton chief Andrew Mackenzie and chairman Jac Nasser. Louie Douvis

But Calderon says he and BHP chairman Jac Nasser had different views of the world. Eventual victor Andrew Mackenzie prevailed with his radical board pitch to shrink the company to greatness. Two years later, BHP was broken up with the $11 billion demerger of base metal and coal miner South32.

Calderon was told he was too close to Kloppers and his services were no longer required. The Ivy League economist battled to stay in the country, successfully invested in private equity and was progressing as a candidate for a job as the CEO at a major US oil and gas company when BHP director Malcolm Broomhead (a former Orica CEO who became its chairman in 2016) recommended him to the board of the global explosives giant.

The Orica board embraced Calderon as a director and emergency CEO. Only 15 months later, the wisdom of his appointment became apparent, when Orica’s chief executive Ian Smith unleashed an abusive tirade at the head of investor relations, Karen McRae, setting in train a chain of events that handed Calderon his shot at running a global empire.

“I had been told by the chairman [Peter Duncan] I could be an emergency CEO because there was a feeling there was nobody inside, so every company needs an emergency CEO if the CEO is hit by a bus, but that was just because of my executive experience,” the genial giant Calderon explains to BOSS at Orica’s Melbourne headquarters overlooking the gardens at the State Parliament, downplaying the remarkable events which followed.

Smith’s meltdown

David Rowe

When The Australian Financial Review’s Chanticleer column broke the story in March 2015 that McRae and Orica’s head of corporate communications Miche Paterson had resigned in the wake of Smith’s outburst, the board initially stonewalled and asked Smith to stay for six months until a replacement could be found.

However, once the high-profile resignations and Smith’s personal abuse and swearing became public, the board was forced to act and Smith was cut loose three years into a five-year contract.

Smith was known for his robust style well before he was hired in February 2012, with former chairman Duncan and director Russell Caplan – who became chairman in 2014 – admitting they were seeking a change agent to deal with the 2000 job cuts and $1.65 billion in write-downs that were to follow after profits hit their lowest mark in seven years in 2012.

When the scandal hit, Duncan and Caplan turned to their emergency CEO, who was known to be a brilliant analyst and a gentleman, to steer the company through the public relations disaster. It wasn’t long before the board confirmed that Calderon – away attending his father’s state funeral when the crisis hit (Jose Calderon had been a commander-in-chief of the Colombian air force) – should be installed as their permanent CEO.

Orica chairman Malcolm Broomhead.
Orica chairman Malcolm Broomhead. Louie Douvis

“Someone with Alberto’s stature, having been in government and clearly done very well in the United States, understands North and South America and they are very important markets for Orica, so Alberto is a terrific fit,” says Broomhead, who in late 2015 became Orica’s third chairman in just two years as the company sought to respond to the Smith controversy.

“Orica is a truly international company, it has operations in over 50 countries in the world and sells into a lot more, primarily serving the resources industry, so getting a chief executive that one, understands the resources industry and secondly, understands international business very well, particularly the different parts of the world culturally, is a great coup for Orica,” Broomhead says.

Battle for BHP

BHP’s decision to appoint Mackenzie changed the future for both Orica and BHP. While Calderon embarks on a major shake-up at Orica, he says BHP chairman Jac Nasser was aligned with Mackenzie’s view that BHP needed to become smaller, more efficient and more productive.

Michelle Mossop

A break-up of BHP couldn’t have been further from Calderon’s pitch to the board: “The whole world is going towards middle-income commodities, which means you want to go away from coal, go more aggressively into copper and more aggressively into [mergers and acquisitions].”

These were polar extremes in strategy – with Nasser and Mackenzie on one side and Kloppers and Calderon on the other.

Fellow BHP director Broomhead declined to be drawn on the boardroom politics or revelations in The Australian Financial Review’s Rear Window that caused controversy.

The story described how Mackenzie had received help preparing his successful boardroom pitch (contrary to a board letter to the two candidates) from New York advisory firm Teneo, run by Declan Kelly who has been described as one of Nasser’s best mates.

Orica plans to reduce its ammonium nitrate production capacity at Yarwun
Orica plans to reduce its ammonium nitrate production capacity at Yarwun Photo: Orica

“The most important relationship in a company is between the chairman and the CEO,” says Calderon, who ran many of the BHP assets that were spun into South32. I think for the BHP shareholders it was better to get someone who was aligned to the chairman more and I’m quite happy here because I am aligned with the chairman [Broomhead].

“I wasn’t aligned to the chairman [Nasser] then, so I think that was the right decision for the company; we had different views of the world, that’s fine, things happen for a reason.”

Calderon, whose qualifications include a PhD in economics and a master’s degree from Yale, was also seen by the BHP board as too close in leadership style and vision to the assiduous Kloppers. “We [Calderon and Kloppers] are very close personally but as a person he is very introverted. I am not extroverted but I’m much more a people person. I am very close to him in his vision,” Calderon says.

One infamous anecdote suggests Calderon once averted an explosion at BHP’s Hillside aluminium smelter after he noticed an anomaly buried in reams of spreadsheet data. “I am a [quantitative analyst], everything is numbers,” Calderon admits.

“What you can’t measure you can’t really talk about. If you go to a big coal operation, it is 50 numbers … and you know if it’s well-operated or not. There is no time for bullshit, you just say, ‘Tell me what your availability is, tell me what your reliability is, tell me what is your throughput here’,” he says. “People know that if they tell me a number I would remember it six months later.”

Structure and people

At Orica, the contrast in style couldn’t be more extreme between the strident change agent Smith and the intellectual Calderon, who says he arrived to find unhappy employees, frustrated customers and angry shareholders.

“We had the issues of the culture, we had issues with customers not happy, a theme of ‘arrogant Orica’ and all that; investors were pretty upset. For five years we were not doing as we said we were going to do, [there were] too many surprises,” Calderon says.

Alberto Calderon, in pool right, with his children and father, Jose.
Alberto Calderon, in pool right, with his children and father, Jose.

“With the customers we are OK, but we are not good. So there is a lot to do, we have to move the company to another level,” he says.

Calderon began shaping the explosive maker with a series of executive appointments and transforming Smith’s command and control model into regional hubs with financial accountability. “I went to Santiago, Chile, and they said they have just named our head of HR in Melbourne, then I go to North America and they tell me, ‘We don’t see our costs, we only see our revenue’. I say, ‘What’s your EBIT?’ They say, ‘Oh no, the only guy who saw our EBIT was the CEO,’ ” Calderon says.

“How can you demand performance if you’re not accountable? So we changed first people, then structure and said we are going to have four regions. You don’t want anarchy and regions that do whatever they want and regions approving investments and no capital discipline, so you want a combination. The top companies in the world have that, they have empowered regions but there is some discipline around the functions.”

To give you a real sense of what Calderon means, the new CEO says there were 850 individuals in the supply business that reported routinely to the central office. There will now be 30, with the other 820 reporting to  regional offices. His chairman, Broomhead, is clearly on the same page: “When you have 450 different operating sites around the world it’s very important to enable the people running those sites to be empowered to make decisions as they arise, you can’t refer all the decisions back to Melbourne, therefore it’s very important to be clear on what the performance parameters are and that the culture is right.”

Calderon has imported significant talent and ideas from BHP, with more than 70 per cent of the top executives new or promoted in a major shake-up, including chief financial officer and former BHP executive Thomas Schutte, former BHP executive coal and copper Darryl Cuzzubbo, legal secretary and former BHP lawyer Kirsten Gray, Angus Melbourne from Schlumberger and Andrew Rosengren from Rio Tinto.

Calderon says he has benefited from Aussies wanting to return home after the mining boom and has been able to attract people he would never have been able to recruit five years ago. In turn, they have brought in new blood in what Calderon calls a virtuous circle.

Broomhead says: “It’s a real sign of a good leader when that leader surrounds him or herself with people that are at least as qualified or better than they are, I think that shows a lot of self-confidence and that he is looking to build the company, not just during his tenure but in the long run.”

Culture and performance

Jose Calderon, Alberto Calderon's father, a former comander in chief of the Colombian air force.
Jose Calderon, Alberto Calderon's father, a former comander in chief of the Colombian air force. supplied

After changing Orica’s structure and leadership group, Calderon set about tackling the company’s culture and performance.

“I am fact-based, so we reintroduced the engagement survey,” Calderon says. “The good news was thousands at the base were OK, were happy and motivated and had the tools, the bad news was the top 300 people were very unhappy. You can fix that quickly. If you have thousands of people unmotivated that is much harder.”

Calderon knew while those in head office had borne the brunt of Smith’s abrasive style, bad news had stopped flowing up and the regions needed to be re-empowered and re-engaged. Calderon held town hall meetings with the company’s 11,500 employees and set about building a company charter based on respect, collaboration, transparency and performance, an exercise he says he learnt from former BHP CEO Paul Anderson.

“When I go to places and talk to employees, I say, ‘Whenever you have a doubt, just think of the charter and it will answer it. Should I do this or not? Is it safe? Do they value integrity? Would you be happy if it is published on the front page of the news? If not, don’t do it.’”

In fact, if a question remains over Calderon’s style – who quotes from Ernest Hemingway’s For Whom the Bell Tolls during our interview – one former Orica executive says it is whether Calderon’s intellectual and data-driven approach might be too hands-off at such a critical time for the business.

“We need to have one methodology to evaluate investment and also a black hat team to challenge the assumptions because in an Excel spreadsheet, every project looks fantastic,” Calderon says.

After taking over the reins with profits and share price at seven-year lows, analysts say his greatest challenge will be growing the business.

Orica’s future

Alberto Calderon, with his partner, Ingrid van Dijken.
Alberto Calderon, with his partner, Ingrid van Dijken.

The past decade has been marked by shrinkage and specialisation at Orica, which demerged its consumer paints division, the now ASX-listed Dulux Group, in 2010. It specialised further in 2014 under Smith after selling its chemicals business, now called Ixom, to Blackstone Group for $750 million (Ixom has been tipped to be floated back onto the ASX this year).

Those demergers have left Orica, which traces its roots as an explosives seller to the Victorian goldfields in the 1870s, to focus on supplying the world’s mining companies with explosives, sodium cyanide and other support services.

As with BHP’s South32, Orica’s simplification process occurred as market conditions for the mining industry were deteriorating.

Orica thrives when miners are moving large amounts of waste rock, because to do so they need to blow up large patches of earth.

But when commodity prices slump, as they did through 2014 and 2015, miners often defer waste movement in a bid to reduce unit costs and save money. That scenario ensured several lean years for Orica and its shares duly halved between February 2014 and June 2016.

After an era of rapid simplification, Calderon says the focus is no longer on structural change. Instead he wants Orica to focus on its core explosives business, believing that demand for those products will remain strong as mines get deeper and grades decline. But he wants Orica to dramatically lift its productivity and performance in its core business.

Project breakaway

In response, Calderon has launched Project Breakaway which involves hundreds of staff working on an improvement plan aims to lift Orica’s productivity across the board. “How do we lift, how do we become more efficient, how do we do more with less, how do we buy better? It’s about efficiency and effectiveness,” Calderon says.

Jose Calderon addresses the United Nations Assembly.
Jose Calderon addresses the United Nations Assembly. UN Photo/x

One aspect of Project Breakaway has been to change the way the company interacts with customers, by talking less about technology and more about adding value to their businesses.

“It will take us some years, but we can go to another level with the same explosives business. It’s a journey and it will take us some years, but I am very excited by that journey and what we can do,” says Calderon.

The strategy is finally receiving some help from commodity prices, which have rebounded during the past seven months, and waste removal is on the rise throughout the sector, particularly in Queensland coal.

While it has not yet flowed through to Orica’s reported profits, the company’s shares have risen almost 50 per cent during the past seven months. Despite the turnaround, Calderon faces significant legacy issues, most notably an oversupplied ammonium nitrate market.

Orica curtailed production at its Yarwun plant, which supplies ammonium nitrate to miners in Queensland, in 2015 but is commissioning a new plant at Burrup in Western Australia.

“Wesfarmers already has surplus capacity available in that market and Orica is bringing on additional supply while the market is still soft, so there is an argument here that margins in Australia are probably going to remain subdued on the ammonium nitrate side for some time because of that additional capacity,” says UBS analyst Ramoun Lazar.

“These are high fixed-cost assets, unless you are running on full bore, you do incur higher costs on a per-unit basis.”

Aside from the cyclical ups and downs that come with exposure to commodities such as coal and iron ore, Lazar says it is still unclear where Orica will find substantial growth in the long-term. “There are questions around what is ultimately the longer-term strategy around growing the business,” he says.

Alberto Calderon joined the board of explosives maker Orica after he failed to win the top job at BHP. ⠀ ⠀ “I had been told by the chairman [Peter Duncan] I could be an emergency CEO," he says. ⠀ ⠀ Only 15 months later, the wisdom of his appointment became apparent, when Orica’s chief executive Ian Smith unleashed an abusive tirade at the head of investor relations, Karen McRae, setting in train a chain of events that handed Calderon his shot at running a global empire.⠀ ⠀ Calderon began shaping the explosive maker with a series of executive appointments and transforming Smith’s command and control model into regional hubs with financial accountability.⠀ ⠀ This chart shows the change in share price as the company went switched leaders.⠀ ⠀ Calderon has imported significant talent and ideas from BHP, with more than 70 per cent of the top executives new or promoted in a major shake-up.⠀ ⠀ After taking over the reins with profits and share price at seven-year lows, analysts say his greatest challenge will be growing the business.⠀ ⠀ 📰: Peter Kerr and Patrick Durkin⠀ 🎥: @hewart ⠀ ⠀ #business #leadership #stockmarket #chart

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Calderon maintains there is still room for growth beyond the core mining services business. “It doesn’t mean we are not exploring within our DNA what other things we can do, we are pushing towards much more in tunnelling, much more in civil services, I think Minova [the division that makes foams, resins and support systems for underground work] has an interesting future,” he says of the problematic division restructured last year as a stand-alone business.

Alberto the man

Despite the challenges, the 57-year-old Calderon is determined to succeed and prove those who passed him over at BHP wrong.

Calderon has a distinguished family heritage. His grandfather, Eduardo Zuleta Angel, held various positions in the Colombian government, including minister for foreign affairs, education, justice and defence. He was also Colombia’s ambassador to the US, Peru and Italy, and presided over the first United Nations Assembly where he made the opening speech to the newly formed organisation.

Following in his grandfather’s footsteps, Calderon became vice-minister for education after working in the central bank and at the department of finance. Despite being proud of his achievements, he decided politics wasn’t for him, especially having witnessed first hand the bloody era of drug kingpin Pablo Escobar. “I was there, yes, I had to live with that. It was absolutely awful. It is sad to say it, but we were so happy when he was killed. Drugs, I tell you, what a cancer,” Calderon says in a chilling moment during our interview.

The tennis-mad, dog-loving Colombian (he brings his blue heeler Hunter to the office every Friday) says a career in politics was not for him.

“I just don’t like politics, you see it in every place, including Australia. I had a good salary but never had any savings and when I went out of government I had zero in my bank account. At some point I said, my kids are small, I want my kids to have a good education.” His two children now study in the US.

Calderon left politics and became CEO of major Colombian power company Ecopetrol at the age of 31. From there he was recruited to become CEO of Cerrejón Coal Company (a joint venture between BHP, Glencore and Anglo American).

“One day I got a call from [Marius] Kloppers, who said, ‘I’d love you to come and work for BHP,’ and I said, ‘Let’s meet.’ It was typical Kloppers, I had never met him but I ended up with BHP in London in 2006 and then as always you need luck and talent. One year later he was CEO and then he brought me into his job, which was chief commercial officer; then I was four years in Melbourne and [former BHP chair] Don Argus insisted I come to Melbourne.”

After facing endless sliding door moments, ambition, luck and talent have finally delivered Calderon the top job in his adopted home of Melbourne. It’s a role he seems to have been preparing for all his life.

“I became CEO of a power company, it was the third-largest company in Colombia [Ecopetrol] because they needed someone they could trust and that is when I said, ‘That’s what I like: working with large groups of people, companies and steering them to another place.’ ”

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