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Exclusion, globalism, and the Church

I have another piece about globalism, exclusion, inclusiveness, and the Pope in Crisis Magazine.


Identity and the civilization of the West

I just published an essay on identity as part of a symposium put on by the Sydney Traditionalist Forum.


A turning point in the culture war?

Speculations on the meaning and uses of the Trump victory, just published in Crisis Magazine.


A Catholic populism?

I have a piece in Catholic World Report on the current wave of populism and what Catholics should do about it.


What is "pro-life"?

I poke at the term and explore its usage in my latest column at Catholic World Report. The thought at the end, about how modern ways of thinking divide into liberalism devoid of reality and conservatism devoid of soul, needs to be developed.


The evaporation of truth

I discuss the disappearance of truth in social life today at Crisis Magazine.


Books read in 2016

I contribute to a symposium on “best books read in 2016” at Catholic World Report.


Progressive derangement syndrome

I discuss the topic in connection with Brexit and the recent US election at Crisis Magazine.


How many cheers for capitalism?

I consider Christian objections to “capitalism” in my latest at Catholic World Report.


Liberalism and social issues

Here’s a talk I gave to the H. L. Mencken Club a couple weeks ago, published at Crisis Magazine.


Comments on the election

Looking forward there’s a lot to do. Part of an insta-symposium at Chronicles.


Dictatorship and relativism

What sense does it make to speak of a “dictatorship of relativism? I discuss the point in Catholic World Report.


When love, mercy, and dignity lose their meaning

My new piece at Crisis Magazine deals with the Christian and the secular liberal understandings of those things.


More on marginalization and its paradoxes

Once more I discuss marginalization at Crisis Magazine, this time with an emphasis on its inevitability and its growth under a regime of global inclusiveness.


Norms, abnormality, and false liberation

I have a column in the current Catholic World Report on the effects of normalizing sexual oddity.


The technocratic war on traditional identities

Such is the title of my latest column over at Catholic World Report.


In praise of exclusion and marginalization

I have a piece on some such topic over at Crisis Magazine.


Liberalism vs the good

There’s an interview with me on that topic over at The Ordeal of Consciousness.


Brexit, Trump, and identity

That’s the topic of my latest column in Catholic World Report. There are cracks in the post-identitarian global order, and it’s driving people bonkers.


What to do in odd circumstances

I talk about American Catholics, the Benedict Option, and the Overton window in my latest piece at Catholic World Report.



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